Why do you listen to hypnosis files?

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Why do you listen to hypnosis files?

Postby michaelb15 » February 1st, 2009, 9:01 pm

personally now I listen just for the plesure in listening; to me they are erotic fanticies. I dont really expect results; however if they come about, ill deal with them :P

I really did want results before, but learned I really wasnt committed to anything, so now they are just fanacies, but listening to the files can just feel so nice every now and again(maybe 2 nights a month).. If anything really did happen, and my body somehow adapts, I would be very excited; deeply turned on but (afraid/worried?) at the same time. It's an experience I want to live, at some point in my life.

Im not exactly sure how hypnosis works (or if it does?) but im sure lifestyle has a much greater effect.

Im looking for more of a ~forced~ lifestyle; somthing out of my control, and its hard to come by from a hypnosis file.

I now use hypnosis files for the relaxation, and the vivid fantasies.

Why do you use these (and other) files? do you expect anything major to come of it?
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Postby Nymphaea » February 2nd, 2009, 6:44 am

You could say I want results, but probably more because of my interest in science and how things work. I find it so interesting how something that seems like it would never work actually does, its fun to try it out and see what you can do with it. Hopefully when I get free time from school (calculus... T-T) I'll try writing out some experiments of my own :P The site is a big learning experience to me.
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Postby zapnosis » February 2nd, 2009, 1:45 pm

Hmmm. Funny this should crop up. I reached a fairly staggering conclusion only yesterday which will probably interest nobody at all, but as you ask...

I believe that more than having a hypnosis fetish, I have an addiction fetish. I love the compelling feeling of an addictive habit. No, deeper than that. I have often observed that the strongest fetishes seem to be as much an issue of identity as of arousal. Some people can only feel like they are really "them" when they are enslaved, feminised, etc. So it is with me and addiction. Not that I form addictions easily, in fact I find it rather difficult. But I reckon that a hypnotic compulsion to do something that I don't really want to do is a temporary relief for me. This would explain why I have listened to slavery recordings though I am not submissive and feminisation recordings though I have absolutely no desire to be female. It also explains why I am excited by the idea of hard drug use, though I am far too sensible to have even considered trying it. It explains why I have little interest in files that are not designed to be addictive. Above all it explains why I can look back at the months of agonising frustration and brainwashing that almost destroyed my sense of identity, and feel something that in other circumstances would be called love. Hypnotic compulsions are my "safe" cravings in that they are free and reusable and probably won't destroy my life. Hmmm...
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Postby PS360 » February 2nd, 2009, 7:12 pm

It's relaxing and i want to use my mind for more fun experiences
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Postby hypnointerest » February 2nd, 2009, 8:13 pm

I love to listen to other member's files and analysis the techniques they are using to improve my own.

Other times I listen for selfish bliss.
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Postby Degella » February 2nd, 2009, 10:05 pm

I do it to try something new and something interesting. Like PS360 said, for fun experiences.
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Postby Lobotaru » February 10th, 2009, 7:06 pm

Well, to be as simple as possible, I listen to hypnosis files because being hypnotized by a woman is a turn on. I like going under for female hypnotists and as long as I've chosen to listen to a file that I perceive as safe I end up feeling pretty good in the end.
This doesn't mean I don't listen to EMG's files, I just listen to them for very different reasons than Lady Rio's or Goddess Spiral's readings. When I listen to EMG's files its mainly out of curiosity.
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Postby Alien4420 » March 26th, 2009, 12:12 pm

Sometimes I'll listen to files because I want a specific change, for example the stop procrastinating file, which has bailed me out on several occasions. But mostly I'm turned on by the idea of being controlled and changed and made to do something I wouldn't ordinarily do, like growing breasts or turning gay. So I guess it's an extension of my fondness for the control part of BDSM. I've found out the hard way that unless I'm completely dead set against something, the files can really change me, sometimes even after only a few listenings, and that I can get trapped by the more draconian ones until something comes along to loosen their grip. Also that I seem to be happy with the changes that do occur, because the files change the way I feel, and that I think is what produces the most potent changes, because I no longer *want* to change back. Like I never would have thought I'd be happy acting fem, because I was always uncomfortable around guys who did and had no desire to do it myself, but after listening to CurseStrokeSissy a few times, I was wagging my hips and flopping my wrists and having a great time doing it.
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Postby missypuss » April 2nd, 2009, 1:10 am

I just listen because I love the sound of EMGs voice , and when I say I love it I truly mean it ...... :P :twisted:
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Postby MacGyver » April 2nd, 2009, 12:16 pm

some of us feel the need to escape from reality for a while, or to de-stress, or have insomnia from tiem to time. when i cant sleep, i listen to blinks basic induction to help me fall asleep, if i need to destress, i listen, when i want an escape from reality for a bit, i listen.
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Postby Kalendaine » April 2nd, 2009, 10:58 pm

I listen to these files because i'm interested in the whole male-to-female concept. Enough, actually, to have looked up places to go to do the surgery for it. However, i do have a life and family that would not be into me pursuing that path, as well as me being generally nervous about the idea of maybe making a mistake, giving up the idea of having biological children (the *normal* way :p ), etc.
So i listen to these files as a way to get a part of that, and with luck, possibly even think/believe i *have* that for a significant portion of the day, without actually going all the way and getting hormones and surgery done, and so forth. Sort of a 'best of both worlds' type of compromise.
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Postby diapers_forever » April 3rd, 2009, 1:55 am

Not everyone can suddenly become incontinent or a cat or something else.

That's why I do. Ironically, I listen because I'm looking for power. Which unfortunately makes the files a bit harder to listen to--most of them run under the assumption that you are a submissive who's into hypnosis as a fetish. I'm into just the opposite-- Dominant, into hypnosis as a gateway to my other fetishes.
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Postby Zombie_Genocide » April 7th, 2009, 2:44 pm

I was bored, and decided to take it up.
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Postby PieGirl » April 8th, 2009, 5:51 pm

Cos I'm bored.... and horny.
None of them ever work on me, so I listen even to the really nasty one as a form of exciting challenge. Lol... I'd give 1000 bucks to anyone who could actually prove to me that this works.
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Postby MacGyver » April 8th, 2009, 9:31 pm

look, if my voice sounded better and we both had webcams and mics, i would probably take you up on that free of charge and trust me, after the first time with me, it might make ya a beleiver. and i say that because 20 years ago, i put others under so deep that the very first time i gave them a suggestion, it worked, i probably could not do that now as after 20 years i am very out of practice but, if you are willing to part with $1000, you may be able to set up a one on one with cardigan for alot less, after all, if i am correct, he is a certified hypnotist, plus his voice is alot better than mine.

then again, what would ya do if a one on one was arranged with me and you woke up to find an arm in the air and could not put it down? then would ya beleive in hypnosis?

piegirl, i got to tell ya, it is non beleivers like you that are making me feel more and more like going back to putting people under trance just to make them beleive. my old induction is quite long, and would sometimes take upwards of 40 minutes.
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Postby PieGirl » April 8th, 2009, 10:15 pm

MacGyver wrote:
then again, what would ya do if a one on one was arranged with me and you woke up to find an arm in the air and could not put it down? then would ya beleive in hypnosis?



But anyway.. I'm still of the belief that hypnosis is something that people psyche themselves into :p Like they WANT to make it work so they THINK it works. But in reality nothing is different.
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Postby whatthe75 » April 9th, 2009, 12:28 am

That would be the easiest $1000 earned.

I feel sorry for you if that is your belief.

I would also give you $1000 if you could prove to me that you couldn't go into trance. ( and just saying the files on here dont work is not enough).
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 7:58 am

whatthe75 wrote:That would be the easiest $1000 earned.

I feel sorry for you if that is your belief.

I would also give you $1000 if you could prove to me that you couldn't go into trance. ( and just saying the files on here dont work is not enough).

Well fine... Maybe I go under <.< But then why do the files not work?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 9th, 2009, 9:59 am

PieGirl wrote:Well fine... Maybe I go under <.< But then why do the files not work?

Welcome to WarpMyMind, PieGirl.

Trance is a skill.

And just like any other skill, it's something that improves with practice.

You've been a member of WMM for one day now. We're glad you're here and we're glad you're eager.

Be good to yourself. Take your time. Let it grow.

Our minds are wonderful and complex. It doesn't matter if they're complex because they're wonderful or whether they're wonderful because they're complex.

MP3s are a way to practice relaxing. To practice your skill

As you practice, you learn about yourself.

At this early stage, that might seem silly.
That's okay. It's normal.

It doesn't matter whether you believe... you're much MUCH more than what you consciously believe you are.

In the quiet privacy of your mind, you're free to explore
- what you want
- what you need
- what you like

Be good to yourself.

Take your time. Enjoy exploring.

Let it grow.
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 10:05 am

But is it possible that for some people it's just impossible? =(

Wow poor choice of words.. But anyway nvm x_x
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Postby MacGyver » April 9th, 2009, 11:35 am

piegirl, if you can go to sleep at night, you can enter trance, if you can sit in a recliner and recline it with a program on the tv set and relax good enough that you do not hear or see anything but what is on the tv, you can go into trance, if you can day dream, you are in trance.

infact as far as i know, everyone can be put into trance. but you achieve trance the same way you would get to carnegie hall, practice.

like me with my guitar, as much as i can, i practice, i am getting better and it is starting to sound as if there is maybe some music starting to come out instead of a bunch of sour notes, well, like getting better with the guitar, trance also takes practice.

the mind is more powerful than you may think, the mind can do many wanderous things if we just let it.
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Postby whatthe75 » April 9th, 2009, 3:42 pm

PieGirl wrote:But is it possible that for some people it's just impossible? =(

Wow poor choice of words.. But anyway nvm x_x

Everyone is hypnotizable.Everyone can go under and as everyone seems to believe it doesn't take any practice.Trance is a natural state that we enter in and out of everyday.BUT i think we all here have not answered your question,i think you have agreed and realised that yes you can enter trance.Though each person is different and each person requires different methods to enter trance.Something that an MP3 can not really accomodate,so if you believe your not entering trance,its more and likely the files just dont have the right induction for you.

Why are the suggestions not working for you.One it would be nice to know what files you are listening too.Some files are more complicated suggestions and take time and many listens to start to work.You are correct when you say for some people its just impossible.Some suggestions will just not work for some people because they do not agree with the content.Your concious mind might even agree with it but unconciously you might have objections,hence the files will be ignored or rejected.E.g.if it tried the turn gay file,it would never ever work for me,even if i went as deep as i could each time i listened.

When everyone else is talking about practice they are referring to the actual suggestion working.Some files can take months to work some can work on the first listen.Each person is different,so there is no definitive scale to compare yourself to,if you wanted to know exactly how long it should take.
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