
A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Postby Phish44 » July 5th, 2009, 4:20 am

Ok well I just finished reading a doujin called Witchcraft, which has presented to me a very fascinating idea, and either because part of the scene seemed to involve hypnosis, or because this is the only earthy way I can begin to imagine this as a reality...I have come here.

Basically the second to main character has telepathy or precognition or something, shes about to see peoples thoughts by touching them, in which she "reads their heart." In later chapters, she reads the boys heart while having sex with him, and feels what he feels being inside her(Ex./To quote "I didn't know my ass felt so good."), keeping him in mind, she sends what pleasures she is feeling back to him using her telepathy. [/code:1]

I was wondering if it is possible though hypno (as well as some other types of files 1), or by other means, to trick your mind or what to think, or to actually send, or receive another thoughts and feelings...

1: Ex: having a couple believe in each other being the opposite sex, in order to have sex with each other to feel each other, or furry, or ect)
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Re: Telepethy?

Postby FloridaPuppy » July 5th, 2009, 6:46 am

Phish44 wrote:I was wondering if it is possible though hypno (as well as some other types of files 1), or by other means, to trick your mind or what to think, or to actually send, or receive another thoughts and feelings...

no, hypnosis is not magic

1: Ex: having a couple believe in each other being the opposite sex, in order to have sex with each other to feel each other, or furry, or ect)

Yes. Pay special attention to the bit I made red
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Postby Phish44 » July 5th, 2009, 2:26 pm

I'm aware, I have had to examine the limits of all of this (hence why I ask for other methods as well) even the belief is a step forward to me, if we can find something for each partner to listen to to feel whats happening to their lover as well as to them. (thrust and you feel the insertion and penetration, possibly as well as any mental or spiritual effects the other might feel (in accordance to your own mind?))

I have to think that some of the opposite pleasures our minds might have from birth, or might be simply simulated by the simple or specific release of endorphins or what. Though hypno I don't expect much more that this, for the accentual idea itself I kinda feel a need to turn more tword science and the future, and I question how far off that may be, or if it may be in a different field of study.
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