What is 'deeper'?

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What is 'deeper'?

Postby Deemreo » February 21st, 2011, 7:29 pm

Any one who has ever tried a hypnosis file of any kind knows that the hypnotists almost always tells you to go deeper; "You fall even deeper", "Every number I count down brings you deeper", and so on and so forth.

I have been trying to use hypnosis files for months now; and I have never had very much success; I'll do it twice daily for a week, and not even see the slightest inkling of success.

Sometimes I'll blank out in the deepener/induction, but I'm not entirely convinced I'm not just falling asleep. Sure I wake up right at the end of the file, but it's not a gradual awakening, it's just a fairly sudden wake up; and the only reason I know that I woke up right at the end, is because my MP3 player is still on, and hasn't turned itself off yet.

However, I have a feeling that the only reason I'm actually waking up is rather the sudden change of the file stopping is waking me up. It's like when some one is sleeping and you turn off the TV or Radio and that wakes them up.

I have a feeling that I'm not going 'deep' enough; but my question is, what is 'deeper'. What am I supposed to be doing or feeling when the hypnotist tells you to go deeper? It's one of those things that's different for most people, and hard to explain, but what do you do when you go deeper?

What should I visualize? What should I feel? What should I think?
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Postby rgn » February 22nd, 2011, 12:11 am

I am sure this varies by person. For me I get more and more relaxed, my body feel heavy and lethargic, my mind starts having fewer thoughts and focuses more on the hypnotist voice. As I am told to go deeper, my body tends to feel heavier, more relaxed, and my mind becomes even more fixated on the hypnotists voice. Depending on the file suggestions, my mind goes completely blank, only paying attention to the hypnotist (sometimes when I have this experience I do not remember any of the suggestions in the file). Or I have a strong urge to focus entirely on the hypnotist and just push stray thoughts out of the way. For me it is similar to meditation without having to concentrate on keeping the stray thoughts at bay. And it took a lot of practice with induction only files for me to get to this level of trance. And I always feel great when I come out of trance.
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Postby CharredSoul » February 22nd, 2011, 12:17 am

deep usually means just relaxing mentally and physically more and more, there is no way to quantify deeper so the subconscious mind trys to fullfil the suggestions the way it knows best.

1stly with hypnosis do not lay down or use your bed as you have a anchor to your bed for sleep thats what you have been doing your whole life is sleeping in your bed mayb a few other things but thats what the subconscious knows it as best.

2ndly there is a generaly rule for self hypnosis every day for 21 days.

3rd how do YOU know that you are hypnotised? sounds to me that you are pretty much on the mark, maybe look up others experiences, ever notice that state just before you fall asleep that you are so relaxed, that there is no mental chatter? but you still can hear everything going on around you but you just don't care? thats the state you are aiming for. But is not limited to

Sure I wake up right at the end of the file, but it's not a gradual awakening, it's just a fairly sudden wake

you are responding to the suggestions very well.

so last question what would have to happen for you to know that you have been in trance?
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Postby sissysara » February 22nd, 2011, 11:21 am

like you I've been trying to figure out what "deep" is for awhile now. In the 6+ months I've been playing with these hypnosis files for most of it I experienced much what you have. You either just feel really comfortable and kinda just enjoy the ride so to speak, or you zonk out completely. But either way it never felt much like what people talk about when talking about hypnosis. I bounced around between a few different files, sometimes everyday sometimes taking breaks.

Well today I didn't do much different, I loaded up Vassy's little listner where I edited out the awakener at the end cuz I like to use it as an induction, followed by MsJ's little miss squidgy panty file. I made it through listner like i usually do, feeling relaxed and slightly heavy but thats the norm. The first thing I noticed different was a couple minutes into MsJ's file was instead of just seeing the black of having my eyes shut it slowly turned into a yellowish/pinkish (she talks about pink smoke in the file) As this continued my thoughts didnt stray as much as they usuall can.

Then once she asked me to imagine a spiral, the yellowish/pinkish light kinda took on some movement, maybe me trying to image the spiral. At this point I focused in on her words intently even though I knew them by heart. As the induction part ended and the meat of the file started my ability to wander mentally was non existent and I either repeated in my head what she wanted me to repeat or thought what she wanted me to think. Then my legs and thighs began slightly spasming out of my control, and this continued for another 10 minutes. After that my head began alternating between nodding up and down and back and forth and my hands began moving out of my control. I couldnt control it, didnt want to control it, and didnt wanted to stop. I just wanted to lay there and let it happen.

After over half a year i finally got my mind blown. What I think it was, was a combination of practice and just finding the right combination of hypnotist, fetish, and file that really correlate with who you are and what you are looking for.
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Postby ohyouknow » February 22nd, 2011, 3:16 pm

As the induction part ended and the meat of the file started my ability to wander mentally was non existent and I either repeated in my head what she wanted me to repeat or thought what she wanted me to think

That's the kind of feeling I've had with some files, and that's what I mean by being 'deep'. A sort of effortless concentration - I could break it if I wanted to, but I don't want to.

I've also had the thing where I blank out in the induction and come to at the end. I'm sure that's just me falling asleep.
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Postby rgn » February 23rd, 2011, 1:10 am

ohyouknow wrote:I've also had the thing where I blank out in the induction and come to at the end. I'm sure that's just me falling asleep.

Blanking out does not necessarily indicate you have fallen asleep. It is possible to trance deep enough to not remember some of the contents of the file. I have a couple of files I have used many times and each time I blank out enough to not remember what most of the suggestions were. But I still get the effects of the file, so not asleep. This does not happen often as I usually listen to a file at least once without trance to preview what is being said. But there are a couple of hypnotists here that I trust to just listen without a preview. And it is often their files that give me this experience. Possibly because I have a deep trust with them and trance more deeply to their voice.

CharredSoul posted that one should not lie down to listen to files. That is really a personal thing. I actually have my best trance when lying down. I can relax my body much more. I find I do not have a problem with falling asleep if I am listening at a time when I am not sleepy. Either during the day or early evening with the lights on. Besides there are some excellent experience files created to use while lying down.
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Postby CharredSoul » February 23rd, 2011, 3:26 am

its not really a matter of personal preference your whole life you have associated your bed with sleep, how do you expect to change happen when that trigger is so ingrained in your subconscious mind, years upon years of that happening. doesn't mean that you won't reach trance just means that change mostly likely not be effective
if you want change quickly and effectively get up and walk around as though as if it is real get a feel what it would be like.

i remember a trainer talking about studies done how we have an anchor for angriness being associated to the body being upright and how if you stand on your head the anger will drain away, because we have never associated anger to being upside down.

so if you really want new powerful change sit in a spot where you never sit or a new spot that you have never rested before, try and not fully lay down, walk around in trance as though the change has taken place
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Postby DKaiser » February 23rd, 2011, 3:41 am

It does kinda depend on the person. I'm bad at falling asleep on my back, but rolling over on my stomach helps quite a bit. Thus, I can trance lying back in my bed, because there's not much of a trigger set there.
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Postby rgn » February 24th, 2011, 1:51 am

Not really wanting to debate lying down to trance. I certainly do other things in bed besides sleep. Without issue of falling asleep.

I am really a trance junkie. One of my favorite things is to listen to a long file and trance as deep as possible. Or just floating in mindless relaxation by taking a file with a longer induction that emphasizes going very deep in trance and clearing the mind of all thought. Remove the awaken suggestion, and see how long it takes to come out of trance. I have easily gone over 30 minutes after the file ends. And its quite rejuvenating for the mind and body.

I like the suggestion of walking around while listening. I will definitely try that sometime.
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Postby CharredSoul » February 24th, 2011, 3:40 am

hahaha thats all good just might want to read over my posts again. LOL
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Postby rgn » February 25th, 2011, 12:37 am

CharredSoul wrote:hahaha thats all good just might want to read over my posts again. LOL


OK, I don't need to re-read your posts, I need to proofread mine before posting. I meant to end with:

I like the suggestion of walking around while in trance...

Although, I can image how walking or moving about while actually listening to certain types of files might provide some results. For instance, listening to a file to increase desire to exercise and/or make it more enjoyable to exercise while actually walking or exercising.

But for me I can achieve my deepest, most relaxing trace by lying down because I can more completely relax my body in the most comfortable way. I also trance sitting and slightly reclining in a high back desk chair. And I get up after the trance to move about. The only time I listen to a file and go directly to sleep is when I cannot fall asleep. I use a file specifically to relax me in deep trance followed by suggestions to go to sleep.

I believe the subject matter of the file also plays a part. Certain types of sexual experiences can work very well when lying down because most people's subconscious is also conditioned to having sex in bed. However other types of files, like feminizing or transformational would probably work best not lying down.

But again, it all depends on the individual. Everyone is slightly different. What works best for one person will not always work best for another. Just as each person's subconscious may interpret the same suggestions slightly or vastly different.
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Postby CharredSoul » February 25th, 2011, 1:56 am

i am not saying that you cannot reach trance while lying down, change will not be that effective. just sayin that if you really want effective change sit down in a spot where you have no enviromental anchors, less resistence to the mind to change.
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Postby bandler » April 11th, 2011, 12:38 pm

rgn wrote:...But there are a couple of hypnotists here that I trust to just listen without a preview. And it is often their files that give me this experience. Possibly because I have a deep trust with them and trance more deeply to their voice.

Trust is a big part of successful trance. If you don't trust the hypnotist, or the file, to do what you expect, you won't let it do anything. You also have to be honest with yourself. If you don't really want to be fucked by a diaper dog, you won't relax and let it happen. As someone said earlier, the match of listener's desire with hypnotists intention makes a big difference.

The key to trance is finding a competent hypnotist and then FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS from that hypnotist. If you don't trust the hypnotist enough to follow their instructions you are wasting your time. If you do not understand the instructions of the hypnotist, you have not found a competent one.

As far as the original question about 'deeper', that is a figure of speech. If the hypnotist instructed you to be more suggestible, how would you follow that instruction? It might be interpreted as 'be more gullible' by some people. If the hypnotist starts by saying 'go deeper', they are not communicating well, or they are assuming the subject is familiar with what they mean when they use that phrase. I only use the phrase, 'go deeper' AFTER I use the phrase, 'Relax deeper.' Which lets the listener know what 'deeper' means. 'Relax deeper' is a more acceptable way to say, 'be more suggestible.'

However, relaxation is not a requirement for hypnosis. Chronic pain sufferers are not relaxed, they are in pain, yet they can be hypnotized and taught to go into trance easily.

The key is following instructions from a competent hypnotist.
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