Hi there!
I've been listening to some files on this site for a week now and I like to share my experiences and ask for advice.
So I started with Lady Rios female Orgasm, just cause I was curious about and seemed to have no posthypnotic effects. So, first listening, I felt... weird. Body going numb and the feeling like you lay in water with your head right under the surface, popping out every second. But as the induction was over I listened and tried to image what I was told. Well, I have some problems imaging the transformation, so I just listened and thought, I'd have to try again. But at the end of the file I got a warm feeling in my stomach and below and I was like "WTF?" Felt good though and I awakened after the count up.
The next listening was better though, still the feeling popping out every sec but I started to, well dunno, felt like I was going to fall asleep and my mind was like "OH NO NOT SLEEPING!" And I was listening again... Ok the body file itself was ok. I did, what I was told to do.. jerking my back up etc. But, I could not feel a thing. Last time I nearly let out a lout moan und thought I ripped my blanket apart. For this part: Do, what I'm told to do is not a problem, but imaging the feelings I should get is almost impossible.
Ok. Now I tried some other inductions to get me deeper, but I feel most comfortable with lady rio. So I guess I'll stick with her inductions, because I think I can handle them better every time I hear.
So, my question is: Am I doing well? I really don't know if what I experience is really trance.
And I got another: As for I'm from germany I'm used to the metric system etc. In one induction I tried (can't remember which one) I was told to feel temperatures. Thought that that'll be no problem until I was told to feel 80 degrees. That kicked me right out of concentration because I though it would be 80°C which meens 176 Fahrenheit. Well obviously he ment Farenheit. Same for lengths. I know roughly what an Inch is, but a yard? Would have to look it up. So what if an suggestion refers to imperial units?
So I think thats it for now. Would appreciate some replies :)