Enchanted keyboard curse suggestions

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Enchanted keyboard curse suggestions

Postby wowwill » January 15th, 2011, 10:10 am

Hi, iv just listened to the enchanted key board curse and basically whatever I write down and finish with "the end" becomes true. Does anyone have any ideas I could use? I'm interested in most fetishes but I don't know where to start. Plus since there hasn't been a forum made about this file before other people could use the ideas given as well. Any suggestions are welcome

Thanks a lot :)
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Postby Jeshi » January 16th, 2011, 11:01 pm

I mostly used that file to set up safety nets like "A trigger will only work if it is apparent in some way that the person using the trigger is actually trying to use the trigger and did not just happen to say the phrase in another context the end." because I was always afraid of things like "I'm going to go to sleep now" registering as "sleep now" and that sort of thing. Obviously they weren't trying to use a trigger but I wanted to set up a safety net anyways.

You can always start with simple tests like "I will get an erection the end" or other simple stuff. Then the more you become acquainted and conditioned to the files effects(listen to that file frequently, it stopped working for me after just a week without listening to it. I guess the more extreme a files effects the more you need to listen to it.) you can move onto more elaborate things.

Here's a dare, 3 versions, your choice.

1. If you have premium access: "I will go to the What's Hot section of WarpMymind.com and download whatever is at the top of the 'What's Hot(premium)' list and then listen to it. It will not matter what the file's contents are I will listen to it none the less the end."
2. If you don't have premium access: "I will go to the What's Hot section of WarpMymind.com and download whatever is at the top of the 'What's Hot(free)' list and then listen to it. It will not matter what the file's contents are I will listen to it none the less the end."
3. If you're really up for a dare: "I will go to the What's Hoy section of WarpMyMind.com and download whatever is at the top of the 'Not so hot' list and then listen to it. It will not matter what the file's contents are I will listen to it none the less the end."

The phrasing doesn't have to be exact but you get the idea. Use the file to prevent yourself from being able to back-down from the challenge.
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Postby MuxMG » February 3rd, 2012, 8:15 am

> Come up with some creative uses of the Curse Enchanted Keyboard
> T.H.E. E.N.D

Now seriously, anyone some intesting ideas?

I think it could be used in interesting ways for self-improvement in general. It doesn't always have to be fetish, sex and all that.

Here's what I did after listening just twice:

Conjured a trigger to get instantly and out of trance: works. A-ma-zing!

Tell it it to enhance the effects of files, hypnosis: to be proven still

Solve some health issues. For instance improve eyesight: We'll see... 8)

Some fetish stuff: no result (yet).

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Postby cubes » February 5th, 2012, 4:49 pm

I've had some success with the keyboard curse, but not really for any of the things that EMG suggests in the file. Instead, I think it's best for reinforcement and vague suggestions, until you get the hang of it.

* Use to reinforce trance effects that you get from other files, or make your self go listen to a file. I think it's very effective to push yourself over the edge of a decision or hypnotic compulsion. For instance, if a file tells you to do something when you wake up, and then you wake up and find yourself consciously deciding whether or not to do it, then instead just consciously decide to write down a keyboard curse note ordering yourself to do it. Works wondrously.

* Use it to play tricks on yourself for later, i.e. "Later tonight I will find myself obeying one of my files, and I won't see it coming. I won't remember writing this note."

* Use the keyboard curse to reinforce itself.
This can also work if you write a keyboard curse note that you want to keep reinforcing, save it somewhere, then write:
"Reading my keyboard curse notes to myself is just as effective as writing them."
This way you can save a file of notes you've written, and occasionally read it to keep reinforcing the effects.

* Encouragement to assuage any doubts you have about hypnosis, or whether or not it's working. Also, this one:
"When I obey a keyboard curse note, I will obey the spirit of the note, not necessarily the letter."
This can help keep you out of the dilemma where you accidentally write two conflicting notes, or realize afterwards that you made a typo that drastically changes the meaning, etc.

* To reiterate MuxMG, it can definitely be fun for pleasurable hypnotic effects, but it's also useful for totally day-to-day things.
"When I'm at work (or school) I will be diligent and focus on my work"
As a bonus if you use it for day to day things and then actually obey, it will actually get more effective when you use it for fun things. The more you use it the better it works.

Definitely start small (and vague) and work your way up to complex and explicit.

(edit: fix typo)
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Postby MuxMG » February 6th, 2012, 2:57 am

A part from the tricks on oneself, :) , it appears Cubes has been doing similar things like I did.

cubes wrote:Use the keyboard curse to reinforce itself.

Here I've come up with a mental-only method. No need for a keyboard anymore. This is extremely handy for small changes. And it definitely works but so far only for simple things. In fact I think it should not be used for the more elaborate stuff.

The method is simple. Just think of something you want, say it in your mind. Think "the end" (or "abracadabra" :-) ) and then do something to confirm this is what you want (for ex. clap your hands, scratch your right ear, whatever you fancy).

Type in a note along these lines and from then on you can use the enchanted 'keyboard' [curse] wherever and whenever you want. You have to be careful of course (for ex. don't use while driving) but you can simply program in some extra safety using the keyboard.

I suppose this could be interesting as a new file. Something like the "Enchanted Mind Curse" or "Merlin's apprentice".
But that's EMG's job :wink:
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