Hello all, sorry if this has been posted before. I have been listening to a couple files for the past week or so. Having never been hypnotized before, I am unsure as to when or if I go into trance.
I seem to have varying amounts of success with these files. Sometimes i get really relaxed and my body feels really heavy, like a large weight is holding me pressed to my bed. Other times I get the relaxed feeling, accompanied with some tingling. Last night, I was relaxing (somewhat sleepy) and partway through the induction I felt what could be described as a 'mental knee-jerk reaction'. Following that feeling, my body felt like it was 2 arms lengths away, sort of like the feeling when you try to reach out and grab something, just brushing it with your fingertips unable to touch it.
Anyhow, was I in trance at any of those points? And was it enough of a trance for the files to affect me?
Much thanks,