Hello all, please forgive my ignorance and probably noobish questions. I am very interested in hypnosis of any and all aspects. I have purchased a few files from an online hypno-domme, very basic files that are mainly to ease your way into trance. I can't help but to feel that they aren't working. I lay down and listen to the ladys sensual voice and I feel somewhat relaxed but never fully feel like anything is happening.
I usually end up listening to the whole file just laying there fully aware of what is being said, the suggestions such as my arm being unable to move have no effect. I wonder if going to a professional hypnotist just to be hypnotized the first time is what I'd need. Maybe if the hypnotist suceeded he could suggest me being more open to hypnosis, maybe even a trigger?
It feels like I am rambling and I'm sorry my first post had to be such a noobish one. I don't want to spend a bunch on trying files that won't work for me :/ suggestions?