Hi... Does anyone have any idea how to make these files work

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Hi... Does anyone have any idea how to make these files work

Postby PieGirl » April 8th, 2009, 6:20 pm

They are relaxing and all that, but I doubt i've ever gone under, cos I can always remember what was said, and I feel conscious during the files.

I was wondering if one of you people would be willing to help by mic or something? :) I have skype n stuff. I just wanna know if it's cos the files are useless mp3, or it's me that's truly unhypnoticable(is that a word? :P)
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Re: Hi... Does anyone have any idea how to make these files

Postby dharden » April 9th, 2009, 7:10 am

PieGirl wrote:They are relaxing and all that, but I doubt i've ever gone under, cos I can always remember what was said, and I feel conscious during the files.

That doesn't necessarily mean that you haven't gone under. Different people experience trance in different ways, and what you mention isn't at all uncommon. Don't get disheartened because it doesn't match up with preconceived notions of what trance "should" feel like.
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Re: Hi... Does anyone have any idea how to make these files

Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 7:57 am

dharden wrote:
PieGirl wrote:They are relaxing and all that, but I doubt i've ever gone under, cos I can always remember what was said, and I feel conscious during the files.

That doesn't necessarily mean that you haven't gone under. Different people experience trance in different ways, and what you mention isn't at all uncommon. Don't get disheartened because it doesn't match up with preconceived notions of what trance "should" feel like.

But the files don't work either.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 9th, 2009, 9:15 am

Freudian slips happen when they happen.
It's just something our minds do.

They're automatic.
They happen in their own way and in their own time.

It's unnecessary to try.

And everyone knows that a Freudian slip is when you mean one thing, but you say your mother.
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 9:42 am

I don't get it o_o
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 9th, 2009, 10:09 am

Excellent! You're making progress

Conscious awareness is unnecessary

The next step is a form of trust

Your unconscious mind loves you. It protects you.

It is your dreams, your desires, and even the steady beating of your heart.

When you're ready to trust your unconscious mind, that's the second step
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 10:16 am

Why wouldn't I trust it? x_x
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 9th, 2009, 10:18 am

Yes indeed.

What holds you back from exploring what you want?

what you need?

what you like?
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Re: Hi... Does anyone have any idea how to make these files

Postby dharden » April 9th, 2009, 10:24 am

PieGirl wrote:
dharden wrote:
PieGirl wrote:They are relaxing and all that, but I doubt i've ever gone under, cos I can always remember what was said, and I feel conscious during the files.

That doesn't necessarily mean that you haven't gone under. Different people experience trance in different ways, and what you mention isn't at all uncommon. Don't get disheartened because it doesn't match up with preconceived notions of what trance "should" feel like.

But the files don't work either.

Which ones are you trying? Some hypnotic effects and phenomena are more difficult for the average person than others are. If, for example, you're trying something that calls for hallucinations, you might not get complete results, as hallucinations (especially posthypnotic ones) are some of the hardest effects to produce.
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 10:26 am

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:Yes indeed.

What holds you back from exploring what you want?

what you need?

what you like?

I don't know.. I want these things to work :D But... For some reason they just dont... x_x

Could it be because I have a very short attentionspan? Cos I do.... And during the files even if I try really hard to focus on the words, i lose focus.... and even if I try to just let my mind go and lose focus I start focusing on the words... It's like I cant stop my mind from doing the things that people say you shouldn't under the files. Over thinking and overanalyzing x_x

It's just like if you tell a kid not to eat from the cookie jar, it automatically gets on their mind.

EDIT: or a better example... Someone told me once that someone whos good at some type of sport... If you ask them out what it is that they do that make them so good, will make them over think it and make them perform poorer. Untill they forget about that conversation of course.
It's just like I can't leave my thoughts at home you know :P
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Re: Hi... Does anyone have any idea how to make these files

Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 10:34 am

dharden wrote:
PieGirl wrote:
dharden wrote:
PieGirl wrote:They are relaxing and all that, but I doubt i've ever gone under, cos I can always remember what was said, and I feel conscious during the files.

That doesn't necessarily mean that you haven't gone under. Different people experience trance in different ways, and what you mention isn't at all uncommon. Don't get disheartened because it doesn't match up with preconceived notions of what trance "should" feel like.

But the files don't work either.

Which ones are you trying? Some hypnotic effects and phenomena are more difficult for the average person than others are. If, for example, you're trying something that calls for hallucinations, you might not get complete results, as hallucinations (especially posthypnotic ones) are some of the hardest effects to produce.

I did try some fairly easy ones... Even just relaxation files.... But the relaxation files don't really confirm anything as I might just get tired/relaxed from just laying still too long. But I tried files that do not require too much mental work...
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Postby PeppermintT » April 9th, 2009, 11:34 am

I noticed you make references to "making it work","mental work" & "trying hard". That might be where you are going wrong. Hypnosis is directed at your sub conscious mind rather then your conscious mind so you don't need to do anything consciously. You say you are relaxed so I am guessing you are in trance even if you don't realise it. Try moving your hand & see if you can't or just can't be bothered to. If that is the case you are very probably in trance. Basically it is a passive experience although, conversely, you are in control, and the hypnosis will only work if it is something you want. You just need to lie/sit there & listen, rather then do anything. If a particular file does not work after a while, just try another.
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 11:37 am

PeppermintT wrote:I noticed you make references to "making it work","mental work" & "trying hard". That might be where you are going wrong. Hypnosis is directed at your sub conscious mind rather then your conscious mind so you don't need to do anything consciously. You say you are relaxed so I am guessing you are in trance even if you don't realise it. Try moving your hand & see if you can't or just can't be bothered to. If that is the case you are very probably in trance. Basically it is a passive experience although, conversely, you are in control, and the hypnosis will only work if it is something you want. You just need to lie/sit there & listen, rather then do anything. If a particular file does not work after a while, just try another.

But that's the thing... If I try to not do anything, I will focus too hard on trying not to do anything.
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Postby MacGyver » April 9th, 2009, 11:45 am

pie girl, you sound like me, stop analyzing everything, it will take some time but, let your mind drift. i used to be like you in i concentrated too hard, tried to make my mind blank and keep it blank. over time i learned to just let my mind drift, and i also count, which keps my waking mind busy, and this does help some with trance, i count 2-3 seconds to take a breath in, hold for 2-3 seconds, and release for 2-3 seconds, and it starts all voer again. why not give counting a try the same way i do, ya just might find it easier to enter trance. ya got nothin to lose by trying.
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Postby PeppermintT » April 9th, 2009, 11:49 am

OK, you may need to distract yourself somehow. Try counting down from 400 or imagine yourself going down a staircase of 100 steps. It does not matter if you lose count or miss a couple of numbers. Just pick it up from where you left off. If you find a staircase does not work you can try a different image.
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 1:18 pm

MacGuyver and PepperminT, thanks for the suggestions :) Sounds like I could try that.
So I just do it with the file goes on?
It's just that many time the file-speaker says i have to focus in their voice.... You know x_x But are they truly only speaking to my subconscious mind?
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Postby MacGyver » April 9th, 2009, 3:00 pm

now me, sometimes i will take 2-3 deep breaths and hold each opne as long as i can then exhale, by the second or third, i feel something as if the air around me is floating, then i press the button on the mp3 player again to un-pause and start counting how long to draw air in, hold and release, i try to keep counting through the intire file, by keeping your concious mind busy, it is easier to drift off into trance and there is alot better chance the file will work for you if you can get deep enough that all you remember is the induction or atleast part of the induction and hearing the count up and waking up when the voice sez to wake up.

now, i may try to change my old induction and awakener to work with just audio andmaybe even try my hand at getting back into putting subjects into trance. the way i used to do it, at the same time i take the subject down into trance, i deepen them, i put them so deep that you could poke them with a needle or put their hand over a lit candle, and they would not feel a thing, then to wake them up, i had to know how to spell their first name. i remember one girl, she spelled her name so fast, i had to tell her to slow down, and i also noticed that if i did not say "ok" she would keep repeating the answer to the question until i had said it.

but if after about a month or so, you are still having trouble achieving trance, send me a PM and i will see about trying my hand at making a file for you personally, and if i can get you as deep as i used to put others, i can make it easier to trance with the files on this site. info i would need would be stairs, elevator, or escelator(moving stairs like in some malls) as i use one of those 3 to take a subject down and deepen them at the same time, i may wish to use my old awakener in which case, either i would have to spell out your first name or you could choose a word for me to spell out which must conatin a minimum of 4-5 letters and must be an actual word.

but try the other things first for a few weeks as after not doing hypnosis for near 20 years, i am like way out of practice, i have to dust of my brain and retrieve the file from the storage area of my memory and write it down and even rehearse with it a bit and make a few practice files to get my speed and voice and all synchronized.

in my old induction, i always started off doing the counting and before long had the subject counting in their mind, so yes, do try the counting first as it helps quite a few to achieve trance.
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 3:44 pm

That was quite insightful :) Thankyou MacGuyve, and thanks for the offer ^^ I will surely contact if things don't work after some time.... But I guess I shall try the counting then... I wasn't really aware you were allowed to do that under a file =) It seems like a good idea.... I'll post my progress(or lack of it) in a little time :p
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Postby PieGirl » April 11th, 2009, 6:27 am

Man I have absolutely no idea what to make of these files >_< None at all. I really don't -know- if they trance me... But they certainly don't work or fade very quickly D=

But anyway so I tried that email slave files with binaurals(edited by calimore.. He's really good at editing files apparently...) at it seems it makes more sleepy/heavy headed than the other and I even zone out at times. I don't know if it's just cos I'm tired and need sleep or whatever :P But i like the binaurals in that file.... they make me wanna sleep and just drift away ^^ No matter the content.

Anyway so i napped after that and now I feel a slight urge to listen to it again... Make cos it makes me feel at ease. But I don't need to worry about trying to be triggered or whatever =) I know that any trigger i could break out of(cos I can do that with any file)...

Anyway wondering if anyone knows other files like these. Binaurals seem to work nicely and I feel kinda happy right now and I'm off to listen to it again =).
I would still like to see what a live hypno-session would be like though... I wanna see if it can give better results... Cos if it does give results I'm sure I could achieve alot with it(not only sexual).

Do I sound slightly more hopeful? <.<

Edit: oh and I do try the counting thing, and sometimes it seems like it helps slightly, if just slightly... But I fund out that to the binaurals... If I time my breathing with that 'sweeping' sound, I can focus on that and relax in the meantime too and kinda forget about the words or whatever... if that makes sense.
The couting thing is a bit harder cos I sometime loose patience with it.

Hmm So I don't know if the file itsself works.. But I think i wanna try it =) (Though doubting it has any effect :p)
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