Curses, hypnosis, & transformations using hypnosis are f

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Curses, hypnosis, & transformations using hypnosis are f

Postby rickgek » September 14th, 2010, 8:42 pm

i came upon this site by accident and seen some of the so called hypnosis files that claims to do this and that such as for an example curse Pre Pubescent Shemale. So i decided to listen and started to laugh because i can't believe anybody would think a persons mind would be able to do this. If this was physically possible scientists would already have prooved it. What scientists have already proved just like spells, psychology hypnosis and curses are as fake as dolly partons breasts. Highly intelligent people such as myself cant be what they call hypnotized or brainwashed. only gullable people fall for this scam. its ok maybe for fantasy/role playing/ immaginary stuff. but real world this stuff dont work. by the way listening to the curse pre pubescent shemale theres a part where the person claim you better talk to a doctor ,etc. Let me advice you to you better not because the doctor will put you in a nut ward and give you shock treatment because he would think your nuts to believe this phony stuff. Just dont want anybody to have to be locked up for 72 hour evaluation they give to the insane. whats the biggest joke is they charge $50 to remove the so called curse(B.S.) hope nobody falls for that.
i sorry to disappoint you and shatter this for you but you need to live in reality not fantasy. so don't believe these files especially the curse and transformation files. Because there is no phsyicall proof they work. But science and the medical field already prooved this stuff doesnt work.
Last edited by rickgek on September 17th, 2010, 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » September 14th, 2010, 9:07 pm

Seems like you're enjoying that file. One of the effects of the "curse" is that you'll post vehemently over an over how hypnosis doesn't work while the whole time you are secretly enjoying it more and more.
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Postby rickgek » September 14th, 2010, 9:33 pm

nope did it just to see what lame thing these so called transoformation hypnosis curse files spew out. These go along with the scam on Ebay where people are trying to pass normal objects off as cursed or items with spells attached that has some effect which is more B.S. I fell for the Hypnotism B.S. awhile back when this so called compay was doing it for to be a better guitarist/musician and you could get separate tapes for whatever instrument you played. for $30-$50 a pop. I wasted money on that scam. TO learn a lesson the only way to get good is to actually practice. As for these fantasy changes these files spew out are ridiculous. And common sense and medical science proves They cant be done by hypnotism. i just posted that to warn those foolish enough to believe what the person said in the particular file to tell a doctor and etc. Because they would be put in mental evaluation for 72 hours just by telling the doctor they are changing into a pubescent shemale because of a curse.
Curses are like spells , they dont exist
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Postby zapnosis » September 15th, 2010, 4:04 am

rickgek wrote:Curses are like spells , they dont exist

you don't exist
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
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Postby Enargo » September 15th, 2010, 4:32 am

Lol this stuff is (for the most part) just visual hallucinations. And if hypnotism is all snake oil, then why are there hypnotharapists. It's your loss anyway mate, not mine. Do some real research to back up your argument.
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Postby demigraff » September 15th, 2010, 8:34 am

If scientists didn't believe in hypnosis, I doubt so many surgeons would be willing to operate on patients using it for pain relief.

Files are more effective if the effect is something you want. Some of the effects claimed by these files are just wishful thinking (though there's a lot of disagreement about which things hypnosis can or can't do). Some people respond better to different inductions. And, just like anything else, some files are better than others.

If you want to say "I tried it and it doesn't work", you need to pick a different file. I've never seen anyone claim success with that file. So you're like some guy saying "I took paracetamol and it didn't cure my cold, so all medicine is fake"

Maybe you should try Curse Stroke Sissy for a week. I hear that's one of the best files for people who don't believe in hypnosis.

Enargo wrote:And if hypnotism is all snake oil

Interestingly enough, snake oil works. A couple of hundred years ago, con artists trying to sell flavoured water as a cure-all coined the term "snake oil salesman" to discredit their competition. After all, if we're telling you that the other guy's product is a fraud, that gives me a reputation for being trustworthy
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Postby AFA » September 15th, 2010, 2:47 pm

Ok, for starters most people can agree hypnosis is basically a placebo. Before people start yelling at me though I am not saying it has no effect. It’s why in a double blind study for drugs they give some the placebo and others the real drug, because sometimes if they are taking a placebo they will still experience the effects of the drug.. It all comes down to suggestibility, belief, and science.

And if you really want to see how powerful hypnosis can be tack a look at this article where a doctor accidentally cures an incurable disease that he thought was just normal warts.

Now as for the actual sort of files you are referring to:
Transformation: This can be a bit tricky because there are certain things the mind is capable of doing and not. Majority of the time it is all your own perception of what is happening and usually just a hallucination as mentioned before. An example of this is most of the furry transformation files out there. The individual doesn’t actually change but they would see themselves change and if they were to have something like a tail it would almost be like a phantom limb. As for your file “Curse Pre Pubescent Shemale” The only actually possible physical change for this would possible if a female listened she may get an enlarged clitoris, but this is quite doubtful.
Curse: Obviously there is nothing magical about the file, but when it say curse it is meant to imply basically you will be stuck that way, that’s about it.

There is one thing though I have to agree with and that is the suggestion “you better talk to a doctor” seeing as this is probably all hallucination it seems rather ill responsible to throw that in there unless the full suggestion was “you better talk to a doctor to see about getting a sex change” While I still don’t like the file would suggest getting surgery done to yourself and doubt any doctor would do this kind of sex change it would at least make a little sense.

As for your tapes on playing an instrument, yes it sound’s like you were scammed. About the only thing that those tapes could have done is given you a drive to learn how to play an instrument and practice that’s about it I think. And also some people are just hard to hypnotize that doesn’t mean there isn’t an induction out there that will work for you. What is really hard is if you learn about how to hypnotize someone because if you learn enough rather than go under you begin deconstructing the file as you listen thinking things like “Oh hear comes the count down”, “Oh, that was some interesting imagery he tried”, or “Man, I could have done better than that” etc… It makes it really hard to get into a deep trance.
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Postby hypnostriggers » September 15th, 2010, 3:31 pm

I am kind of curious why someone that doesn't believe in hypnosis wanders around a hypnosis forum.

Anyway, the term Curse is used here on the website not as a supernatural or occult thing, but rather as a categorization tool for files, the same way there are triggers. They simply intend to show the files that would have permanent effects, files made by someone that would be the sole capable (in some cases not) to release the user from this permanent effect, hence, curse.

Of course there are many scams online, there are many false hypnotists, but there are respectful and honest professionals, and it is possible to find real hypnotists here on this website. Hypnosis is a science, can be scientifically proven.

Unfortunately, hypnotists usually have a bad image on the society because of some charlatans that pretend to have magical powers or pretend to be hypnotists and have some sort of power.

I can tell you that hypnosis is real, I have been hypnotized, self hypnotized and by others, I have hypnotized people.

Of course if you start listening to a file thinking it will not work, forget about it, your mind will not accept any suggestion. The first step to be hypnotized, and there are many others here that may explain this better than myself, is to want to be hypnotized.

"Magick" curses (there is a reason for me to use the term Magick instead of Magic) may work. I am not saying that i would be able to do something over the internet, nor am I claiming to have any kind of supernatural power.

But, the power of suggestion is real and this is used by mani that claim to have magickal powers. I would suggest you watch the video Derren Brown - Voodoo. It is all over the internet.
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Postby rickgek » September 15th, 2010, 4:07 pm

hypnosis is like psychology it doent work. its a scam to incress someones bank account. Fact is hypnosis is like brain washing only gullable people fall into it. The higher the intelligence then there is no effect. Its basically works as the talking to the dead scam those morons on tv do. basically they con you by asking certain questions and saying a few indirect things to get the info they need to con you like they are talking to dead people. Same with this hypnosis scam. It,s ok if its labeled strictly as entertainment. But warnings and such is ridiculous especially on those thing supposedly called curses. As for the mind curing an incurable disease. There is no proof of that. One qwacks word over the entire medical field doesn't prove anything. as i said before i stumpled on this site by accident. i was looking thur see if they were doing the same B.S. scam as that Music subliminal companey who i got screwed over by. as for curse used for saying a file has permanent effects. Just use finality file which means the effects of that file is final. Curse for those who are superstitious (weak minded) makes them believe that those files are real and the effects are real. Which give an absolute false thinking and creates disapointment when the files don't do as the files say. As hypnosis you got to want it to work i did want it to work when i bought those music subliminal tapes. but they didnt. I kept and open mind even as a joke when i listened to the curse pubescent shemale for 4 days. but nothing happened. just like the music subliminal tapes. nothing except a feeling of wasting time. I dont have a problem if these were marked entertainment only. but Taking these files as actually working is like thinking bigfoots real even after the guy who created the myth and the famous picture comes out and show exactly how he did it and tells the world how he created the bigfoot myth. Your only fooling yourself. Using them as a fantasy entertainment is ok but thinking they have real effects you would be fooling yourself. Now i would take back everything i said here if those effects started or that file actually did what it supposed to say it would do. but its not gooing to happen because these files which have physical effects don't work. I'm not bashing those who want to pretend they do but just dont want people to get others hopes up who are gullable to what others say
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Postby zapnosis » September 15th, 2010, 5:21 pm

Damn it! We are all gullible (but not gullable), weak minded fools. I knew we were going wrong somewhere. Thanks for setting us straight, rickgek, I'm sure that one day we will see how stupid we have been. Why don't you go and find someone as clever as you are, if you can, and tell them about it? You are obviously too special for the likes of us.
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby Enargo » September 15th, 2010, 5:45 pm

u be trollin dawg
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Postby AFA » September 16th, 2010, 2:47 am

Enargo wrote:u be trollin dawg
I think your right.

Remember everyone don't feed the troll.
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Awww, come on now...

Postby MyVoice » September 16th, 2010, 7:08 am

Even trolls need fed, you know, and this one has quite an appetite! At least ya'll are giving him a varied diet (some nice responces, actually). :wink:

__________________ love the sound of MyVoice
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Postby DKaiser » September 16th, 2010, 12:42 pm

Preferably you can find a troll who's down on his luck, so after feeding him, you can take him home, give him a bath, and train him to be your own personal attack troll.

Regardless, troller's gonna troll. Might as well enjoy it. *popcorn*
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Postby rickgek » September 16th, 2010, 7:00 pm

dont comprehend what you mean by trolling. let me explain myself. I am a realist. A person who lives in reality aka the real word not a fantasy world. Not the fantasy world parents put you in when as a child they keep telling you you can do anything if you put your mind to it. WRONG. Somethings you need to be born with talent to do. No matter how much you work for if not born with that specific areas talent you will never get to that point. also a person who has left their imagination behind when they grew up to be an adult. Imagination is a childish action to escape the real world and/or to escape the consequences of ones actions/choices. I simply deal with facts. Believe me if these files worked i would have no problem stating it, and be proud of it. and probably spread the word further about these files but they are not real. They are for peoples fanstasy and imaginary lives. Only physical changes would the ones you or the doctor does themselves. Yes i would love to believe these files could cause the immpossible changes becuase i would be haing files made to get the perfect smile and replace the bad teeth i have as well as a perfect tongue since as a child about 5yrs old i was bitten on the tongue when i stuck it out at a dog. now it has a crevice in it. (probably would make it a gene simmons tongue lol) but These are just fantasies which take away from actually getting something real done in the real world
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » September 16th, 2010, 8:59 pm

Ok, you made your point. Hypnosis is a scam, not real and it doesn't work. Especially since you're intelligent and strong minded!

NOW what? Are you just going to hang around and post that every time you post?
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Postby DKaiser » September 17th, 2010, 6:27 am

Whereas I'd prefer to live in a world where people didn't look at stupid files and claim it applies to everything. Hypnosis deals with the mind, and thus the only physical changes it can create are ones regulated by the mind(hormonal stuff and the like).
These are for people's fantasy and imaginary lives

No shit. That's the whole point. Every time you watch TV, you're taking a break from your reality. Every time you read a book, or let yourself get engrossed in a story, you're taking a break from your reality. Hypnosis is just our preferred means of doing it. Take a look at the kind of files made here: It's not silly scams to "make you a millionaire through hypnosis"; just files to indulge in a little fantasy when we have the time, entertainment as it were.
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Postby mutatedbunnyboy » September 17th, 2010, 9:09 am

rickgek wrote:dont comprehend what you mean by trolling. let me explain myself. I am a realist. A person who lives in reality aka the real word not a fantasy world. Not the fantasy world parents put you in when as a child they keep telling you you can do anything if you put your mind to it. WRONG. Somethings you need to be born with talent to do. No matter how much you work for if not born with that specific areas talent you will never get to that point. also a person who has left their imagination behind when they grew up to be an adult. Imagination is a childish action to escape the real world and/or to escape the consequences of ones actions/choices. I simply deal with facts. Believe me if these files worked i would have no problem stating it, and be proud of it. and probably spread the word further about these files but they are not real. They are for peoples fanstasy and imaginary lives. Only physical changes would the ones you or the doctor does themselves. Yes i would love to believe these files could cause the immpossible changes becuase i would be haing files made to get the perfect smile and replace the bad teeth i have as well as a perfect tongue since as a child about 5yrs old i was bitten on the tongue when i stuck it out at a dog. now it has a crevice in it. (probably would make it a gene simmons tongue lol) but These are just fantasies which take away from actually getting something real done in the real world

I too am a realist and i have to disagree with your views on life, especially the imagination bit. Without our imaginations we wouldnt have learnt how to create aircrafts, go in to space, cure diseases. And as for hypnosis being a crock, yes it is to an extent, its certainly not like "snap fingers" now you are asleep and will do anything and everything, but it does work as sugestability.

A very good and common example of this is advertising! Think about Coca-Cola ... as a drink its shit, syrup with carbon and no real flavour, there are much better drinks out there... yet coke is the most widely known and drunk!

This all comes down to the masses of advertising out there, on billboards/tv/fast food rstraunts/posters. Anywhere they can stick a logo. And there is no difference between this and hypnosis. and you cant say it doesnt work because otherwise coke would have gone bump long ago.

People see/hear a message in this example "drink cola" and that message is repeated over and over and over again, untill they purchase it, they get the sugar which induces endorphins which make them feel good which strengthens the command to "drink more coke". Hypnosis is very much in the same way "do this and you will feel good" you do what is asked of you and you get the warm fuzzy feeling of endorphins and want to do it again.

If you're so confident Rickgek then prove to us that it doesnt work, 3 months on a file you already have, if the whole things a fake then nothing will happen and the "deprogram all" file for $50 isnt needed and if you find that after 3 months you're hooked but want rid then you will need the file, showing that it is possible to fall into suggestion. Either way you can not claim something like this as being a scam, it either works and does exactly what it says on the tin, or it doesnt and you have no need to shell out any money.
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Postby saiumi » September 17th, 2010, 3:43 pm

rickgek wrote:(1) hypnosis is like psychology it doent work. ... (2)Fact is hypnosis is like brain washing only gullable people fall into it. The higher the intelligence then there is no effect. ... (3) i was looking thur see if they were doing the same B.S. scam as that Music subliminal companey who i got screwed over by. ... (4) As hypnosis you got to want it to work i did want it to work when i bought those music subliminal tapes. but they didnt. I kept and open mind even as a joke when (5) i listened to the curse pubescent shemale for 4 days. but nothing happened. just like the music subliminal tapes. nothing except a feeling of wasting time. (6)I dont have a problem if these were marked entertainment only. but Taking these files as actually working is like thinking bigfoots real even after the guy who created the myth and the famous picture comes out and show exactly how he did it and tells the world how he created the bigfoot myth. Your only fooling yourself. Using them as a fantasy entertainment is ok but thinking they have real effects you would be fooling yourself. (7)Now i would take back everything i said here if those effects started or that file actually did what it supposed to say it would do. but its not gooing to happen because these files which have physical effects don't work. I'm not bashing those who want to pretend they do but just dont want people to get others hopes up who are gullable to what others say

Psychology is the science and art of explaining and changing human mental processes and behaviors. Its immediate goal is to understand humanity by both discovering general principles and exploring specific cases, and its ultimate aim is to benefit society

(2) Brain Washing is a form of hypnosis, so that in itself debunks your argument, as it is a valid form and it is recognized by the medical field. Though your statement about it only being applicable to feeble minded/gullible people is false. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a form that I guarantee even you are capable of falling under(and most likely already are).
See: McDonald's ads, Cigarette ads and strategic use in film, Soda ads(Coca~Cola vs Pepsi) and then research the limitation and prohibition of subliminal advertising in mass media because of the effects and morality issues.
(3) Until you have disassembled the .wav, .mp3, .oog, or whatever format the file is in you cannot say that the file you were sold is a fraudulent file. I'd be willing to gamble that the file you were sold does contain a subliminal in it. It may be poorly constructed or worded but it is there. Example: one of the many tools used to improve performance of a country's military personnel are subliminal messages, of one I can say the most amusing is "Don't Drink Alcohol Before You Fire Your Machine Gun".
(4) How long did you listen to your Music Subliminal Tapes, and how often? What technique(s) did you use when you were listening to them? What kind of equipment were you listening to them with? If headphones what is the audio range on them?(Example 100hz-20Khz) If speakers, are they stereo or single? These are ALL factors you have to take into account before making rash and possibly inaccurate claims. After all, if you were so sure about the fraudulent files you would have initiated a class action lawsuit against the company that sold you the files(if you have then feel free to forward the details of the suit).
(5) The incredibly short time(4 days!) you gave the file, as a trial, to manifest it's effects is unrealistic. Even for people experienced, a new file can take several weeks or months to manifest the hallucinations or physical(if possible, but that usually takes YEARS) effects desired or described.
(6) I don't know about your definition of this from the Index page "This site is dedicated to hypnosis as a fetish and the sharing of hypnofetish mp3's." but to most intelligent and educated people that is the most clear and accurate description of entertainment available for accurate description. If you want we could go over the definitions of fetish, pleasure, and entertainment ... but I think that would get a little redundant.
(7) Expecting immediate results from 1 or 2 listens to a file and then saying it is bunk is pretty much the same as going to only 1 or 2 sessions of chemotherapy or radiation therapy and saying that because you weren't 100% cured in those 1 or 2 sessions that they were also bunk. It takes time for things to process, for your subconscious mind to tell your conscious mind that it wants things to be different. Another thing to take into account are the types of physical, and mental, changes. Some take quite a bit of chemical alteration in the body to make happen, and they can happen but not overnight. For mental changes you are actually working to break down the walls of your social conditioning to effect changes. Some are easier than others.
Also, something that I think you are missing out on is your imagination. Your view of the world must be pretty drab, a black an white world like my old phosphorus set. You, lacking an imagination, would be considered the perfect drone to be molded by any who see fit because you have no will to think outside of what you are being told to think. You obviously aren't creative because that takes imagination. No wonder your Music Subliminal Tapes didn't work, because one of the ultimate forms of imagination, creativity, expression, and mathematics is music!
(Please use a spell-check function and proof read your posts if you are going to try to represent yourself as an intelligent person as it demeans those of us who actually belong to the group of people with whom you identify.)
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Postby Enargo » September 17th, 2010, 5:27 pm

don't feed the troll guys.
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Postby DKaiser » September 17th, 2010, 7:12 pm

Enargo wrote:don't feed the troll guys.

Aww, but they're just so cute...
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Postby AFA » September 17th, 2010, 11:38 pm

DKaiser wrote:
Enargo wrote:don't feed the troll guys.

Aww, but they're just so cute...

I think you are thinking of the wrong type of troll. We are not talking about theses ones:
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Pre pubescent

Postby donna_cd » September 18th, 2010, 1:26 am

HMM,don't pre pubescent girls just know they are right ALL of the time ?? Just love to argue over silly things ?? Won't listen to anyones views other than their own ??
Nah it couldn't have worked......could it ???
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Postby rickgek » September 18th, 2010, 6:09 am

Physical changes can only be made physically not mentally only a doctor or yourself change make such changes. and there are limits to changes. The mind cant not change dna, Bringing lizards,forgs that change sex. YO need to understand theirs a difference between humans and lizards and frogs. If so called changes actually happened they would be posted all over the medical journals. There would be no old age because of the so called regression to puberty or need for doctors to do sex changes. But we live in reality where controlling your age aka go back to younger age. or change sexes, etc is virtually impossible with anything mental such as hypnosis. It make may depending on if your select few it dont work on make you think the changes happened but in all reality they didnt. Like i said before i do wish these things actually worked, but they dont. I dont know those who use it for entertainment value only. but there are gallible people who will beleive these actually work then spend money buying them or buying the so called curse removal file. only to be screwed out of $50. The thinking if you believe in it enough you can make it happen or make it true is a falsehood. hell i would like to play guitar like my favorite guitarist but hypnosis cant make it happen only physical hard work and practice can make that happen. That goes with everything. Im just looking out for those stumbling onto this site like i did. i may not be superstitutious and believe in those curse files actually work and only can be removed is by paying $50. But there are a bunch of superstitous people out there that would think this is true and would spend higher amounts of money to remove a hypnotic curse. by the way 7 days of listening nothing happened. get a real laugh out of thinking these would actually cause physcial change almost as funny as listening to comedy cds. There should be a notice that these files are strickly for entertainment purposes only and are not promises to enact any physical changes in a person. Meaning dont take these files seriously about causing physical changes because they don't. maybe maybe slight mental changes in behavior thats it. till i see full physical proof and its documented in the top medical journal then i will admit these files work,
I have nothing against those who choose to believe these files work for their own personal fantasy worlds. But please dont lead people on about these files work (Do physical changes). Thats all i meant to say. I just dont like people getting ripped off. Expecting something or believing something and then paying to have the thing (Curse) removed when in fact there wasnt one to begin with. so if looking out for peoples best interest is a crime i'm guilty. if someone tells me how to close this topic and delete it i will leave
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Postby markjohnson123 » September 18th, 2010, 8:26 am

Don't leave. We need more people here who call out the BS on some of the claims being made here.

Some people enjoy using hypnosis to make a richer fanasty life. They know the hypnosis merely makes a fanasty appear more real, without actually making it real.

Others--like myself--would like to use hypnosis to make a richer real life. I don't want hypnosis to delude me into thinking my real life is richer; I want hypnosis to actually make my life richer.

Example: on an associated website to this website there is a hypnosis file to make you a better guitarist. IMO that file can be a success only if I become a better guitarist; the file is a failure if it merely deludes me into thinking I have become a better guitarist. However, for some people on this website, the mere delusion of improvement would be an acceptable measure of the file's success. That is something I can't understand.

None of the files on this website has affected me in anyway. It is not because of the quality of the files--most are excellent, well-done files, done with care and attention to detail--it's due to the fact that hypnosis works only to change superficial behaviors which the person strongly desires to change anyways.

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Postby angel123 » September 18th, 2010, 11:38 am

uw_onsterfelijk wrote:Seems like you're enjoying that file. One of the effects of the "curse" is that you'll post vehemently over an over how hypnosis doesn't work while the whole time you are secretly enjoying it more and more.

Love your come back :D
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby angel123 » September 18th, 2010, 11:53 am

rickgek wrote:hypnosis is like psychology it doent work. its a scam to incress someones bank account. Fact is hypnosis is like brain washing only gullable people fall into it. The higher the intelligence then there is no effect. Its basically works as the talking to the dead scam those morons on tv do. basically they con you by asking certain questions and saying a few indirect things to get the info they need to con you like they are talking to dead people. Same with this hypnosis scam. It,s ok if its labeled strictly as entertainment. But warnings and such is ridiculous especially on those thing supposedly called curses. As for the mind curing an incurable disease. There is no proof of that. One qwacks word over the entire medical field doesn't prove anything. as i said before i stumpled on this site by accident. i was looking thur see if they were doing the same B.S. scam as that Music subliminal companey who i got screwed over by. as for curse used for saying a file has permanent effects. Just use finality file which means the effects of that file is final. Curse for those who are superstitious (weak minded) makes them believe that those files are real and the effects are real. Which give an absolute false thinking and creates disapointment when the files don't do as the files say. As hypnosis you got to want it to work i did want it to work when i bought those music subliminal tapes. but they didnt. I kept and open mind even as a joke when i listened to the curse pubescent shemale for 4 days. but nothing happened. just like the music subliminal tapes. nothing except a feeling of wasting time. I dont have a problem if these were marked entertainment only. but Taking these files as actually working is like thinking bigfoots real even after the guy who created the myth and the famous picture comes out and show exactly how he did it and tells the world how he created the bigfoot myth. Your only fooling yourself. Using them as a fantasy entertainment is ok but thinking they have real effects you would be fooling yourself. Now i would take back everything i said here if those effects started or that file actually did what it supposed to say it would do. but its not gooing to happen because these files which have physical effects don't work. I'm not bashing those who want to pretend they do but just dont want people to get others hopes up who are gullable to what others say

Hey I am highly intelligent and not blowing my own trumpet; I can write in perfectly spelt and grammatical English, although I am lucky to be English too :lol:

Please don't insult people who can be hypnotised by calling them idiots ... thanks
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby DKaiser » September 18th, 2010, 12:19 pm

markjohnson123 wrote:Don't leave. We need more people here who call out the BS on some of the claims being made here.

There's a reason I don't go onto Hypno-Files, same reason I'm not too interested in the voting page: People who'd love to think hypnosis can do anything, but all it can do is help what's already there.

Files like the guitar one make me shake my head. All it can do is provide the motivation to work at that skill, it can't just give you the skill. There's a reason my files point out that any perceived physical changes are in the trancer's head, and others won't see them the way they do. Some things hypnosis can do, some they can't, and with a public submission site like this, you're always going to get people trying their hand at it without knowing the difference.
markjohnson123 wrote:None of the files on this website has affected me in anyway. It is not because of the quality of the files--most are excellent, well-done files, done with care and attention to detail--it's due to the fact that hypnosis works only to change superficial behaviors which the person strongly desires to change anyways.

Ah, but that's easily able to be fixed. Start with files that help you trance and accept hypnosis better, then move on to the harder stuff. Complex files won't work on their own, but by changing that superficial behavior, you give it the chance it needs.

As for rickgek, there is the problem that hypnosis has minimal effect if you don't want it to work. You may call it gullibility, I call it a willingness to try. But if you don't want to keep at it, that's fine. Go off and live your own life, and don't feel the need to get self righteous for our sakes. I'm sure you have much more important things to worry about.
Enjoy my files? Donate!
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Postby acidburn6307 » September 28th, 2010, 11:45 pm

if you dont belive in hypnosis then get off the hypnosis fourms the mind is the
strongest organ in the body if it can regulate hormones then it can allow physical change in the body under given cercomstances sorry about the typo
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Postby Enargo » September 29th, 2010, 4:00 am

Don't resurrect a troll topic.
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Postby zapnosis » September 29th, 2010, 4:03 am

Um, I think he's gone already...
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » September 29th, 2010, 7:45 am

Well. when you listen to "Curse Pre Pubescent Shemale" you'll soon NOT meet the age requirements of WMM. Hence no further posting :)
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Postby fabisandine » September 29th, 2010, 8:37 am

uw_onsterfelijk wrote:Well. when you listen to "Curse Pre Pubescent Shemale" you'll soon NOT meet the age requirements of WMM. Hence no further posting :)

Loved when you said that :P
But I have only a small thing to add in the DNA part of the discussion. In a limited way we can really change the DNA, because not all the genes we have are in a activated state all the time. And external conditions (how they do it is a little unknown at the moment) can act like triggers setting on or off specifics parts of genes.
But it can't add or remove things that never been coded there, only work with things that always been there, so i think that is EXACTLY like how hypnosis works with the mind and only hormonal-responses could been saw.

Before anyone could say anything about this, want to say that I'm a vet who had some knowledge about genetics and always read scientific journals about the theme, so i know what I'm saying.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » September 29th, 2010, 9:54 am

Thanks. The original poster was pretty serious so I try to lighten the mood every now and again! And poke some fun while I'm at it :)
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Postby rickgek » September 29th, 2010, 4:25 pm

im not gone i have just decided its useless to speak the truth to those who cant either handle or accept the truth. By the way still not even a slight change. except the file gets funnier and funnier everytime i listen to it because it makes me think of that theres actually people who believe these files actually work. So this will be my last post on the subject all i ask is to clarify so people dont get suckered in by these B.S. and think they must pay $50 to get a phony curse that completely b.s. Which by the way i can't remember the name of this scam, but i know BBB has delt with the same type of scams. I Know the con artist calls this scheme somthing i'll to check my files but its a well used profitable scam used frequently on gullable people wanting to change their lives/ physical appearance. Theres only one that can change a born male into a complete female and thats god himself. no surgery can do it and no hypnosis either. IF hypnosis was this powerful why the doctors are not using it to stop dieases like cancer if it can alter DNA or other diseases. Why is there even sex change surgery if the mind change physically change ones sex. Heres the reason because it's all B.S. Fantasy world make believe mumbo jumbo like curses,withcraft,voodoo, and magic. all are thing made up by a childish immagination, that people who cant control their minds from wondering or staying in reality. I live in the real world . The person with powers to change one physically as drastic as these files claim is god no one else. You want to bash me but you cant explain if these actually work why then the medical community backs what i say and there is not documentation to prove these files work. dont you think the people who had physical changes would be on the news, oprah,etc . but no Its because this is a fanstasy fetish role playing site using hypnosis. This will be my final post because it seems people don't like or can't handle the truth
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » September 29th, 2010, 4:51 pm

WOW, an idea! I'm gonna use rickgek's posting style as a new "rambling on and on" style induction on the next person I hypnotize :) Cause it sure put's me under/to sleep. ZZzzzz...z..zZZ..zzz..... huh, wha... I don't remember a thing.

Seriously dude, the "truth" you live in, is... suffocating.
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Postby Illpill » September 29th, 2010, 5:40 pm

If a screwdriver is such a useful tool, then why don't people use it to hammer home a nail?
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Postby Enargo » September 29th, 2010, 6:03 pm

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Postby saiumi » September 29th, 2010, 10:20 pm

Illpill wrote:If a screwdriver is such a useful tool, then why don't people use it to hammer home a nail?

Depends on 3 factors: 1) The type/size of the nail, 2) They Size of the screwdriver, 3) the type of person using the tool.

Personally I have used a screwdriver to drive a nail into the wall. It was a finishing nail to hang some pictures, but that's not the point. Point is that people do use it for that. Granted I wouldn't use a Jewelers Screwdriver to drive a stake into concrete, but I also wouldn't use a Ball-peen Hammer to do that job either.
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Postby zapnosis » September 30th, 2010, 9:18 am

rickgek wrote:
Theres only one that can change a born male into a complete female and thats god himself.

Whoa. Hold everything. According to you, psychology is BS, hypnosis doesn't exist, it's all a scam. You demand proof that things are otherwise, but you believe in god?? FUNNY! Please, what solid evidence do you have for the existence of this "god"?
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby fabisandine » September 30th, 2010, 10:34 am

Sorry but maybe isn't a good idea using religion in a discussion. Lot's of war started this way...

no surgery can do it and no hypnosis either.

If we consider a full female with pregnancy-capability, i agree that no surgery can do it YET. Not even hypnosis, because the simple thing that a male doesn't have the FULL FEMALE code in his DNA. But surgery+hormonal therapy and hypnosis can change the male body to a sterile female body just like a woman that had some problem in the reproductive system.

IF hypnosis was this powerful why the doctors are not using it to stop dieases like cancer if it can alter DNA or other diseases.

Thinking only about cancer, I can give you a lot of reasons:
1) There is a lot of different types of cancer that responds any kind of treatment in a specif way. So it's almost like two types of cancer of any cell-type you have in the body.
2) In a basic form, they are some cells that can't stop the internal biochemicals orders to stop growth.
3) They have a lot of causes and can be found in a lot of stages, metastasis and other medical classifications.
4) The environment, lifestyle and genetics of the patient.
So cancer is more like a class of diseases where a group of cells display uncontrolled growth, and because that you can have a non-agressive, small, without metastasis skin-neoplasm that will take years to do any significant damage so that won't bother you. But you can have a dangerous, agressive, neoplasm in your central nervous system with a lot of metastasis that would kill you in a few months.
It's a complex kind of diseases and when you remove a tumor, another other can start growing and you doesn't know if they are some kind of relation or it's just another non-related tumor.

So cancer is one of the most complex diseases. But hypnosis is useful for pain relief and is used for treatment in phantom-limb pain and a lot of small medical procedures.

Even drugs have graduation of they medical power, so hypnosis too have a place in the power scale. All drugs and even hypnosis are just like weapons that the doctors COULD use against the disease, but as a person they have their own set of favorite things that they prefer to use.

Why is there even sex change surgery if the mind change physically change ones sex.

So as it's been stated before, you can only change using what ALREADY is been coded in the DNA. What the mind can do is induce you to change your hormonal programing to be just like the other sex hormonal programing and give motivation to go SEEK a DOCTOR to complete the treatment if it's something that you desire. If you doesn't want it, so it wont do anything because you can filter the suggestion.

So as the own word say: SUGGESTION... you can accept it or not. It isn't an ORDER so you can ACCEPT or refuse if you want.
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Postby Enargo » September 30th, 2010, 12:56 pm

troll is trying too hard :lol:. Why don't you troll another site? You fail epicly at trying this. Maybe start small like 4chan. I love it how people keep reviving this pretty much dead topic.
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Postby fabisandine » September 30th, 2010, 5:24 pm

Enargo wrote:troll is trying too hard :lol:

And he is failing a lot too :lol:
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Postby magic9mushroom » November 4th, 2010, 9:19 am

rickgek wrote:im not gone i have just decided its useless to speak the truth to those who cant either handle or accept the truth.

When you say it, it's not quite the equal of Jack Nicholson as Colonel Jessep.

By the way still not even a slight change. except the file gets funnier and funnier everytime i listen to it because it makes me think of that theres actually people who believe these files actually work. So this will be my last post on the subject all i ask is to clarify so people dont get suckered in by these B.S. and think they must pay $50 to get a phony curse that completely b.s. Which by the way i can't remember the name of this scam, but i know BBB has delt with the same type of scams. I Know the con artist calls this scheme somthing i'll to check my files but its a well used profitable scam used frequently on gullable people wanting to change their lives/ physical appearance. Theres only one that can change a born male into a complete female and thats god himself. no surgery can do it and no hypnosis either. IF hypnosis was this powerful why the doctors are not using it to stop dieases like cancer if it can alter DNA or other diseases. Why is there even sex change surgery if the mind change physically change ones sex. Heres the reason because it's all B.S. Fantasy world make believe mumbo jumbo like curses,withcraft,voodoo, and magic. all are thing made up by a childish immagination, that people who cant control their minds from wondering or staying in reality. I live in the real world . The person with powers to change one physically as drastic as these files claim is god no one else. You want to bash me but you cant explain if these actually work why then the medical community backs what i say and there is not documentation to prove these files work. dont you think the people who had physical changes would be on the news, oprah,etc . but no Its because this is a fanstasy fetish role playing site using hypnosis.

Your ranting about God would seem to indicate that you've been subject to conditioning (not hypnotic, but demonstrably effective) in your life, but I digress.

You're quite correct that hypnosis cannot effect biological changes, being as it is a psychological phenomenon (and one that there's at least some objective evidence for).

I personally think that the "gender change" files on here aren't likely to work, and aren't a particularly good idea even if they do succeed at changing gender identity - I have gender dysphoria myself and it is NOT a desirable state.

With that said, hypnosis can effect mental changes, and the vast majority of the files on here are only intended to effect mental changes, so I'd think you're overreaching just a tad with your blanket claim that "it's all B.S.".

This will be my final post because it seems people don't like or can't handle the truth

And again with ripping off A Few Good Men.
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Postby MacGyver » November 4th, 2010, 7:21 pm

dude had to be trollin, just went through 3 pages, so basically, dude is saying i was born with the talents for over 30 different jobs and that with an iq of 168, i am an idiot and i should not be able to enter hypnosis.

that dont sound right, truth be told, i can do over 30 different jobs because i did put my mind to it, yes i can enter hypnosis and have done so, no i am not an idiot.

dude's posts be a bit amusing though, LOL.

and yes, hypnosis can cause real mental AND physical changes if conducted properly, though the physical changes be limited.
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Postby Enargo » November 4th, 2010, 8:20 pm

I say let dead topics die
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Postby magic9mushroom » November 4th, 2010, 8:55 pm

Enargo wrote:I say let dead topics die

It was near the top of the front page. I'm used to forums where that means alive. :oops:

Ah well.
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Postby gwyn » November 8th, 2010, 3:25 pm

I'd just like to point out that Dolly Parton's breasts are real. She has a disorder where they keep growing- she's actually had them reduced several times.
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Postby autumnheart » February 2nd, 2011, 7:43 pm

Sorry for thread necro, new and browsing and wanted to express my opinion.

Hypnosis runs on the power of suggestion and ones own will. People will misconceive the causal effect here quite often.

Hypnosis cannot in any way shape or form change you simply by listening to them. Hypnosis induces a state of heightened suggestibility. If the person is prone to suggestion, even when outside a trance, then they are more likely to be victims of their own bad decision making by letting others tell them what to do.

When you hear about people claiming how these hypnosis files changed them, they are just making an uninformed anecdotal claim. Its kind of sad in a way, because these people should be proud of themselves and not attribute the success to the hypnosis.

This would be like a successful athlete attributing their success to the power bars they ate, rather then the hard work and dedication they put in.

If you already have notions inside your head of wanting to change your gender, then these hypnosis files are doing nothing more then encouraging the behavior you are trying to attain.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » February 7th, 2011, 2:19 pm

Ok Ricgek .... let's just say for the sake of argument you are a realist and all this hypno stuff is fantasy. Given that, what are you doing here? Just curious.
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