Need New Sexy Ideas To Use With A "freeze" Trigger

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Need New Sexy Ideas To Use With A "freeze" Trigger

Postby mindscythe » June 4th, 2011, 11:31 pm

Hello everyone. This is kind of a story, but also a question, so please reply with your ideas...

I have a wonderful subject who is also my wife, and after giving her a "freeze" trigger a couple of months ago, I am finding myself in need of new things to do with it.

A bit of background to set the stage. We have boys at home ages 10 to 17, so there are limits to what we can do during the day when they are around. We love spending time out together shopping for clothes, groceries, hardware, or whatever on the weekends, as long as we are together. We also go to a swingers club every now and then on a weekend night, and sometimes we just go out to a bar with a DJ or live band so she can do some dirty dancing and flash her boobs and have fun.

She is fairly adventuresome already without any hypnosis influence, which is wonderful, and she basically never wears a bra except to work, and usually wears tops that you can really tell it in (even as far as being sheer fabric where you can see her nipple and areolas through the top), so she is a bit of an exhibitionist. In swinger clubs there is a decent amount of nudity already, and it is accepted and expected there, so it's not as exciting as her exposing her sexy bits when we are out "in public" even in situations where few or no people will actually see her.

But I still look forward to the fun and/or embarassing sexy moments I can create by using her freeze trigger and changing things while her mind is "not there". Here are some things I have already done. The most recent fun one was we went to a small beach at a state park lake without our kids. As we walked back to the car I freeze-d her, untied her bikini top from around her neck and left it hanging down from the strap around her chest, then unfreeze-d her so she walked the rest of the way back to the car through the grass with her boobs exposed. Nobody was really around to see, but it was still exciting. She has also at times found herself naked in the car riding down the road quite a while after being frozen, de-clothed while parked somewhere, then I resume driving and unfreeze her. Every now and then I will also pull the neck of her low-cut top down under her breast while walking around in a store for her to realize it a while after I unfreeze her, but I am ready for more.

Yes, I have also freeze-d her during sex to put her in new positions or do things that are normally too intense for her to handle when she has to be quiet with the kids at home, and that is a big rush too. Having her squealing and squirming one moment and then freezing her and her being still and silent the next moment is a huge turn on at times. Having a girl that hungrily kisses you during sex become unresponsive as you kiss her with a few words is quite a power trip too. And that is all good, but since she is always a willing participant in sex, I look forward more new uses for her freeze trigger out in public and possibly involving other people being around.

What is fun is that it appears seamless enough to her that I can remove clothing and she doesn't realize it's missing for a while, so I definitely have on my list to freeze her and open or remove her top before we get to the drive-thru window at a fast food restaurant, but I'm almost afraid to because I would like more ideas to look forward to after that.

She does have several other triggers, but this one is easy to use in public without drawing attention, and she seems to respond to it just about anywhere. This was done just through non-scripted sessions, not recordings, so I'm sorry ... I hope it's not off-topic for the General Hypnosis forum.

So, please leave some comments with ideas. Please just brainstorm, feel free to add to others' ideas, but leave criticisms at home. Each of us are capable of evaluating the ideas for our own situations, so just give lots of ideas, please!

Thank you in advance!!!
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Postby soundexcess » June 5th, 2011, 12:57 am

freeze and swap panties for remote vibrating ones,
or perhaps freeze insert butt plug while she is fully clothed and unfreeze.
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Postby kitsukat » June 5th, 2011, 1:56 pm

Freeze, completely change her outfit, then unfreeze. Also the use of silly things like a colorful hat or putting stuffed animals down her shirt might be fun.

Something else you could do is get silly noise maker that has a big button on it and place it in her bra.
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Postby mindscythe » June 5th, 2011, 6:20 pm

Hmm, I've thought of the butt plug one, but need to find a smaller one. The one we have is just too big unless we have been really "active". I'll have to work on that... :)

LOL! Funny ideas! This is an erotic hypnosis site, right? :wink:
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Postby kitsukat » June 5th, 2011, 9:40 pm

Doing silly things with hypnosis can also be erotic, you know. Something about showing off your sense of humor, or something like that.

Put her in a hot outfit and see how long it takes her to notice.

You could also do some bondage stuff via freeze, like freeze her, tie her up, and unfreeze.
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Postby mindscythe » June 6th, 2011, 1:14 am

I totally understand -- a sense of humor is a requirement to get through life nowadays. :)

BTW, I already picked out the stuffed animal to put in her shirt...
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Postby Mutazoa » June 13th, 2011, 4:58 pm

hmmmm ok I'll play

1. Find a swing partner that you can trust with this. Freeze her during 1 on 1 sex, position her and unfreeze her in the middle of a 3 some.

2. Freeze her during sex in the bedroom, mover her out on to the back patio and unfreeze her there to finish up.
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Postby mindscythe » June 13th, 2011, 7:05 pm

Excellent ideas! Keep them coming!
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Postby Smfx » July 10th, 2011, 11:54 am

Some sexy ideas I had:

1. Put her in a position where she thinks she has some kind of power, like she gets to dominate you, but just as she starts to do anything, you freeze her, and swap your positions, so then once again you are the one in control, making her surprised how she can lose all her power at once.

2. Buy bigger or smaller versions of clothes she has, freeze her and swap out a pair of those, then unfreeze and try and convince her she is growing or shrinking, and see her reactions as her clothes are so tight, or so small.

3. Freeze and swap clothes with her, then think of a silly reason it happened, like when two people love each other and bump into each other, clothes swap, and see if she buys it.

I could think of more, but I am curious if you think my creative style is good. Hope it helps!
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Postby mindscythe » July 10th, 2011, 10:33 pm

I really like #1. #2 and #3 are likely to be a bit too confusing for her. One of the aspects I didn't mention to keep the post short is that she doesn't want to know that I hypnotize her. I've asked her under hypnosis and that is what she indicated. So, she likes the mystery of it for sexual things, but I don't want to overdo the "normal" things that will make her feel like she is "losing it".

I love the component to #1 about me making her realize I'm in control of her beyond what she can understand (or wants to understand). That's sexy!

She is enjoying being daring, though, so it's getting hard to find things that top what she will do herself willingly. July 4th weekend we went to a carryout pizza place and a hardware store with her wearing only overalls (shorts) and panties, so there were plenty of opportunities to see all the way to her nipples from the side. That kind of blew my plan to have her wear overalls and a shirt and freeze her and remove the shirt, since it happened without freezing her.

Keep up the ideas, though!!! Love them!
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Postby Kendai » July 21st, 2011, 12:23 am

While you wanted more ideas for the freeze trigger, You may want to try giving her some more triggers to work with so the uses don't run out so quickly.

As I understand, you have her with a freeze trigger that she doesn't consciously remember being used or the time she was frozen, any you want some other things you can do to her that won't be too jarring and noticeable.

For example you could try giving her a trigger that can make her feel itchy wherever you indicate upon triggering.
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Postby Clipper » July 22nd, 2011, 2:51 am

This is more of a funny one. Freeze her on an Escalator!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby mindscythe » July 26th, 2011, 12:50 am

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Postby soundexcess » July 28th, 2011, 12:48 am

funny and erotic
freeze while shes writing with a marker(come up with a reason for her to use a marker), strip her and draw a sex road map on her some parts that will show with clothes on, and more being revealed as clothing is removed. Then recloth her, and swap her marker for a messager one. unfreeze and wait to see how long before she notices, this works best just before you and her leave to go some where so you can watch peoples reactions to her and her reactions.
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Postby qv » August 12th, 2011, 11:44 pm

Well, dunno if you're still reading these, but I've got a thing for "It was all a dream... OR WAS IT" moments... like, have an elaborate sexual encounter, then freeze her, then set everything up like you were both asleep. Unfreeze her, 'awaken' via her noise, look her deep in her eyes, and deadpan: "That must have been one hell of a dream." Then give her a firm handshake. :P
Or, go the opposite route and give her problems that people deal with everyday, albeit more... extensively. Everyone's had a moment where they miss part of a conversation, right? Subtly freeze her as she's about to contribute something, wait until the topic changes, then unfreeze her.
I dunno, I guess that really only appeals to me because she'd be going through the same crap I have to go through on a daily basis...
And as far as ideas for just general, everyday humiliation, FML (FMyLife) and LFMM (LearnFromMyMistakes) has some real gems, largely inapplicable though they may be.
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Postby mindscythe » August 13th, 2011, 1:26 am

Thank you!! Yes, I'm still reading them. In the "OR WAS IT?" category, about a month ago I did do something I had never done before. She was sitting at her computer desk and I started kissing her, froze her, stood her up, pulled her pants down, bent her over a recliner and fucked her, then dressed her again and sat her down and unfroze her and kept kissing her. When I stopped she looked at me with an odd look and said that her feet were tingling, which is a common thing she says when she has had really strong orgasms.

So that was very interesting to see her reaction, and since then I have given her some in-trance reinforcement that the confusion was exciting and even though she may not understand or remember what happens sometimes, she knows that it is something fun and naughty that I am doing and she likes it. There was a concern she voiced once that she was afraid that she was having memory problems because sometimes she would just not remember periods of time. So, tried to help make that cause less anxiety and be more fun.

For those of you who wonder why I haven't done something like that to her before... well, if you could watch her you'd realize how much more incredible she is when she's awake and responding fully during sex. It's really hot! So, I have to be REALLY satisfied already to pass up conscious sex with her. :-)

I am thinking about making it a bit easier to do a temporary freeze with a nonverbal trigger so I can do it in the middle of conversations or during a TV show or something. I'm thinking about maybe tracing circles in her palm with my finger, or something like that and as long as I do it her mind will freeze or pause, which will give me a few moments to do something naughty or nice.

Oh, I DID have a moment kind of like what you mentioned already, and I kind of feel bad about it. We went to see the movie "Bad Teacher", and she really wanted to see the scene from the commercial where Cameron Diaz throws the dodgeball at the kid in the gym. Well, the movie got boring in the middle, so I froze her and removed her panties (she had a sun dress on), and of course in the middle of pulling her panties off the scene comes on and we essentially BOTH miss it (I was preoccupied too). So, she missed the scene and was bummed about it not being in the movie, but hopefully she will get to see it on Netflix or on DVD soon and she'll complain about how it is on the DVD but wasn't in the movie at the theaters. :-)

Keep the ideas up!!!
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Postby qv » August 13th, 2011, 9:48 pm

Oh, hey there. Good to hear things are going well. I haven't got much more to contribute, posted more to thank you for your responses.

So... yeah, what I realized is that really, if she doesn't want to know for sure whether you hypnotized her, doing stuff in her sleep is ideal, since she expects lost time. So... there's that, I guess.
Hmm... it's hard to think of little, subtle things. The 'changing locale during sex' idea seems interesting, and if you wanted to really spice it up, you could start in a public restroom, then move to another restroom in another building. That might be a tad overt, but it seems fitting for the whole 'casual sex romp' you seem to imply she enjoys.
Maybe... finding random items in her underwear? (Though I'm at a loss for things that wouldn't be immediately noticeable...)
Or, maybe instead of freezing her in nonsexual situations and making it sexual, you could do the reverse. Get her to give you a blowjob, then switch out with a cucumber, or bratwurst, or similarly phallic food items (or just phallic items in general, I suppose...). If she asks, imply she must have been fantasizing really hard about you, then... I dunno, make a cheesy line about you also fantasizing about her, passionately lock gazes, then do it like they do on the discovery channel. :wink:
In all seriousness, she'd probably forget about the weirdness of it after all that.
So, pretty silly ideas, but hopefully still the sorts of things you're looking for. Or at least tangentially helpful to you, anyways.
I've always wanted to be someone's idea man, glad I could potentially be of service in that regard.

EDIT: Oh yeah, suddenly realized that you should occasionally do some stuff to acknowledge her subconscious' hard work. I WONDER WHY I WOULD THINK SOMETHING SO OUT OF THE BLUE (my subconscious and I are bros, if you couldn't tell)
Oh, and it didn't sound like she responded much after being awoken after frozen sex, but I'm sure you could suggest that the feelings would carry over. Do it during breakfast, then jokingly blame the cereal for her sudden orgasm.
My subconscious wants to be clear, though: if her subconscious is doing all that that well, it deserves a little personal recognition, if you know what I'm saying.

...scratch that, it's deserving regardless of what you think I mean.
Btw, congrats if you didn't automatically tl;dr this. I know of many people that would.
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Postby mistermano » August 14th, 2011, 1:05 pm

Freeze her, take off her panties and put it on her head, in a way her face is uncovered. I'd like to see her reaction :twisted:
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Postby mindscythe » August 15th, 2011, 11:51 pm

Thank you for your additional ideas, QV. But what exactly do you suggest to acknowledge her subconsious' good work? Give her ice cream while she's frozen? lol! Ok, the ice cream was a joke, but seriously can you and your bro explain what you are thinking and maybe give an example?

Oh, and MisterMano, I love the panties on her head idea!! That is fun! If she didn't already go braless most of the time I could have some fun with her bra, but I definitely prefer her not wearing one.

Today I was musing about the idea of instead of just another nonverbal freeze trigger, perhaps another state all together would be interesting. She has always had amnesia since I started using hypnosis with her, so perhaps it could be fun for her to have a state where I trigger her and she just becomes an observer like many people report with stage hypnosis, and then she can remember it afterwards but not understand why she did those things or why I was in control. And make her feel very sexy being out of control and not responsible. I like the idea of her being highly functional and suggestible, but suppressing normal responses and inhibitions. This seems a bit backwards -- I think many people get to this stage with their subjects before the things I have done with my wife, but in this case it made sense because it is easier for her to accept things that she doesn't remember. But I think she might be ready for it. I will have to ask her next time I have her in a trance again.

Cheers! Keep the ideas coming!
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Postby mindscythe » August 16th, 2011, 12:08 am

BTW, since people have been nice enough to suggest ideas, here is a photo of my wife when she was truly deep in trance on a trip out of town at a hotel. Maybe she can be your muse for more ideas!...

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Postby qv » August 16th, 2011, 9:28 am

mindscythe wrote:BTW, since people have been nice enough to suggest ideas, here is a photo of my wife when she was truly deep in trance on a trip out of town at a hotel. Maybe she can be your muse for more ideas!...

Curses, I was just going to suggest that too! :o
Weird photos in random places are cool.

And, as far as thanking her subconscious for her hard work, just keep in mind that some kind words go a long way...
...and so does sex.
BOW chicka WA WOW

..but seriously, getting in touch with her inner self is too helpful to pass up in my opinion. Find out what sorts of things she enjoys, even if she's ashamed to admit it (though by the sound of things, that may be a pretty small category). Heck, maybe you can ask her for some ideas to try. As she goes through her day, maybe she could fantasize, and put her ideas on the backburner to let them simmer. And it's always even cooler when she don't even know that she's been thinking about it.
And, y'know, just because she doesn't seem to consciously react doesn't mean your tricks have gone unappreciated, either... maybe it'd be a good opportunity to find out about those sorts of things too.

I'm glad my two cents evidently have gone as far as they did, looking forward to more success stories! :wink:
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Postby mindscythe » August 16th, 2011, 11:20 am

Well, I have already asked her in trance and she DOES want me to act out the scenario of showing her off to a guy when she is frozen and have her start giving him a blowjob, then wake her up. This is something she would do anyway with the right guy, but having me take charge and her be unaware and wake up in this situation I think is hot to both of us. It's harder than one might think to find a random guy in a parking lot somewhere to do that with ... like so much of life, it's much easier to find a willing guy on the internet. :-)
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Postby mistermano » August 16th, 2011, 6:38 pm

Call me greedy, but I see quite a potential extra cash in that trick you have with her.

You know those street performers that act like statues? Well, you just happen to have one. Though I wonder whether it's safe to leave her alone for a few hours...
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Postby qv » August 16th, 2011, 9:33 pm

mistermano wrote:Call me greedy, but I see quite a potential extra cash in that trick you have with her.

You know those street performers that act like statues? Well, you just happen to have one. Though I wonder whether it's safe to leave her alone for a few hours...

...but that's not sexy. :?

If you have any sex toys, you could always suddenly... well, implement them while she's frozen.
Or play a little game with her where you freeze her just as soon as she's about to do something arousing, then reset and unfreeze her. Specifically, I was thinking when her mouth touches your dick, but I realized it's absurd to assume anyone would be capable of such self-control, so... maybe you can think of something else?...
And I just noticed what you said about how she likes the mystery of the lost time for sexual things, but for normal things she worries about her mental health. I think that's worth repeating to these fine people...
In the grand scheme of things, though, it's good of you to experiment with other triggers too. It's always possible that by doing so, you might even get some ideas to use with the standard freeze trigger.
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Postby mindscythe » April 3rd, 2012, 11:43 pm

Thanks again for the ideas submitted so far. I'm still looking for the right scenario to play out that sounds really exciting to me, but one good thing is that a friend who is aware of some of the other things we do in our sex life is moving back to our neighborhood. I really look forward to showing him what she can do with the help of hypnosis...

A few times now after the kids have gone to bed I have frozen her in the living room and had sex with her and gotten her fully dressed again and unfrozen her. She didn't realize we had sex afterwards, but every time she comments about how her toes are tingly for some reason. It's fun, but not quite the excitement I was hoping it would be.

We are in Florida this week on spring break, and I just have this feeling that she's going to lose her bikini top without realizing it more than once when we are at the beach and the kids are preoccupied...

Any other ideas you think of, please share!
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