Understanding Catagories of Effects

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Understanding Catagories of Effects

Postby sarnoga » November 23rd, 2010, 12:19 am

When posting new files there is a place to select the effects of the file being posted. The choices are listed below:

Temporary(fixed time)
Temporary(until event)
Trigger(by yourself)
Trigger(by anyone)
Trigger(by accident)
Trigger(by item)
Permanent(when safe)
Only while under

While some of them are easy to understand, others are not, at least for me. I was wondering if someone could post a glossary that gave the definition of those terms so that I could accurately categorize files that I post. It would also help those selecting files to understand what they are getting. That is unless I am the only one that is unclear about some of the definitions.

If you know, or think you know, what they mean please post. I am also interested to know if all are in agreement as to the meanings. So if someone posts definitions please post if you agree and post if you have a different or even slightly different definition.

The ones that are most unclear to me are the permanent ones and temporary ones. To me, permanent means forever. I understand that to fit the category of Curse.

In what category would you place a training file that has effects beyond only while under or dreams yet is not a curse. Where would you place a file that is temporary but not until either an event or fixed time. What if it is for an indeterminate period of time less than permanent but not tied to any particular event? One that gets stronger with continued listening but that just gradually fades over time if not reinforced by continued listening?

I am a bit confused by my choices. Thanks in advance for any help. In addition, if you could please answer the scientifically formulated poll above I am sure that would help clear things up.

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Postby demigraff » November 23rd, 2010, 6:52 am

I assumed that 'permanent' means the file doesn't have any conditions to explicitly make the effect end. Wearing off with time is pretty much a given. Though if you have suggestions about how quickly it will fade, that's probably "temporary (fixed time)"
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Postby sarnoga » November 23rd, 2010, 10:11 am

demigraff wrote:I assumed that 'permanent' means the file doesn't have any conditions to explicitly make the effect end. Wearing off with time is pretty much a given. Though if you have suggestions about how quickly it will fade, that's probably "temporary (fixed time)"

Thanks, demigraff. That sounds plausible. I can work with that unless someone has a better definitions.
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Postby Calimore » November 23rd, 2010, 6:00 pm

I'll take a grande mocha latte, to go. Wait just a sec, I'm a little hyped - make that an alto, but still to go, please...

Okay. Personally, Sarnoga, I try to put myself in the user's place when choosing labels for new files, trying to best guess what I'd expect the file to be given the description.

I really just try to think the file all through then represent the file in it's best light to anyone choosing to read it's description. Of course, I have deleted whole files simply because the description I entered had questionable punctuation, only to re-upload it to find still another grammar error, necessitating yet another re-upload, but I tend to be almost anal about such things...

Really though, it was EMG who came up with these tags, so it would be lovely if he could give us some guidelines based upon his thoughts. Meanwhile, in the absence of such, the whole thing currently seems open to interpretation, which just so happens to be the way I usually likes it. :wink:
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Postby sarnoga » November 23rd, 2010, 6:57 pm

I usually likes it that way too except when I can't decide or don't know what the hell I'm doing. Or then there is my usual mode of operation, figuring it out as I go along.

Thanks Cal,


P.S. Please don't forget to vote. I heard someone say once that it is your civic duty, but then I suspect they were full of shit. That was so long ago I just can't figure out how they knew about my poll.
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Eh, it's what we do...

Postby Calimore » November 23rd, 2010, 7:28 pm

sarnoga wrote:I usually likes it that way too except when I can't decide or don't know what the hell I'm doing. Or then there is my usual mode of operation, figuring it out as I go along.

Such, it seems, is our lot in Life.

sarnoga wrote:P.S. Please don't forget to vote. I heard someone say once that it is your civic duty, but then I suspect they were full of shit. That was so long ago I just can't figure out how they knew about my poll.

You can be sure I Voted! As for Civic Duty, any TRUE Citizen would attempt to disassemble this Entire Site, of course, in the interest of the Public Good.

WarpMyMind.com is a Scourge to the Human Spirit. EMG should be Boiled in Oil (warm or thaw to room temp, deep vat fry at 375 degrees F until an internal temp of 160 is reached, in the thigh or breast, for 10 minutes and a light brown coating is formed on the outside). And feel free to take this quote out of context - that is why I put it here, after all.

But one reminder: EMG has put up AMPLE Warnings on the Site before one can even Enter, Vote, or even Comment, all of which being left to one's Free Will to use or disregard as one sees fit. So Voting is still just an option, albeit it one that could help an author help their users out immensely...

Another note: it's supposed to be Adults only here, but EMG lets us ALL play here anyway, so long as we're of age. That makes me happy enough to not TRULY want to see him deep vat fried, although it might be nice to see him at least get Stoned for what he's done to us all here...

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to One and All. Let us all just be Thankful that we live in a World where we can Warp our own Minds, as much as we want, to our OWN Content!

Happy Holidays!
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Re: Eh, it's what we do...

Postby sarnoga » November 24th, 2010, 12:29 am

Sorry Calimore, but I wasn't up to quoting you out of context. That was a bit much for my feeble brain to handle at the moment. I had to settle for misquoting you. Hell, that's almost as good.

Calimore wrote:
sarnoga wrote:I usually likes it that way too except when I can't decide or don't know what the hell I'm doing. Or then there is my usual mode of operation, figuring it out as I go along.

Such a light brown coating, it seems, is our lot in Life.

sarnoga wrote:P.S. Please don't forget to vote. I heard someone say once that it is your civic duty, but then I suspect they were full of shit. That was so long ago I just can't figure out how they knew about my poll.

As for Civic Duty, of course, any TRUE Citizen would attempt to disassemble the Entire Public Good in the interest of this Site.

WarpMyMind.com is courage to the Human Spirit. Feel EMG's AMPLE thigh or breast, on the outside until we're of age. It should be reached in warm oil. After deep internal F for 10 minutes in the vat thaw to room temp. And 360 degrees out of context is all I put here. Take this free quote of 175 or fry.

But one reminder: EMG has put up Warnings on the Site before one can even be Boiled. You can be sure I Voted Stoned! Voting is just an option that could help an author to disregard their users Free Will.

Another note: it's supposed to only be fried Adults here. But so long as EMG lets us ALL play here we TRULY want to see him get what for. Anyway he's done us all here... Although it might be nice to see him at least Vote, or even Comment, that makes me happy enough to Enter.

Anyway, let us all just be immensely Thankful that we live. Warp our Minds all Thanksgiving. A deep vat is temp formed to help All in One World use as one sees fit. Albeit, as much as one Happy being can, of which not one's left we want to OWN, still where is our Content! And So, own that or why out it.

Useless stuff left over after misquoting Calimore and twisting his words around. -----> (. t ,and an , , . - , .to . ,,, to ..., . , to a )

Calimore wrote:Happy Holidays!

I only have one more question. How do you keep that spiral going around. Don't the batteries ever run out?

Kind of reminds me of this barber my dad used to make me go to. He had a hypnotic barber pole. I would stare at it while he cut my hair and imagine I was somewhere else.

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Postby Jeshi » November 24th, 2010, 11:46 pm

Temporary(fixed time) = Effects of file will eventually wear off after a set amount of time.

Temporary(until event) = Effects of file will only wear off after a specific event triggers it.

Trigger(by yourself) = You can activate the effects of the file on demand by yourself.

Trigger(by anyone) = Anybody that knows the trigger can activate the effects of the file.

Trigger(by accident) = The effects of the file can be activated by events which are not under anyone's control, such as an accident.

Trigger(by item) = The effects of the file are activated by a certain object.

Permanent = As soon as you wake up the effects of the file will be apparent and will continue to take effect indefinitely. It will not wear off on it's own, but you could possibly go under hypnosis and remove the effects that way. Such as a RemoveAll file.

Permanent(when safe) = Same as permanent but with some sort of safety net attached. So that really it only takes effect in your spare time, and not in a situation that would have serious negative consequences on your life. So if someone breaks into your house and threatens to kill you you won't be trying to offer them a blowjob. And if you won't be chasing squirrels at work most likely either.

Curse = The effects of the file can not be removed by another file except sometimes by a specific person specified in the file. So for instance, if you listen to a curse by EMG then you can never undo the file unless you pay EMG to make you a curse removal file, because in his curses he specified that only he can remove the curse.

Only while under = When you wake up there will be no effects from the file. Everything happens during the file and stays self-contained.

Dreams = The file affects your dreams and nothing else.
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Postby Liann » November 26th, 2010, 8:32 pm

I would say that the only two categories where it matters, whether or not you understand what you are getting into, is PERMANENT and CURSED.

CURSED is a file which plays with your mind, instilling a helplessness of surrendering to the suggestions of the file. You may like the idea going in but want to change your mind after tasting the consequences. Being cursed means that you can't change your own mind, and you accept your curse as binding. Accepting the curse is not the same thing as accepting the effects of the curse. You might accept that you are cursed with big lactating breasts, but not necessarily enjoy the fact of milk leaking out of your nipples wetting your shirt at work. The power of a curse is your belief in it, believing it has power over you, not what it does.

PERMANENT means that you are making changes to your permanent mental programming, your self-identity program. These changes themselves can have cascade effects causing further changes which you may have no knowledge of, or no conscious control over, causing long-term, or lifelong, personality or behavioral changes which you might not have thought through beforehand. Whether you are pleased or displeased, it's not like hair dye which can be grown out or re-dyed, but more like tattoos which stay with you and add up. A person who wakes up after a drunken night with a new tattoo still has the tattoo whether they thought about it or not.

The human psyche has enormous inertia and cannot be changed easily and profoundly without gigantic effort.

It is often said that one cannot be hypnotized to do anything which they are fundamentally opposed to doing, but it is possible through a number of indirection steps to change what a person wants so that they ultimately are in agreement with something which they once opposed. This is longterm and requires continuous efforts.

You might be susceptible to temporary hallucinations that you have been turned into a girl for a short time, but unless there's something down below that wants it very much, a heterosexual male cannot be turned into a sissy shemale by any hypnosis file. Suggestions would kick you out of trance if anybody tried to go too far. Hypnosis requires voluntary compliance, and there's some part of you which has to want what the hypnosis promises before you get anything out of it. Furthermore, you can fast-forward through files, skipping over sections, to sample what they are saying in the parts where normally your guard would be down in trance. The only person who can fool you is you, and people regularly do lie to themselves about lots and lots of things. Maybe you want what you tell yourself that you don't want?

Not even the soviet police states could perfectly hypnotize their populations, and you know corporations would be using hypnosis MP3s if it was cheaper than advertising on TV. Your email inbox would be filled with MP3 files from Exxon telling you global warming is good for you, and vote for the Tea Party. Just like Blackberry hires U2 for it's commercials, Hollywood would be for sale making Hypno-Ads for name brands, if it worked so wonderfully well.
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Postby sarnoga » December 13th, 2010, 11:27 am

Nice post, Liann.

Liann wrote:
Not even the soviet police states could perfectly hypnotize their populations, and you know corporations would be using hypnosis MP3s if it was cheaper than advertising on TV. Your email inbox would be filled with MP3 files from Exxon telling you global warming is good for you, and vote for the Tea Party. Just like Blackberry hires U2 for it's commercials, Hollywood would be for sale making Hypno-Ads for name brands, if it worked so wonderfully well.

And I was wondering why I never got a call from the Kremlin, the White House, or one of the big soft drink companies. Damn. The tea partiers did send me some mail, but I think all they wanted was my vote. Their suggestions were not very persuasive. Sucks to be them.

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Postby Djourno » March 23rd, 2011, 6:09 am

Great posts guys. I guess the best thing is for each file to have a clear description and explanation for any effects/side effects that might happen.

There are many files that aren't "labelled" well, and the last thing you want to do is regret listening to any hypno files, especially if you WANT to be hypnotised.

I think there's also a few Youtube vids that actually point out some hypno videos that should be avoided because they're not described accurately.
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