newbie trying to adapt, first question of many I'm sure

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newbie trying to adapt, first question of many I'm sure

Postby Tire_Iron » December 5th, 2009, 2:57 am

I've been looking around trying to find a decent end of string to try to pull myself into hypnosis by, and after a little while came up with suggestions given to others to just try inductions and get used to trance. my first few times I tried one i was uncomfortable and I seriously doubt I got anything done because of that, but the second try i lay listening to the file (alkemizt's body awareness confusion induction, as i recall, off the top of my head, may not be exact, but you get the idea) and i noticed that throughout the induction my left hand, neck, right foot, left calf, right wrist, and possibly a few others would twitch intermittently. it's not anything new to me so I'm not worried about that, it's because I know that it occasionally happens when i try to relax that i think perhaps it may be interfering with my attempts at hypnosis.

and now I feel like I've asked half a question with half a book, and forgot the other half, but to paraphrase, could my twitchyness (and/or restless leg syndrome) prevent or hinder hypnosis?
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Joined: December 4th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 5th, 2009, 8:46 am

Tire_Iron - Welcome to Warp My Mind. I admire your nickname choice.

Ready for good news? The twitching you're feeling... it's a positive sign for someone just getting started.

Many guys just getting started with hypnosis report their bodies respond to hypnosis in one of two ways.
    1. Itching - usually the nose
    2. Arousal
Since you've asked about twitching, that's what this response focuses on.

    One alternative is to flex/move the twitching area and move on. Your life-experience has countless instances where you twitch as you relax. It's just one of those things that happens.

    Another alternative is to smile (to yourself).
    There's a term for the twitch we do as we fall asleep. It's called myoclonus. And myoclonus generally occurs when brainwaves move from the alpha range to the theta range.

    This detail is unimportant, though. The thing that's important is that it's happening, isn't it? And the next time it happens, you can smile (to yourself); happy that you're doing trigonometry.

Tire_Iron, I realize you didn't ask about itching. But there's a lesson here from other beginners. When someone asks about itching, and they're just getting started - sometimes it's a side-effect from listening to hypnosis MP3s for long periods. If that's your situation, consider listening less.

By listening for just 20-30 minutes in the morning and again 20-30 minutes in the evening, you leave your mind wanting more.

And that's a really good thing to do.

The best to you!
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Postby Score_Under » December 5th, 2009, 5:59 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:
    And the next time it happens, you can smile (to yourself); happy that you're doing trigonometry.
Assuming you mean what I think you do, that was an awful pun!

Edit - No, it was a reference to the other post. I thought you were talking about the "transition from alpha to theta", alpha and theta being letters commonly used for angles in trigonometry.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 5th, 2009, 9:22 pm

You have a wonderful mind, Score_under.

When someone understands there are multiple meanings, it's a delight.
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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Postby HOLYPENOR » December 6th, 2009, 9:10 am

wow im a beginner too.
and when i listen to inductions my body twitches too and the other files get me aroused, im really happ to hear that those are good signs! :D
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Postby Tire_Iron » December 7th, 2009, 2:14 am

i can't say I've experienced arousal yet, but at the same time I haven't done much in the way of...well...basically anything...other than listening to an induction or two a couple times. and about the nickname, I'm glad you like it, I originally came up with it while brainstorming names for Playstation network, and it was the first one that made me laugh so i used it, now I don't laugh at it anymore, but I'm still quite fond of it.
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Re: newbie trying to adapt, first question of many I'm sure

Postby Alien4420 » December 7th, 2009, 11:38 am

Tire_Iron wrote:and now I feel like I've asked half a question with half a book, and forgot the other half, but to paraphrase, could my twitchyness (and/or restless leg syndrome) prevent or hinder hypnosis?

I get twitching sometimes, and I've found that when it occurs in trance it's a minor distraction which does sometimes tend to lighten the trance for a bit but in the end doesn't make much of a difference -- if you become distracted enough to miss a suggestion or two you'll just get them the next time you listen to the file. It's a lot like being disturbed during a nap, if you start worrying about the disturbance your sleep will be ruined but if you don't you'll sleep through it or doze right off again.
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