Ok hello to all, new adventurer with hypnotism here!
Having experimented for the past few days with various files (Bubble Induction, Bubble Deepening, X girl time and magical lingerie), I've noticed a strange occurance.
When asked to go deeper, sometimes my eyes will start to go into a sort of Rapid Eye Movement state, sometimes flicking quickly from side to side slightly or in other patterns.. this can often continue for 5-10 minutes, leads to slight disorientation and once put me into a dizzying spiral. It seems to me that its happening due to my eyes trying to relax back and this causes them to go slightly cross-eyed etc.
What I am trying to figure out, is whether this is a symptom of me going into a trance, if it is my body attempting to resist trance, or if it is simply a muscle twitch which may be distracting me from achieving trance.
Has anyone else had this experience or have any input into it?
For the record Ive done a lot of voice work in the past with deep breathing and so on, so relaxing my body is not something that comes hard to me, so I would assume that I am going somewhat into trance (Though I have yet to 'drift off' yet).