Girlfriend Hypnosis

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Girlfriend Hypnosis

Postby PhantomDog » July 23rd, 2009, 1:24 pm

Need a little advice on something, this is a little long, but I'm trying to be as descriptive as possible.

I had hypnotized my girlfriend a couple weeks ago with a post-hypnotic suggestions to get sleepy when I say "sweet dreams", and it worked mildly. Then a few days ago, I had her listen to the Cardigan's Horny with Binaural Effects file, and it worked like a charm.

That night, I had her loop the "Curse Exercise or Chastity" file, worked great. Following night he listened to "Look of Love" all night. Worked great.
Lastly, I had her listen to "TrigArousal" early, then "TrigOrgasm" later on. Added a suggestion where she could only orgasm when I told her to.
Worked great, my girlfriend is a nympho who used to masturbate at least 5 times a day, so this was a fun tease for me to use on her, so show her total submission to me.

All this worked, and after her orgasms, she was very susceptible to my suggestions. I added another trigger to make her so horny she could not even talk or think. I also included a Robot Trigger which I tested and it worked. She loved the feelings that I could make her cum by telling her to, and make her that horny. She didn't remember time in trance though.

2 Nights ago, I has some fun with her with it, just teasing her a little. Everything from sexually making her be in sexually blissful torture of not being able to think or cum for an hour, just moaning, then later programming her to be a good sweet girl "outside the bedroom", she will know the time to be naughty, and any other time she will be sweet and innocent, and whenever I called her a good girl, she would feel a wave of pleasure, like she was glowing like an 11 year old girl feels in a pretty dress she just got.

So this all worked, and I teased her the rest of the night, doing things like putting her under for a moment, so she sees the time jump, or making her think I put a drink next to her when she was thirsty, when it was already there (was over the phone, her at her house, me at mine). She followed every command, including robot instructions to put herself into acrobatic positions on the floor, and to wake up in the closet. She thoguht she was teleported there. Later I made the suggestion for her to not just get a little more sleepy, but VERY sleepy when i said "sweet dreams", and that only I could use her triggers to put her into transe.

Now sorry for rambling, but the problem is this: Yesterday, the following day, her parents were over visiting. I talked to her a little when her parents were napping, before I left to do laundry. She said to call her when I'm back to see if she's busy. I told her I love her, she is a good girl (she DID feel pleasure from it she told me).

I get back a few hours later and call, she didn't even answer. Called every hour or so, no answer. Finally she calls me 6 hours later, around midnight, a little dazed, told me she was tired and playing monopoly with her family.

I tried using triggers on her, but none of them would work other than the one I first planted, "sweet dreams" only worked, but only like when I first planted it (didn't work much).

So she barely remembers the hypnosis of the last 2 days, only remembers being very horny, kinda remembers that she was so horny she couldn't talk, and remembers only the FACT that I could make her cum by telling her to, but doesn't remember doing it. All her triggers no longer seem to work. Whenever I used to say her name and "relax" she would instantly be in trance, and when I said "Obey me" and her name, she would be a robot.

None of this works anymore. I would like to know any ideas why, and how to restore the triggers. If anyone knows or has ideas, please post.
I liked playing with her like that, and she liked it to (though she only knows of her horny and orgasm triggers, rest is a blank to her).

She feels upset she cant cum on command anymore, and is afraid I will break up with her over it (not true, but I did enjoy it).

I tried having her listen to Cardigan's horny with binaural effects again, but she couldn't go under, said she "felt like she wasn't in the right place".
Also had her listen to Look of love again overnight, and today still no positive response (she used to wake up with her bed soaked with cum by listening to it all night).

Again, any ideas would help, even if they are small, they may help me think of an idea... she feels very disappointed now...

Thanks :)
Last edited by PhantomDog on July 23rd, 2009, 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby PhantomDog » July 23rd, 2009, 3:02 pm

She is still uncomfortable and confused by not being able to cum on command anymore. about 10 people viewed this friend, but I didn't get any opinions.

I'm willing to take any thought on this, if it's just opinion and you're not very experienced, please say so. If you are experienced and think you know what might work, please tell me.

Please just give me some ideas, I feel bad for her, she is really confused now.
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Postby EMG » July 23rd, 2009, 7:48 pm

You may want to try lowering the stress level. The fear that not cumming on command may be making it harder for her to go into trance. If she can't relax she won't go into trance, and if she doesn't go under it won't work very well.

Be patient, work it slowly, if it takes a few tries be supportive and afte a while it'll start working again.

When it does, don't stop using it, she can listen less often, but keep working with it until the file always works.

PhantomDog wrote:She is still uncomfortable and confused by not being able to cum on command anymore. about 10 people viewed this friend, but I didn't get any opinions.

I'm willing to take any thought on this, if it's just opinion and you're not very experienced, please say so. If you are experienced and think you know what might work, please tell me.

Please just give me some ideas, I feel bad for her, she is really confused now.
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Postby PhantomDog » July 24th, 2009, 1:33 am

Thanks for the response, EMG.

She tried using your "trigarousal" last night, and just got nothing but REALLY groggy after, with no faint response to the trigger. Tonight she listened to "cardigan's Horny with Binaural effects" and said she felt like she didnt go deep enough.

Any particular reason it stopped you can think of that it stopped working, when it was working 110%?
And what do you mean keep working on it? Keep listening to those files even though there seems to be no response, keep trying to use the triggers, or something different?

Thanks again!
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Postby EMG » July 24th, 2009, 7:32 am

Try having her listen to the same file more than once. Repitition will help form the links in her mind that you are looking for.

When I say more than once, it doesn't have to be in a row. Listen several days in a row and don't use too many different files.

Finally, I can't say why the file stopped working for her, the mind can do things like that, it's not a machine and you can't just program it to do something and have it work that way forever.

PhantomDog wrote:
Any particular reason it stopped you can think of that it stopped working, when it was working 110%?
And what do you mean keep working on it? Keep listening to those files even though there seems to be no response, keep trying to use the triggers, or something different?
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Postby PhantomDog » July 24th, 2009, 11:15 am

I had her listen to the file to forget the next file she listened to, then had her listen to TrigSlave. She went under both well, but when I had lher listen to one she remembered listening to prior, she couldnt go under.

So I used Trigslave to put her under, and restore her old triggers, and it worked rapidly. But this morning, she woke up with a headache, says she feels in a daze, and none of the triggers work again. Does that make any sense or mean anything?

Sorry for being a pest about this, and thanks for the help :)

*Update*: I thought about something; since she is normally a nymphomaniac, is there a chance that part of her that's always horny is rejecting the suggestion to be a good girl most the time, and since that part is fighting, all other post-hypnotic suggestions are backfiring?

Just a thought, but would make sense to me, explaining why she gets a headache and dazed when she wakes up (she always wakes up wet).
If so, is there an idea for a work-around, or should I just quit trying to hypnotize her to behave innocent in everyday life?
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Postby thisguy » July 25th, 2009, 7:38 pm there a chance, that while "things work" she is actually in one longlasting trance? And after she really sleeps, she wakes up for real and suddenly nothing works?

When you told she tells you she wasn't in the "right place", this feels awfully lot like this..

..or that you have somehow fragmented her by mish-mashing different inductions and files and instead forcing more files again and again maybe you should trance her and figure out the cause for this by actually asking very calmly and making her very very comfortable about answering first. If you are out of ideas stop guessing and find out.

By "restoring" triggers you may have just accessed her "place" where the triggers work.

In general, be just very attentive about such methaphorical statements and try to figure out, preferrably by asking, not guessing, what might be the deeper meaning for her.
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Postby PhantomDog » July 25th, 2009, 7:55 pm

Thanks for the input, you might be right about it being one long trance, can't say for sure. I make her a slave, and then leave a post-hypnotic suggestion. She seems herself other than following the suggestions.

For asking her what she feels like, I already asked her, which is when she said all she knows is she didn't feel like she was in the right place, and that's all she knows/remembers.

Now, I tried everything again, and all the triggers were gone except "good girl". Now the combination of "TrainHypnoLoss" and "TrigSlave" no longer work on her right. She goes under and does not remember going under for either, but the trigger does not use. So for the advice of keep having her listen to it, it seems to work LESS each time she listens to each one, other than possibly the TrianHypnoLoss, which still seems to make her forget she listened to anything.

Man, even with hypnosis, women are complicated :P
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Postby thisguy » July 26th, 2009, 4:24 am

PhantomDog wrote:For asking her what she feels like, I already asked her, which is when she said all she knows is she didn't feel like she was in the right place, and that's all she knows/remembers.

Well, trance her and tell her to remember how everything feels so right!! duh! Only in case it does not work try to trance harder and ask exactly what feels wrong. Obviously there is something that none of the files address.

And she already has all the files up there.. now repeating them while nothing works just guarantees them not working even better. You have to figure out the blockage. There is no brute-force way around it.

I understood you have still ways trancing her.. did you ever try to take her through it "manually" opposed to "auto-piloting" her with scripted files?

Whatever you do, there is no file out there that could beat personal face to face session, in case you are even remotely aware about how brains work.

If she feels bad about not reacting to the triggers, it sounds like you mean something to her. Put this something to work. Maybe that's what she expects..
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Postby dottie » July 26th, 2009, 10:00 am

Let me start off by indicating my relative inexperience as a hypnotist.

However, If I read your descriptions correctly, it seems like you took a subject with little to no hypnosis experience, and hammered her with a dozen different hypnotic files/triggers of a fairly intense nature.

I tried hypnosis unsuccessfully many times over the years. When I finally got to a deep enough trance to accept triggers, I did something similar, and after a short while I was constantly in a near-trance state. 2 weeks later, everything stopped working. My instincts said that I'd overwhelmed myself and that my brain was just rejecting the assault from this unfamiliar direction.
I avoided hypnosis entirely for a week or so, then stuck to one script (which I'd cleaned up to make sure it didn't encourage continual near-trance state) for a while. By taking it slowly, (and KNOWING that I was pacing myself) one file at first, and waiting a few days before dabbling with another, I got to a more predictable & enjoyable relationship with hypnotism.
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Postby cardigan » July 27th, 2009, 4:06 am

I think there's a possibility that her subconscious is rejecting hypnosis now. The most important duty that the subconscious has is to protect her. So if her subconscious is afraid of something to do with you and hypnosis - on an unconscious level, then this might be why she rejects your programming. That would explain why she feel dizzy or dazzled. On one hand she's consciously trying to go into trance, but on the other hand her subconscious is doing its best to pull her out of it.

If this is indeed the case, then you'd have to have someone else work with her and then convince her it was OK to trust you again.

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Postby bedwetter74 » August 15th, 2009, 3:13 pm

On another note, how did you plant the trigger of "Sweet Dreams?" Did you write your own script or did you use a file on WMM? That sounds cool. Please let me know. Thanks!
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Postby PhantomDog » August 15th, 2009, 8:18 pm

I basically put her under hypnosis on the phone.

She was tired, but not sleepy, so I talked her down, and basically used first what I know of her to say what I knew she was feeling. After that, I said things for her to feel it. Using that, I relaxed her more and more, putting her into trance.

For the other things, I think the closest thing is that it was one long trance maybe. Only thing though, is once it lasted when she woke up the next day, and they worked. A few hours after lunch, it didnt work anymore.

Any more suggestions about why it would randomly just stop working?
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Postby hypnointerest » August 17th, 2009, 5:29 pm

cardigan wrote:I think there's a possibility that her subconscious is rejecting hypnosis now. The most important duty that the subconscious has is to protect her. So if her subconscious is afraid of something to do with you and hypnosis - on an unconscious level, then this might be why she rejects your programming. That would explain why she feel dizzy or dazzled. On one hand she's consciously trying to go into trance, but on the other hand her subconscious is doing its best to pull her out of it.

If this is indeed the case, then you'd have to have someone else work with her and then convince her it was OK to trust you again.


I believe this to be the reason, 100%. You freaked her out by trying to hammer in a bunch of different, very demanding commands in a very short time(and when you tried to reinforce the commands while she was resisting, it reinforced her will NOT to go under). This could most definitely cause her to stop trusting you on a very base level if she has any sort of willpower (she's a woman, so I assume she has loads of it). It seems like she is subconsciously willing herself to stay awake out of fear of you mucking around in her brain with a sledgehammer when you should be using a reflex tester.
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Postby PhantomDog » August 17th, 2009, 6:58 pm

well, that's good advice, but wouldnt she still reject it when she was actually under?

Hours after it works, it just cuts off. And I dont think its just me, she has been to hypnotists for sleeping problems before, and they put her under, but she didnt sleep right again after that night.

It jsut seems her brain throw out hypnosis at intervals, no matter who or what file.

Any theory why?
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Postby hypnointerest » August 19th, 2009, 1:36 pm

Well, it should also be noted that some people can only stay in trance for around an hour or so(especially if they are new to it. Personally, it took me three weeks to be able to trance comfortably). Find a way to expedite the work you do while she is truly under and then let her rest a period before you try again.
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Postby Cleopatra » August 28th, 2009, 3:18 am

I'm intrigued by the link between the arrival of, and interaction with, her parents and the aversion to hypnosis/trance, etc. The relationship with one's parents can be complicated at the best of times. Do you know what kind of upbringing she had? Religious? Strict? Liberal?

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Postby PhantomDog » December 16th, 2009, 5:01 pm

Dead thread revival :P
Ok, I figured out the problem with that girlfriend was that when she remembered the file, it would barely work. So I had her listen to TrainHypnoLoss before anything she listened to, and it fixed everything.

Now, a new question. I had broken up with that girl (was really a good subject, but other things about her got on my last nerve).
The girlfriend I'm with now CAN go under hypnosis, and when I suggest her, she slowly feels things lightly.

Example being that when I use the induction on her to stare at a spot, and suggest her eyes are getting heavy, they do, and close.

But anything post hypnotic barely works, if at all. She would listen to train hypnoloss and feel sleepy, and wake up from the file after feeling pretty tired, and remembering a little of the file.

I thought maybe she just needed to be trained into it, but she is barely increased susceptibility to it, only becoming more tired from it. When I say "revert to normal", she claims she feels more awake, yet the slave trigger never fully activated, she wasnt any more obedient than normal.

I also tried having her use inductions first, Bubble Induction, and Resistance induction. Made her really groggy, but nothing post hypnotic other than revert to normal waking her up some (was the first time even that happened.

Any ideas what could work? Obviously she is susceptible to some point, just need to make it moreso, because repeated listening isnt even working 2% each time, if that.

Thanks ^_^
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Postby PhantomDog » December 17th, 2009, 7:42 pm

Can someone please at least give me ideas/speculations to use?
It might at least give me an idea...
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Postby cardigan » December 19th, 2009, 7:33 am

Well, if you are trying to hypnotize your girlfriend into doing something, she is opposed to or being someone she cannot be, then things will backfire on you.

You have to work on the "hypnotic contract" with her. Being able to hypnotize someone and get them very deep is no guarantee whatsoever, that you can make them do anything you'd like them to do.

If your gf is a "good girl" on the outside, but a "slut" on the inside, then setting loose the slut shouldn't be a problem. It probably only need a bit of encouragement, because it's there already, but just holding back.

On the other hand - if she has strong views on being independant and this is deeply rooted in her, you'd never be able to turn her into a slave. Especially not if you use this word. Then you'd stand a better chance doing it more covertly.

Bottom line is, that you can never hypnotize anybody into doing something that is against their morals, their inner belief system or whatever you call it. But if you make a hypnotic contract with her and get her to accept that you hypnotize her with the intent purpose to make her do this or that, and she accepts this prior to trance, then you're almost there. However - any programming in her mind that is already there and goes opposite of what you are trying to accomplish, will prevent you getting any results.

Things already programmed and in the subconscious mind are there to protect us. That's why they are so hard to tamper with. And I suspect this might be the root cause.

Your first girlfriend probably fell out of hypnosis with you, because she was with her parents, and this reminded her about her upbringing and how a "good girl" should REALLY behave. This completely overwrote what you were trying to do and made her subconscious discard anyhting you were trying to do - IMHO.

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Postby PhantomDog » December 19th, 2009, 11:27 am

Thanks for the response, Cardigan.

So in response to what you said tho, she already like being called my slave sometimes, and we already have been naughty. Things on the phone, that type of stuff, you know?

I understand if I asked to see her naked, or try to make her a slut, then there might be an inhibition. But since she already calls me master of her free will, and is naughty sometimes, could there still be something back there?

And if so, how could I do something about it?
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Postby cardigan » December 19th, 2009, 3:20 pm

Well, it's hard to determine what the subconscious carries around with it. She might be rearing to go - and to be your slave on a conscious level, but something in her subconscious is protecting her (that's what it thinks it's doing anyway) and stopping her from following through. Perhaps because it does not understand that being a slave is not like in the old days, where you absolutely had to do what you were told to do - no matter what - or face dire consequences - like whippings or even being put to death if you disobeyed.

I know only one way to remedy things like that, and that's by asking the subconscious why it's holding back. That's what we do in hypnotherapy. And then we resolve it. But you'd need to - on conscious level - be absolutely straight with one another what you are trying to do, and there has to be total trust. Then - when this has been established, you can move on and see if the subconscious will be open to suggestions - or why it isn't. There's always a good reason. You just have to find it and get it sorted.

Many people think that hypnosis is mind control, or that you can brainwash with hypnosis. But to do that you need to get in contact with a brain that wants to be washed. Otherwise it "won't wash"! :-) Hypnosis is awesomely powerful, but there are limits and rules.

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Postby Glasnerven » December 21st, 2009, 1:28 am

I'm curious . . . how does one talk to the subconscious? How deep in a trance would someone have to be for that to happen?
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Postby cardigan » December 21st, 2009, 3:38 am

You have to be in the somnambulistic state (a medium trance) or deeper for that to be possible.

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Postby Dingus » January 21st, 2010, 2:01 am

PhantomDog wrote:The girlfriend I'm with now CAN go under hypnosis, and when I suggest her, she slowly feels things lightly.

Example being that when I use the induction on her to stare at a spot, and suggest her eyes are getting heavy, they do, and close.

But anything post hypnotic barely works, if at all. She would listen to train hypnoloss and feel sleepy, and wake up from the file after feeling pretty tired, and remembering a little of the file.

I thought maybe she just needed to be trained into it, but she is barely increased susceptibility to it, only becoming more tired from it. When I say "revert to normal", she claims she feels more awake, yet the slave trigger never fully activated, she wasnt any more obedient than normal.
That's basically what my results have been, trying off and on for the past 4 or so years. No matter what I try, I can't get any files to work. Ever.
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Girlfriend Hypnosis (Solution -- "possible?")

Postby Darth_Fugue » September 4th, 2010, 9:24 pm

It sounds like you've got a "software" problem!

And what do we do when we have software problems?

We "UNINSTALL" the program...
"REBOOT" the CPU...
then, "RE-INSTALL" the program -- and hope that it'll work right...!

Good Luck!
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