Amazed ...

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Amazed ...

Postby angel123 » May 10th, 2010, 4:34 pm

I have only recently started using the site and getting into hypnosis (maybe 3-4 weeks).

I usually use the induction file blink_s_goodgirl with subliminals (I can hear the subliminal even at the lowest volume, but that is ok) it works well as the start of the trance.
I then go on and use whichever file I want to. Usually EMG's files - email slave, sensitive_pussy :oops: (**blushes**), trainhousework and weightLoss[1].
These have another induction and awakener in them (I don't know how to edit them yet) :?

My main point is that I have been experiencing trances with this method I am using and I wondered if I could give myself a command. So I tried.

I thought something sexy but simple would be good. So I undressed to my bra and knickers - that's enough for now :) and using the sensitive file I waited until EMG started talking about relaxing.

I then told myself that I would be shackled to the bed at my wrists and ankles until EMG woke me up on the count of 5 or an emergency happened 8O , then I would be freed. :)

I sometimes trance deeply but usually have been going inbetween lighter and deeper phases within the same file.

Believe me I was shocked when it worked, I couldn't lift my arms nor legs off the bed.
I lay there and tried a few times as I went in and out more deeply.

Even when I was in a lighter phase of trance and listening to EMG count me out of the trance I was amazed when my limbs literally jumped at '5' and I could move again. It really felt like mechanical shackles had been automatically opened and I was released by force.

So shocked at this development I tried it several more times with the same results.

What made me write this today though, was I must have fallen asleep during the trance, as I suddenly coughed and felt like I was choking (on saliva probably, as I lay flat on my back on the bed with one thin pillow) and this must have triggered my mind that this was an emergency situation because I could immediately move my arms and legs.

When I came round to the situation I guessed as such because EMG was still giving me the commands and hadn't reached the awakener yet.

So just a question, even though it's a bit late to ask !!! :wink:

Is it ok for me to continue doing this or similar things or not ??

Thanks in advance for any advice .....
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Postby iamli3 » May 10th, 2010, 5:11 pm

so another way to detect this "trance" shit is by the awakener with the counting up that when they actually say the 5 and that your awake now you actually have that happen eh? still something i've yet to even come close to feeling so far , this is pissing me off again , i like how nobody replied to my other post on the forum even though more than 50 of them took the time to look.......
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Postby angel123 » May 10th, 2010, 5:43 pm

iamli3 wrote:so another way to detect this "trance" shit is by the awakener with the counting up that when they actually say the 5 and that your awake now you actually have that happen eh? still something i've yet to even come close to feeling so far , this is pissing me off again , i like how nobody replied to my other post on the forum even though more than 50 of them took the time to look.......

I am so new here that I don't know where you posted on the forum, I haven't got anywhere near reading al the posts and threads yet as well as using files and all ..... :?
Please tell me where your other post is ...
Thanks :)
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Postby guyincognito88 » May 10th, 2010, 6:06 pm

It sounds like you've had excellent results, the type that many other people long for. Now that you know that you are quite suggestible to hypnosis and that these files work, its up to you to decide what you want from hypnosis and what your limits are.

If the choking thing is common than you should consider whether its a problem with how you're positioning yourself, or if its some sort of subconscious response. If it's a one off, I doubt you have to worry.

You should be aware, of course, that e-mail slave could potentially give a stranger lots of control over you. Consider what that means, and share your e-mail with caution (or not, it's your ride).

I should probably also say that I'm neither an expert nor a professional, and am mainly just sharing what I've read on this and other sites. Much of this is common sense, though.
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Postby angel123 » May 11th, 2010, 1:15 pm

Thanks so much guyincognito for taking time to reply, :D

I did 10 sessions of the email slave and it didn't work for someone who mailed me off here, but a friend of mine mailed me and although I didn't realise it at the time it did work. 8O
I have decided to stop that one now thanks. It is definitely too risky for me.

I think you are right I was too flat on my back, from now on I will have a couple of pillows under my head.
I am going to keep on with the hypnosis as a subject and maybe try and find a recognised course to study it ... all this from curiousity :D

[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby iamli3 » May 12th, 2010, 1:54 am

it's in the help with files section , idk maybe even you could help with what i posted there , just look for my user name it's there.....
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Postby guyincognito88 » May 13th, 2010, 6:36 pm

Glad you found my reply helpful. I've heard that even though the hypnotist tells you that something undoubtedly will happen, your subconscious still makes sort of a judgment call. Your varying results with e-mail slave can easily be explained by you feeling safer following the suggestions when they came from a friend and/or finding those specific suggestions more desirable than those sent by the stranger.

I imagine curiosity is what brought us all here in the first place. My interest in hypnosis has followed something of a meandering path. If you want to read up on it, there are tons of resources available both online and at the library. Of course the angle at which hypnosis is approached varies greatly.

Hope your trances and experiences keep getting better. Good girl! :P
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Postby angel123 » May 15th, 2010, 8:44 am

Thanks guy, I think the points you made are true, on reflection I would say as I am a cautious person usually then yes my subconcoscious must have kicked in .... :D
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Postby angel123 » May 26th, 2010, 5:07 pm

I was relaxing on my bed this morning, had finished listening to files and was thinking of getting up when it just came to me :idea: ...

Wide awake, listening to quite lively music and not in trance, to test the previous trials I had been trying on myself ....

I told myself that I would be shackled to the bed at my wrists/ankles again until the end of the song (or an emergency) .... it still works .... there was no way I was going to lift my legs or arms off the bed, the most I managed to lift my arms was a half inch off the bed and no more .....
and when the song ended I was free ..... :?

Is this normal ??
I would love to know more in this respect ..... :)
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby KiruGX » May 27th, 2010, 1:05 am

If chokings an issue Lay on your side,But your a chick,so that might be uncomfortable for you huh? :?
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Postby angel123 » May 27th, 2010, 12:30 pm

KiruGX wrote:If chokings an issue Lay on your side,But your a chick,so that might be uncomfortable for you huh? :?

Thanks, I have resolved that problem ... and I do lie on my side now too :)
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Re: Update

Postby cardigan » June 5th, 2010, 6:11 am

angel123 wrote:
Wide awake, listening to quite lively music and not in trance, to test the previous trials I had been trying on myself ....

I told myself that I would be shackled to the bed at my wrists/ankles again until the end of the song (or an emergency) .... it still works .... there was no way I was going to lift my legs or arms off the bed, the most I managed to lift my arms was a half inch off the bed and no more .....
and when the song ended I was free ..... :?

Is this normal ??
I would love to know more in this respect ..... :)

It's totally normal. Trance can happen completely without a "formal" induction. But your results tell us that you are having excellent results with hypnosis - probably going pretty deep and being very susceptible. So in answer to your question: Yes, it's quite normal for a susceptible person to be able to do something like that.

You might try this little experiment: Pick a day when you have not listened to hypnosis at all. Close your eyes and relax and tell yourself that the shackles are coming on at the count of 3 or something. Specify which other conditions will also be present at the count of 3 - for instance how long the shackles will be there before the disappear. Then count to 3.

If this works, you might add other things too - like while you are shackled, you are being vibrated with a strong vibrator - causing you to orgasm, and there's nothing you can do about it. :twisted:

You will probably find that these things will also work on you!

Best wishes

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Re: Update

Postby angel123 » June 7th, 2010, 12:01 pm

cardigan wrote:

If this works, you might add other things too - like while you are shackled, you are being vibrated with a strong vibrator - causing you to orgasm, and there's nothing you can do about it. :twisted:

You will probably find that these things will also work on you!

Best wishes


WOW ..... I am going to :P

I have tried some other files which didn't work, while others work very well.
There is an experiment I am trying which I don't want to detail here, that fits in well with this idea you have suggested, so I will give it a go .... and let you know :D :wink: :oops:

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Postby Alien4420 » June 8th, 2010, 10:53 am

If you want to learn how to edit files, you can download Audacity, it's a free audio editor. Just do a search. A bit funky in the way it works, but you'll catch on soon enough, there are online tutorials that are brief and clear.

Pretty cool that you can give yourself suggestions that way. I can't do that, or at least I couldn't when I tried self hypnosis years ago. But I can write something and use a screen reader to read the suggestion to me. When I first tried that I gave myself a suggestion that I would have to wear a chain collar and that if I ever tried to take it off without a practical reason such as repairing it it would be as if my arms were paralyzed. That was many months ago, and I still can't take it off! My arms just won't move when I try.
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Postby angel123 » June 8th, 2010, 11:02 am

Alien4420 wrote:If you want to learn how to edit files, you can download Audacity, it's a free audio editor. Just do a search. A bit funky in the way it works, but you'll catch on soon enough, there are online tutorials that are brief and clear.

Pretty cool that you can give yourself suggestions that way. I can't do that, or at least I couldn't when I tried self hypnosis years ago. But I can write something and use a screen reader to read the suggestion to me. When I first tried that I gave myself a suggestion that I would have to wear a chain collar and that if I ever tried to take it off without a practical reason such as repairing it it would be as if my arms were paralyzed. That was many months ago, and I still can't take it off! My arms just won't move when I try.

Thanks, I did download audacity but I am so hopeless that I haven't managed to use it properly yet ...

So are you happy with still wearing the chain and collar or you want to take it off now and can't ? :?
Could you write an order to remove it and have the ''computer speech'' thing tell you to do it?

.... I always cover myself when I order myself to do something (and I don't need to say it out loud either) .... an emergency to me can even be something small like my S.O entering the bedroom while I am trancing so that I am able to move etc.
Obviously I must subconsciously have my own ''emergency'' checklist as would anyone.

Let me know how you are doing thanks :)
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Postby Alien4420 » June 8th, 2010, 11:31 am

Don't be too hard on yourself over Audacity! It's not difficult, but you have to look at the tutorials to use it because it isn't intuitive, forex to save your edited audio file you have to export it rather than saving it.

Funny you should ask that about my collar, because I was just wondering the same thing. I did decide to take it off a few days ago because it's no longer serving any purpose and I was thinking I could write a new script so I could take it off. But when I thought about writing the undo I realized I couldn't. So I looked back at the file I made and it says "You have chosen to listen to this curse and it cannot be reversed. You will listen to this file twice a day until it is permanent. If you try not to listen to this file, if you try to disobey it or to undo it, you will be forced to listen again and again until it takes hold." But it's not so bad because I also wrote that the collar would turn me on. :-)
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Postby angel123 » June 8th, 2010, 11:48 am

Alien4420 wrote:Don't be too hard on yourself over Audacity! It's not difficult, but you have to look at the tutorials to use it because it isn't intuitive, forex to save your edited audio file you have to export it rather than saving it.

Funny you should ask that about my collar, because I was just wondering the same thing. I did decide to take it off a few days ago because it's no longer serving any purpose and I was thinking I could write a new script so I could take it off. But when I thought about writing the undo I realized I couldn't. So I looked back at the file I made and it says "You have chosen to listen to this curse and it cannot be reversed. You will listen to this file twice a day until it is permanent. If you try not to listen to this file, if you try to disobey it or to undo it, you will be forced to listen again and again until it takes hold." But it's not so bad because I also wrote that the collar would turn me on. :-)

Thanks for being kind about Audacity :lol:

Oooooh good and bad news about the collar then :?

I think maybe I am naturally cautious .... and that could be considered both ways I guess ... I think I am glad I am cautious, I would have gotten into sooo much trouble by now 8O

I imagine as you are stuck with the collar, would you think twice about enforcing something on yourself again ?? (I saw cfg posts) ... I would be, but if you have nothing to lose then it's ok .... :?:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby Alien4420 » June 10th, 2010, 8:27 am

angel123 wrote:
Thanks for being kind about Audacity :lol:

Oooooh good and bad news about the collar then :?

I think maybe I am naturally cautious .... and that could be considered both ways I guess ... I think I am glad I am cautious, I would have gotten into sooo much trouble by now 8O

I imagine as you are stuck with the collar, would you think twice about enforcing something on yourself again ?? (I saw cfg posts) ... I would be, but if you have nothing to lose then it's ok .... :?:

So I got curious and tried harder and was able to take my collar off! I'd only listened to that suggestion two or three times. Really, I'm amazed that the suggestion held as long as it did. But the collar was just fun, so I didn't have much of a reason to fight the suggestion.

I'd definitely be cautious about enforcing something on myself. But mostly that would be along the lines of not choosing something I couldn't live with. Like walking in front of a train or getting my face tattooed. Those suggestions probably wouldn't take, but who wants to risk it? And I know you can be made to do at least mildly harmful stuff, forex I've been ordered to send money to the hypnotist and sometimes I was able to throw off the suggestion but other times I did. So I think I'd try to avoid suggestions that are dangerous or too malicious.

Also, I'd avoid the curse files unless I was completely cool with the consequences, because they really can trap you if you listen long enough (I'd listened to Forced Gay for two months before I tried to undo it). But Forced Gay hasn't made me unhappy, I'm still a bit freaked but I don't regret having listened to it and I don't want to change back anymore. I know it's the file that made me feel this way, but . . . I've learned that 90% of happiness is in your head.
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Postby angel123 » June 11th, 2010, 11:10 am

Alien4420 wrote:

And I know you can be made to do at least mildly harmful stuff, forex I've been ordered to send money to the hypnotist and sometimes I was able to throw off the suggestion but other times I did. So I think I'd try to avoid suggestions that are dangerous or too malicious.

Also, I'd avoid the curse files unless I was completely cool with the consequences, because they really can trap you if you listen long enough (I'd listened to Forced Gay for two months before I tried to undo it). But Forced Gay hasn't made me unhappy, I'm still a bit freaked but I don't regret having listened to it and I don't want to change back anymore. I know it's the file that made me feel this way, but . . . I've learned that 90% of happiness is in your head.

I am so freaked out that you listened to cfg and it worked I just feel like crying when I read it :(
... I don't know why, but I just think it's not right to change someone's sexuality, I guess the hypnotist would answer that it does have the warning on the file ...
Have you tried to remove it now ?? Personally, I would keep trying .... but that's me :?

I agree with you regarding listening to some of the other files, as I am able to be influenced by some suggestions I avoid ones where I don't want to accept the consequences if the suggestions DID work.
Scary .... 8O
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Postby Alien4420 » June 11th, 2010, 3:38 pm

angel123 wrote:
I am so freaked out that you listened to cfg and it worked I just feel like crying when I read it :(
... I don't know why, but I just think it's not right to change someone's sexuality, I guess the hypnotist would answer that it does have the warning on the file ...
Have you tried to remove it now ?? Personally, I would keep trying .... but that's me :?

I agree with you regarding listening to some of the other files, as I am able to be influenced by some suggestions I avoid ones where I don't want to accept the consequences if the suggestions DID work.
Scary .... 8O

Yeah, I tried for about a year to remove it but it always won. So now I've pretty much just accepted that I'm gay. I know I *could* remove it, any hypnosis can be undone, but these curse files make it very hard to do that. And the files I was able to try just didn't work, Curse Forced Bi almost did but then Forced Gay reasserted itself.

It isn't so bad, though, the file tells you you'll be happy to be gay so I'm happy to be gay and it tells you to accept it so I've accepted it. Even if I do freak out a bit sometimes. :-)
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Postby angel123 » June 12th, 2010, 5:58 pm

Alien4420 wrote:

Yeah, I tried for about a year to remove it but it always won. So now I've pretty much just accepted that I'm gay. I know I *could* remove it, any hypnosis can be undone, but these curse files make it very hard to do that. And the files I was able to try just didn't work, Curse Forced Bi almost did but then Forced Gay reasserted itself.

It isn't so bad, though, the file tells you you'll be happy to be gay so I'm happy to be gay and it tells you to accept it so I've accepted it. Even if I do freak out a bit sometimes. :-)

I guess hon :cry:
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Postby Alien4420 » June 12th, 2010, 7:28 pm

Seriously, not :-)
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Postby angel123 » June 14th, 2010, 12:46 pm

Alien4420 wrote:Seriously, not :-)

Ok ... you got a half smile outta me :?
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