So I was listening to a file that supposedly improves focus, while also listening to a binaural that helps with self hypnosis. I was doing a marathon session, don't ask me why, I just felt like it...
It was setup to be four hours long, and I suposse around half and hour to forty five in, I started to go really deep... or at least that's what I think.
Suddenly... bang... an hour into the file it feels like my whole body feels like it is rushing forward... I'm sitting in my chair, kindof reclining, with my feet up on my desk... and the sudden feeling is so intense that I reach inbetween my legs and grab onto the desk...
I'm breathing like crazy... and it felt pretty dang good. I got instantly very hard and aroused... I'd say I had some kind of weird orgasm, except it felt completely different, but still kind of good.
Obviously the file and the binaural wasn't supposed to have any effect like that.
As good as it was, it's kind of annoying now, as I was obviously deep and into the files, but it woke up my body and I was kind of ripped out of trance, and my body was too antsy to drop back in.
Does anyone know what this was, or have they experienced anything like it before? I kind of want to feel it again, maybe for a prolonged period. :twisted: