Very Skeptical

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Very Skeptical

Postby lolwtf1 » November 26th, 2008, 5:27 am

I was very skeptical about this whole thing, and I decided to give it a try. I got the female orgasm one, and put on my earphones and continued playing a game. as I was listening the urge to do anything got less and less and I ended up turning off my moniter so I could focus fully. Shortly after it felt like I couldnt move very easily, and I kept thinking to myself "well I can move if I really want to and break this thing" but I never did. as the orgasm part happened in the tape I could feel myself breathing heavily and I felt something, I couldnt describe it though.

Did it work? I want to try it again.

Any other tapes to suggest for orgasm? (I am a male)
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Joined: November 26th, 2008, 1:00 am

Re: Very Skeptical

Postby dharden » November 26th, 2008, 7:09 am

lolwtf1 wrote:Did it work?

It would seem so.

While different people experience trance in different ways, feeling as though you could move if you wanted to, but that you don't want to and/or that it's too much trouble is fairly common.

It sounds as if you felt something, and just as there's no One Right Way to feel while in trance, there's no One Right Way to react to a guided fantasy such as that. Guided or not, it's still your fantasy.

I want to try it again.

Yeah, I can understand that. (G)
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Postby diapers_forever » November 26th, 2008, 10:55 pm

You could move--if you wanted to.

Hypnosis doesn't truly stop you from moving--it just makes you not want to move. Same with any deep relaxation.
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Postby MacGyver » November 30th, 2008, 7:02 pm

you mean like when i listen to any file by EMG, i know i could move, but think, why should i use that energy when i could have the pleasureable sensations of trance. :lol:
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