New to Hypnosis

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New to Hypnosis

Postby Default112 » January 8th, 2010, 6:04 pm

Hi there!

I've been listening to some files on this site for a week now and I like to share my experiences and ask for advice.

So I started with Lady Rios female Orgasm, just cause I was curious about and seemed to have no posthypnotic effects. So, first listening, I felt... weird. Body going numb and the feeling like you lay in water with your head right under the surface, popping out every second. But as the induction was over I listened and tried to image what I was told. Well, I have some problems imaging the transformation, so I just listened and thought, I'd have to try again. But at the end of the file I got a warm feeling in my stomach and below and I was like "WTF?" Felt good though and I awakened after the count up.

The next listening was better though, still the feeling popping out every sec but I started to, well dunno, felt like I was going to fall asleep and my mind was like "OH NO NOT SLEEPING!" And I was listening again... Ok the body file itself was ok. I did, what I was told to do.. jerking my back up etc. But, I could not feel a thing. Last time I nearly let out a lout moan und thought I ripped my blanket apart. For this part: Do, what I'm told to do is not a problem, but imaging the feelings I should get is almost impossible.

Ok. Now I tried some other inductions to get me deeper, but I feel most comfortable with lady rio. So I guess I'll stick with her inductions, because I think I can handle them better every time I hear.

So, my question is: Am I doing well? I really don't know if what I experience is really trance.

And I got another: As for I'm from germany I'm used to the metric system etc. In one induction I tried (can't remember which one) I was told to feel temperatures. Thought that that'll be no problem until I was told to feel 80 degrees. That kicked me right out of concentration because I though it would be 80°C which meens 176 Fahrenheit. Well obviously he ment Farenheit. Same for lengths. I know roughly what an Inch is, but a yard? Would have to look it up. So what if an suggestion refers to imperial units?

So I think thats it for now. Would appreciate some replies :)

Posts: 1
Joined: January 3rd, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby cardigan » January 9th, 2010, 7:12 am

Hi and welcome to WMM!

Yes, you are doing fine, it seems, but I think you are trying too hard - by the sound of it. Do not consciously try to concentrate as much as you can to listen and understand every word. Because that involves that you are using your conscious mind to listen with, and that is wrong. Just relax and let the words flow into your head, where you subconscious will be eagerly listening to them. You need to get your conscious mind out of the way.

With regards to the metric system a yard is close to a meter - a little shorter. I am Danish so I think in meters and centigrade too. You need to listen to the body of the file (out of trance) and to determine which things - if any - would be hard to grasp instantly by your subconscious mind. Then in advance, you work out what these things mean, and you sort of memorise them, so that the recollection will come quite automatically when you hear it in the file and don't have to break your trance to think about them at that time. That's how you do it! :-)

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Joined: June 22nd, 2005, 12:00 am

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