Ask the Hypnotist!

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Ask the Hypnotist!

Postby Solarius » August 1st, 2010, 1:23 am

Since it looks like this topic doesn't exist yet, let's get going. Ask a question about hypnotism in general, and I'll see about answering it! Or, assuming I can't, poke another Tist into doing so for me. ^^ So, if this is copied, please remove... but if it isn't, ask away!
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Postby Blackjaz » August 3rd, 2010, 6:05 pm

What is a good file to start with, so you can relax and get used to going into trance ?
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Postby Solarius » August 3rd, 2010, 7:34 pm

Blackjaz wrote:What is a good file to start with, so you can relax and get used to going into trance ?

Generally most people start with inductions. You may hear how curse files are the best way to deep dive into trance, but they can be dangerous, any of them. My suggestion would be to check the files under the "induction" selection and look for one that catches your fancy.

When you listen, do your best to be in a fairly comfortable and relaxing environment for yourself, and don't be worried if nothing happens the first time! Suggestions generally take about 20 days to get firmly ingrained and you see effects. Some people trance easier, others are more difficult, but you'll get there, if you keep trying! Listen once (or more) times per day, every day, and you'll see results.
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Postby Blackjaz » August 3rd, 2010, 10:22 pm

Solarius wrote:
Blackjaz wrote:What is a good file to start with, so you can relax and get used to going into trance ?

Generally most people start with inductions. You may hear how curse files are the best way to deep dive into trance, but they can be dangerous, any of them. My suggestion would be to check the files under the "induction" selection and look for one that catches your fancy.

When you listen, do your best to be in a fairly comfortable and relaxing environment for yourself, and don't be worried if nothing happens the first time! Suggestions generally take about 20 days to get firmly ingrained and you see effects. Some people trance easier, others are more difficult, but you'll get there, if you keep trying! Listen once (or more) times per day, every day, and you'll see results.

Yeah, I am looking for a good induction, tried and sticking with the blink one so far. However, I'm not too sure about it right now. I also listen to my file on my bed with the cover over me, with my legs not together and my arms spread a bit from my body.

Also, I forget to breath deep.
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Postby Solarius » August 4th, 2010, 8:49 pm

Also, I forget to breath deep.

Then focus on the breathing part of it, and trust me, you'll get there! Practice practice practice! Just stay away from Bubble Induction. That one is a nasty one with how little safety it provides.
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Postby Blackjaz » August 4th, 2010, 9:02 pm

Solarius wrote:

Also, I forget to breath deep.

Then focus on the breathing part of it, and trust me, you'll get there! Practice practice practice! Just stay away from Bubble Induction. That one is a nasty one with how little safety it provides.
I tried it only once, not really much effect on my mind. Either way, I'll stick with blink for awhile longer... I just need to listen once a day.

So, if you continue to breath deep, well that relax your whole body ? I never understood that.
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Postby Solarius » August 4th, 2010, 9:11 pm

It's the focusing on the breathing that does it, you have more of a chance to calm down and slowly relax when your mind is on something. The best way I can say it, is the more you tune out of relaxing, assuming you're still fairly calm, you'll relax better.
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Postby ocntrl » August 5th, 2010, 7:55 am

If you are interested I can provide you a very simple basic induction that uses focusing on your breathing.

Some people seem to like it and had good success with it.

PM me if you are interested, or look for my files and get the induction02 file, if you have premium membership.
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Postby Blackjaz » August 6th, 2010, 5:45 pm

Ocntrl - Sadly, I don't have a premium account on this site.

So what do you guys thing of that'd one file named , 18-40 hot girls file ?

How would I ever use that file ? I have used the file before, but I also stop using it because I got tired of the music. I also used it during when I was playing Team fortress II on my pc. So, do you think it's a good idea to listen to this file doing other things ?
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Postby Heartwould » August 7th, 2010, 4:51 pm


I asked this question elsewhere in the Forums, but didn't receive any replies, and I'm actually somewhat concerned...

I've been using the subliminal recording and some of the training files for a few months, and last week, they seem to have clicked in a big way. All my thoughts were focused on the desired topic (ahem! :-)), and I was acting on them as often as I could (to my husband's complete satisfaction).

The thing is, I developed an appalling headache, of the migraine quality, and was eventually unable to function for a few days at all. It's passed now, but I'm a little timid about either listening to the files or, um, thinking & acting on them. I'm worried that the changes have hurt me, somehow.

Is that possible? Have you ever heard of something like that happening? Or do you think it was just a coincidence?

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Postby cardigan » August 8th, 2010, 1:23 am

The migraine MIGHT be caused by your "change" of the way you were acting. I don't know what the files, you were listening to or watching were about, but if your mind is somewhat conflicted about doing what they coaxed you into doing, then part of you was completely fine with it - and enoyed the ride, but another part of you could be having big trouble with the way you behaved, because it sees this as very bad for you? So in order to make you stop doing stuff like that, it has created your headache. Does this make sense?

Do you often have a migraine (under other circumstances), or is this completely new to you?

Best wishes

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Heartwould » August 8th, 2010, 10:27 am

Hi, Cardigan,

I have had few migraines over the course of my lifetime, but nothing regular, attached to air pressure changes or hormonal surges. I do remember that the other ones were associated with periods of high tension (family conflict, work problems, etc), and what you're saying makes sense. I don't have a conscious resistance to the files I was listening to (just the opposite!), but I can see how there might be deeper, subconscious resistance.

Another member had some useful words of advice on another thread (pace myself, mostly), which seem to make a lot of sense.

Thank you for your reply, which also shines some light on the situation for me.

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Postby softline » August 8th, 2010, 1:05 pm

It is not frequency of use that is causing your problem, but rather how radical the change is that you are trying to make. Frequency by itself is not a bad thing. For the right change more is better. Trancing four of five times a day (if time permits) will get you there quicker.

Most professional hypnotist training tells you that gradual change is better. If you are trying to help someone quit smoking if you first tell them to cut down by one cigarrett a day in the first suggestion and then two and so on, you end up having better success.

In my own case I had a female friend who was great one on one, but in public she was very conservative (i.e. floor length skirts, blouses buttoned up tight around her neck, uptight behaviour). I took her through a series of suggestions where the skirts got shorter and the buttons left undone. At the end she was showing all to me and my friends in public settings and behaving very enticingly. It would not have worked had I gone to directly to a suggestion like "baring all in public" even though that is where she ended up.

In your case the damage may already be done. If the new behaviour was too radical from your old it creates enormous mental stress. If you have not yet achieved your final behaviour goal (i.e. your current behaviour is still not where you want to end up) you might try to find some files that take it slower. If you are trying to do every sexual act ever invented, back off to some files about some things you are only moderately uncomfortable with.
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Postby Blackjaz » August 10th, 2010, 4:36 pm

Hey, I have another question for you guys, I just did a file and I think I was sleep talking or mumbling during the trance. After words, I could feel my heart beat speed up a bit. What does this all mean ?
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Postby cardigan » August 11th, 2010, 10:24 pm

Well, your mumbling could be your mouth wording affirmations from your subconscious - a sign that you were accepting suggestions or that you were in aggreement with the file. (Could also be the opposite). I'd say it was a sign you were wrapped up in the file, so to speak.

Your heart rate going up is probably a physical response to a changed feeling - you feel exited, elated, happy, horny - or you feel anxious and have resistance. It's hard to say. You'd have to tell us what the file was about and if what the file was trying to have you do, was something you longed for. If so, I'd say positive excitement.

When I hypnotize somebody, I'm having a conversation with them. They are not just still and silent all the time. They respond. I bring forth certain feelings from their mind that needs my attention. These feelings have a physical response - like a worried, troubled expression or fear. Other times I help them feel good about something - to have positive feelings, and the physical response is very clear to me. - In the same way your mind and body can be responding to the file.

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Blackjaz » August 11th, 2010, 11:36 pm

I was listening to an induction, that'd also had no awaken part.
The file is called HT UltimateInduction by henk-thokk.

File info : This is my best work for inductions. It is inteneded for those who lie down for trance. It is to be used as an induction for a playlist so it helps you move on to the next file (if different voice or sound or what). It has a trigger to allow you to immediantly return to a deep trance and I use the trigger at the beginning of the file. It has a binaural on it also to help relax. Made by Henk-Thokk

Thoughts :
I mumble sometimes before I go to bed, because I think of one of my stories. This is been poping up sometimes when I do induction files.
The fast heart beat, I would say from anxious or excitement, it usually starts after I shallow from a bit of a dry throat. I get horny no matter what I listening to, hypo is a fetish to me.

Also, I am looking at some induction files that'd will aid me with understanding my sense of deep trance state. So far, I think I'm going to stick with I V Jackpot file.
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Postby cardigan » August 12th, 2010, 3:06 am

Then I would say, that occasional mumbling is just the way that you go into a light or medium trance, and that your increased heartbeat is a sign that you are enjoying it - excited about it!

So, you are doing great, I would say.

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Centru18 » August 12th, 2010, 4:33 am

Im having difficulties getting triggers to catch.

Ive been doing trig woman, trigboundwoman.

Im starting to get some visualization during trance. but as soon as Im up, triggers do nothing.

I trance extremely easily, been meditating a long time. And Im fairly suggestible in trance, but as soon as I come out all my defenses come up and reject any and all post hypnotics.

I even tried a curse a few times to get an effect, I get effects while Im under but as soon as im out i reject everything.

any suggestions
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Postby Blackjaz » August 13th, 2010, 11:11 am

I have another question kinda. I listen to the same file I posted above, but this time, I swear I black out and woke up when he started to count. At some point, I feel I forgot what was said from before he started to count.

Does this mean I relax pretty deep enough ?
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Postby DKaiser » August 13th, 2010, 3:59 pm

Centru18 wrote:Im having difficulties getting triggers to catch.
any suggestions

At the expense of sounding vague, let them catch. Constantly thinking about them not catching will make them not catch. Likewise, waking up after one listen and trying it is a good way to ingrain the idea that it won't work.
My recommendation is to pick one file, and listen to it every day around the same time. "If you miss a dose, listen again at the soonest possible time, unless it's already time to listen again(in which case you should not double dose)." Just keep reminding yourself that by keeping to a strict schedule and not worrying about the trigger for 2 weeks or so, that it'll catch and work right once those 2 weeks are up.

Blackjaz wrote:I listen to the same file I posted above, but this time, I swear I black out and woke up when he started to count. At some point, I feel I forgot what was said from before he started to count.
Does this mean I relax pretty deep enough ?

Yep, you're doing good!
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jock files

Postby craigK » August 17th, 2010, 9:35 pm

ok this one is put directly to the hypnotist on here
have been trying jock files of and on few the last six months with little to no sucess.always found it hard to go deep.anyway tried emg's blank flie infort of jock files and found it started to work better and better,was really getting into the jock mindset.
it started with it sticking for about half hour after i listerned,then one day i felt deep and half way through the file i the efect of a fire cracker going of in my mind,and every since the files seem to taken hold much much question is this a normal feeling to have???
also after about a week of this happening i had a major anxiety attack,constantly thinking about the files and seemingly to cross backwards and forwards between my own personality and the jock one?
what the hell is going on?cause i dont know if to keep going or to stop(wondering if its my body telling me it cant handle it)
i know this is a long post but some help would be good to understand whats happening
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Postby Slaveboy11933 » December 14th, 2010, 8:01 pm

If I use a trigger file like the hornyschoolgirl trigger file, will I be capable of immediatly saying the revert trigger or will the new personality take control? If it doesn't, is it hard to use the revert trigger or am I still in full control? I've only tried simple ones that don't alter personality or such things after the file is over yet.
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Postby buttlicker79 » December 23rd, 2010, 1:08 pm

I have a ton of questions...

I get the impression you can listen to this stuff while sleeping and for some it works but is that really a good method? some of these I wanna try before going to sleep. Will having them on loop while sleeping cause the effect desired?

I also am not quite sure what inductions are... I assume they are used to setup the trance people get into then followed up by the actual files.

Can I go about my daily living... like sitting here reading and gaming and all that or do I have to lay down and relax on my couch/bed?

I wanna make sure this works in my favor as easily as possible
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Postby MuscleWannaBe » January 15th, 2011, 12:19 am

Erm how do you enter trance easier? i cant seem to enter a trance at all...i tried using induction files but doesn't seem to work, does any1 know of any good way to enter a trance?
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 16th, 2011, 9:54 pm

You can listen to files as you drift off to sleep, but once you enter deep sleep, you become pretty unaware of the rest of the world. I don't expect you get much from any file after that. I don't see any reason you can't listen while gaming, cleaning the house, etc. It won't necessarily take you into the same kind of trance you'd get relaxing and focusing, but won't hurt and might even reinforce things.
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