MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:One definition for effective trance state is not the presence of something. Instead, it's the lack of it.
The classic example is when someone lifts a forkful of food mid-way to their mouth and then pauses; holding it there while they finish speaking. And if you've ever done it, then you know it isn't necessary to consciously focus on holding that fork. You just momentarily put it 'on hold'; forgetting its there and yet not forgetting.
- It's effective: The conscious mind relegating a task to the unconscious.
- It's trance: The waxy stiffness of the joints (elbow, wrist and fingers) remains constant even in the absence of conscious effort.
Another definition for effective trance state is accessing memories - especially memories that have strong emotional 'cues'.
The classic example for this is phobias; fear as a response to a stimulus that most people find innocuous.
- It's effective: the unconscious mind influencing current conscious action... attracted to things that were fun & pleasant and repulsed by things that were unpleasant & uncomfortable.
- It's trance: when we're asked to recall something from memory our eyes roll up and to the right if we're right handed (up and to the left for southpaws). And you know there's no conscious reason for that movement, don't you?
Another definition for effective trance state is emotional parity (empathy).
The classic example for this is a movie that's so good you lose track of time.
- It's effective: so riveting you can't tear yourself away
- It's trance: You bought tickets for the movie, so you're aware it was created as way to make money. You know the actors names, so you're aware it's a performance. But every so often, you just want to cry - it's just that sad.
Isn't it interesting that all these examples are activities where a hypnotist is unnecessary?
And now that you're aware that there are different types of trance, you're free to understand why a single 'consistent basis for trance' is so difficult to define.
Thanks for the reply! :D I greatly appreciate all replies thus far.
I guess this is a form of consistency in a tranced state of mind - a state in which one is focused upon one area (conscious actions are relegated to an autonomous structure (perhaps the reason as to why when focused on something, our autonomous mind that is lacking in self-awareness is unable to evade anything that is unrecognizable to its data bank (i.e. the subconscious cannot acquire new data, so it implements a conscious mind (self-awareness upon the external environment) to gather new data)).
To clarify, in my perspective, only one form of self-awareness can occur in a biological mind - there can't be two users running the same account on a computer system. Only one user can operate the biological system whereas the remainder functions occur in automation.
Furthermore, the subconscious would act as the remainder cognition unused by the conscious mind, behaving autonomous; it acts out instinctive actions (e.g. heart rate, arousal, respiratory, etc) and higher cognitive actions (e.g. typing, focusing, reading, writing, driving, etc), some of which may be present by default (core system files) whilst others would have once been self-aware (i.e. the conscious mind was utilized to gather and guide the subconscious into using the data correctly (and when the data doesn't match that of the external environment, we may ride a bicycle into a lamp post).
Likewise, an unconscious mind would appear to be self-awareness interjected into the subconscious as a maintenance activity; to solve problems that escape the capacity of a conscious mind, utilizing internal cognitive resources, and perhaps even stimulating body repairs (if body mechanisms following a linear path (automated) encounter an error, self-awareness (manual) may guide the procedures beyond occlusive paths).
A deepened state of trance should theoretically enable for self-awareness to guide subconscious mechanisms into solving problems that are too complex for the conscious mind, may alter its intuition (e.g. how we perceive external sensory data in perspective) and should even open greater access upon internal sensory mechanisms (i.e. the subjective operations that enable for dreams to occur), and may even further access to physiological systems (chemical distribution, organ maintenance, reproductive operations and temperature regulations).
Consecutively however, the greater the use should follow the greater complexity; a deepened state of trance should introduce more complex perspectives than those experienced whilst awake. The sky shouldn't be the sky in a literal perspective but should appear more symbolic, displaying other semantics that represent the sky (e.g. for the conscious mind, the sky may appear simply as the sky categorical but may also experience an underlying aurora or intuitive perception of the sky (e.g. a slight elegant blueish feeling)) -- but for the unconscious mind (a deepened state of awareness), the sky should appear as a diamond, a blue ocean and as space - it would appear as multiple entities (perhaps the reason for why dreams appear so much more complex than actual reality) -- the user interface should become segmented structures, sub-structures and then furthermore, its underlying programming language (e.g. a C++ perspective of the user interface).
The problem with self-awareness is free choice and an afterlife, and then furthermore a tacit knowledge of one's own presence in existence. My argument is why would we exist once and cease to never exist. Even in the logical universe (considering the presence of other realities, universes and ultimately, infinite (infinite existence, possibilities for each existence, time and that which the brain cannot conceive)), the product of logic persists throughout most, if not, all forms of logic. A reason for self-existence (the presence self-awareness) would be to merely experience but a reason for its departure would be absent - what would be the reason to experience once and for it never to occur again?
Furthermore, an additional problem is free choice, although ultimately it would be free will (i.e. the presence of two or more options (free choice couldn't occur without one option and thus requires additional options) and the choice upon either via true freedom and not causality would thus be free will (i.e. he/she willed her choice)), which would be an additional reason for existence. There would be no reason to just merely observe life - to have no control over it - so there may as well be the presence of choice.
Ultimately, if free choice exists and if it gives rise to self-awareness, our sole existence is permanent - there is no such thing as becoming nothing (or nothing itself since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, so therefore, all space must be filled with some form of energy, even if it's negative (e.g. dark matter)). Furthermore, this would also expose biological complexity as nothing more than computer systems, and the act of freedom exerted from any would reveal a user logged into any such system. Taxonomically, a computer system would also be defined as self-aware and given free choice since the user has control over its interface, with its underlying mechanisms operating as automated.
Furthermore, if free choice is present and with self-awareness, which we may as well unite and just call self-awareness (note: consciousness is the expansion of self-awareness; the implication of cognition (simple biology may have once been self-aware long before the integration of higher cognition)), the underlying mechanisms may as well operate as an automated system and when requiring maintenance, should call upon self--awareness for manual guidance.
Additionally, a primary protocol for the system should perpetuate the presence of self-awareness - it should ensure that it doesn't remove the its presence but rather committing all means to enhance the user's experience. However, this doesn't prevent the user from reducing a defensive capacity of the system; a low will to live may influence biological immunity.
From here, we have our essence - self-awareness, a reason for its presence - to both observe and interact, thus requiring free will, and with free will (to clarify on this, free will would ultimately give rise to our sole existence as being outside of the physical universe (if the universe acts in causality, and given that A or B without any detirministic interference, and with a response - the choice of either, this would give rise to the presence of an observe outside (although the observer - the self - or what has thus become self-awareness - would have only become aware of the most simple reality, enabling them to see A or B))) we can have an afterlife - permanent self-existence and free choice. Furthermore, we also have a biological mind with a subconscious, unconscious and conscious mind. By injecting self-awareness we can only have two present at any given time. So it can either be 01 or 10 - self-awareness can either be the conscious mind or unconscious mind, with the subconscious replacing the former.
Ultimately this would require hypnosis to introduce some form of activity else we (self-awareness) may go into a deep state of thought, similar to dream complexity. However, a deepened state comparable to a dream level should give control over our perspectives - the subconscious mind with self-awareness distracted should be capable of better recognizing the suggestions.
Paradoxically however, to understand any give language, one must comprehend the concept of language. For the computer system to read the user interface, binary must understand the underlying programming languages. Thus, a translation mechanisms is required - a processor, which is limited in that it can only decode so much for each given period of time (e.g. if an operating system was directly coded into binary, the system would probably never hangup, whereas higher languages require a specialized sub-system to decode the data into something that the roots can comprehend). However, the brain should be capable of transcoding data perhaps instantly - for every cell, there is a connection to every other (i.e. there are 100 billion neurons on average with 100+ trillion connections, thus interconnecting all cells). The problem is that when given a placebo - an altered belief, impacts upon the emotional, perceptive and other cognitive systems can appear almost instantly - this displays no delay, and lower cognitive systems should operate under a language more complex to that of the conscious mind (i.e. literal data shouldn't fit into a metaphorical perspective; it would require something to translate the data). An unconscious mind shouldn't understand literal data either, and thus a trance conveying metaphorical data should appear most effective - given that the depth of comparable to a dream state.
Physiological effects however (effects upon the core instinctual systems and the body's physiology) should reverse the DNA transcoding process (i.e. rather than for the genetic code to be translated into instruction sets for a cell or cells within the brain, the brain passes decoded data into mechanisms that neural signals into smaller chemical structures with cell receptor compatibility that are also compatible with cellular functions that pass data through to the cell genome).
Thus, a placebo may only induce physiological effects after a set period of time - the physical effects of hypnosis should also abide by this principle.
But all of the above mostly discussed the basis of language and the structures of a mind. A conscious mind - the literal layer, may implement a security barrier to prevent any malicious suggestions from altering the lower layers. Bypassing this barrier (the analytical mind) may give the opportunity to implant data into its positive check list. Hypnosis could effectively reach towards a layer that operates behind and could implant suggestions that it can accept; thus, trigger phrases could create hallucinogenic effects.
I guess I've kinda contradicted myself, my bad (I stated that all neurons are interconnected and should translate data instanteously, so translating literal information into a metaphorical perspective should occur instantly).