Forgeting plotlines

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Forgeting plotlines

Postby AWESOMEMAN » December 29th, 2009, 3:23 am

Is it possible to use hypnosis to forget the plot of a movie or video game?

I've wanted to do this for ages,(I play ALOT of video games and there are many I'd like to relive my first playthrough) and, just stumbling upon this site today, it struck me that hypnosis would be the best bet.

If it is possible, is there any such file out there?

If not, how would I go about creating one?
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Joined: December 29th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby Jeshi » December 30th, 2009, 2:35 am

=/ It would be very difficult and the subject would have to be very suggestible.

A lot of the time hypnotic memory loss isn't actually loss of memory but rather avoidance of memory, every time you remember you suddenly change the topic and go "WAITWHATHUH?! OH IS THAT A PIGEON!?". And if you actually play through the game or watch the movie then it would jog your memory and you would remember the plotline again even if you did forget it before. Because hypnosis can't really make physical changes it can't bypass the fact that nothing is ever truly forgotten; The brain categorizes memory's in chains, it links things together so that irrelevant memory's are "Forgotten" until they become relevant again. And seeing the beginning of a movie you "Forgot" is a surefire way for that to happen.

Even when I re-watch old movies from my childhood where I can't remember what happens next, when it happens I instantly remember "Oh yeah that happened!" So it's never like it's the first time I saw it.

Plus the file would have to be made very specifically for what you want to forget, and you would have to keep listening to it over and over for a long period of time. And if you stopped then it would surely wear off.

I remember I used Trainhypnoloss with a file and while I managed to forget what the file was(I renamed it so I didn't even know the name) I also forgot to listen to trainhypnoloss a few days and I can very much remember what the file was now and what it does.

So as cool as it would be for that to work, I don't think hypnosis can do it. Or at least not recorded hypnosis, maybe a super experienced hypnotist could do it live, but I don't know if you'd be willing to go that far.
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Postby AWESOMEMAN » December 31st, 2009, 3:02 am

Allright, thanks anyway =D
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Joined: December 29th, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby FloridaPuppy » January 4th, 2010, 3:52 pm

What Jeshi said is correct, it's unlikely that you could be made to forget something of that nature just because making someone "forget" through hypnosis is more along the lines of not bothering to remember or forgetting to care about connecting specific dots. If you start filling in some of those dots though, the brain will pick up and fill in the rest.

Ever notice how some B movies will reuse special effects from a completely different movie? Or (more often in the past than now) a studio will make two entirely different but slightly similar movies with the same actors, sets, props, and costumes with different scripts? Catch part of the reused bit or see the set+actors+props and sit there scratching your head wondering why it doesn't line up with what you remember?

It would probably take far far more work than it would be worth, but you could obfuscate things enough to make it difficult to pick up the right trail of dots among all the other winding piles of dots. It still wouldn't be the first time though, finding out the significance to "would you kindly" would only work the first time for example... and again... it would probably be way more work than it would be worth.
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