Can a file make you do something you don t want to do?

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Can a file make you do something you don t want to do?

Postby Judy-Anne » July 10th, 2010, 10:28 am

Hi, i have a question about the diaper files. I find some of them really exiting, like curse diaper humiliation or diaper dependance 4 from Saranoga, i had those two files played in a loop in my head for the whole day and i got really aroused. I am addicted to these files even if it had no results in my life, exept thinking very much about it. Do you think that these files could work even though i honestly conciously don t wan t it to happen?
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Re: Can a file make you do something you don t want to do?

Postby sarnoga » July 10th, 2010, 12:06 pm

jib wrote:Hi, i have a question about the diaper files. I find some of them really exiting, like curse diaper humiliation or diaper dependance 4 from Saranoga, i had those two files played in a loop in my head for the whole day and i got really aroused. I am addicted to these files even if it had no results in my life, exept thinking very much about it. Do you think that these files could work even though i honestly conciously don t wan t it to happen?

Hello jib,

I am pleased that one of my files is on your list of files you enjoy and that arouse you.

Some say it is impossible for a file to make you do something you do not want it to do. Some disagree. I think very few things are absolute. When dealing with the human mind there is more that we don't know than we do know.

Also, there may be a difference between what you want and what you think you want. There may be things we think we do not really want that subconsciously we really do want. The fact that you find these files arousing indicates that on some level you may want those effects. On the other hand I think there are some things that an individual may find to be arousing as the ultimate fantasy but that they do not really want them to happen, they only want to fantasize about it happening.

EMG has some files that make a good illustration of this point. There are two files, Curse Forced Gay and Curse Stroke Sissy, both by EMG, that many people listen to for what they believe to be a variety of reasons. Some believe they want the files to actually work for them. Some say they only wanted to listen because it aroused them or for other reasons. There are many accounts of those who say they didn't really want the files to work but say they worked anyway and they find it difficult or impossible to reverse the effects.

The conclusion that I come to is that the correct answer to your question is that nobody really knows for sure.

It is not even clear, at least to me, that we can even really know what our true desires are with any certainty. That is one of the things that can make Hypnosis so much fun. It gives people the opportunity to explore and discover their desires.

I hope this reply was some help and did more than just add to your concern or uncertainty.


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Re: Can a file make you do something you don t want to do?

Postby Alien4420 » July 10th, 2010, 9:50 pm

jib wrote:Hi, i have a question about the diaper files. I find some of them really exiting, like curse diaper humiliation or diaper dependance 4 from Saranoga, i had those two files played in a loop in my head for the whole day and i got really aroused. I am addicted to these files even if it had no results in my life, exept thinking very much about it. Do you think that these files could work even though i honestly conciously don t wan t it to happen?

Yes they could. If you have an exceedingly strong objection to a suggestion you'll reject the suggestion and pop out of trance. For example, if you tell a subject to kill their grandfather, they won't do it. If you have a more moderate objection to a suggestion, you'll be resistant to it. The mind tends to pick and choose what it wants, just as it we tend to pick and choose from the facts presented to us depending on our political affiliation. But, in my experience anyway, that resistance will eventually be worn down or circumvented with repeated listenings.

I've also found that suggestions that don't really take hold are still latent in the subconscious, and that they can produce gradual changes in your behavior.

Bottom line I think is that while in my experience most files and suggestions can be thrown off, particularly if you listen only a few times, not all can. This is in my experience particularly true of the curse files, which are designed to be resistant. My advice would be that you should never listen to a curse file more than a few times unless you can accept the possibility that you won't be able to escape from it. And to keep in mind that your conscious mind isn't in charge of you. It's evolved to be a tool of a more ancient part of the brain, the subconscious, and the subconscious will alter its decisions to get what it wants.
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Postby Judy-Anne » July 11th, 2010, 1:08 am

Thank you for your answers, anyway, whatever happens, i enjoy very much listening to it, so thank you for making it possible... I ve never been so excited with anything, even having sex with any girl... The diaper dependance file i listened to yesturday seem to work today... I almost can t urinate normally this morning, i hope it is not irrevocable like you said, cos i ll get really embarassed with it working, and i don t talk about the diaper curse humiliation which would be catastrophic if it worked... Thank you anyway, even though it seems like i can t think about anything else today, and it is kind of tuff... I also feel a permanent contraction in my pelvis area.. Is it normal?
Your pleasure is my pleasure...
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