not sure were to put this, but...

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not sure were to put this, but...

Postby tdkepsel » November 9th, 2009, 2:41 pm

I really need help, I am having a ton of trouble getting on the chat room from this site and I don't know where else to go to get there.
every time I try to get on it just dose not fully load and nothing more.
sometimes it fully loads after 2-5 tries but after that I quit...and it has been like this for over a month and a haft so far.
dose anyone know what I need to do?
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Joined: August 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Re: not sure were to put this, but...

Postby Score_Under » November 9th, 2009, 3:38 pm

tdkepsel wrote:dose anyone know what I need to do?
Get an IRC client.
Posts: 42
Joined: April 21st, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby Starmaster » November 10th, 2009, 12:33 am

What browser are you using? You may try a different one. That may help.
Posts: 37
Joined: September 26th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby tdkepsel » November 10th, 2009, 1:03 pm

what difference would getting an irc client help?
I think what I need to say is firefox 2.0
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Joined: August 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby homerj1620 » November 10th, 2009, 5:16 pm

tdkepsel wrote:what difference would getting an irc client help?
I think what I need to say is firefox 2.0

If the web-based client isn't working, you'll need an IRC client. Do you have JavaScript enabled? The web-based client requires it so make sure it's enabled.

As for IRC clients if you're using Firefox you could install the Chatzilla extension. As a stand alone client XChat is pretty good. You could also try mIRC.
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Postby Starmaster » November 10th, 2009, 9:27 pm

Firefox 2.0 is pretty old, so I'd recommend [url=]upgrading[/url] to the newest one. If that doesn't help, I know that the latest version of [url=]Opera[/url] works. I'd suggest trying those before trying to learn IRC.
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Postby tdkepsel » November 11th, 2009, 9:57 am

the thing is I could get to it 3 months ago then it just stopped...
what could just make it stop working like that?
got any ideas at all?
is there any other way to get to the chat room besides from
this site directly?
no idea about JavaScript or even what it is really.
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Joined: August 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Starmaster » November 11th, 2009, 1:40 pm

Again, my guess is that the chat software on the site was updated and it may no longer be compatible with your old browser. Update to a new one and see how that goes. It's usually a good idea to keep your software updated, especially if it is free because standards elsewhere get updated and one day may leave you behind with things not working.
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Postby jeffusually » November 11th, 2009, 4:16 pm

I use Firefox and have the NoScript add-on installed. If I want to chat on this site, I need to set NoScript to allow both and also, or the chat won't work. Maybe that's it.
Posts: 3
Joined: October 31st, 2009, 12:00 am

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