My first experiences

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My first experiences

Postby mistermano » August 20th, 2011, 9:13 pm

Well people, I've decided to post what's been happening to me, mostly so I can get some feedback and/or advices.

Whenever I'm entering a trance, I start noticing that my mind is wandering off and I unconciously bring it back, just for it to wander off again some seconds later, until I can't bring it back and let things flow.

Now, something I find funny, is that, when I'm listening without a proper induction or without a wakeup step, I still end waking up just about after the file ends playing. Another thing I've noticed is that, as I only trance while lying on my bed, I'm always waking up with my belly up and my mouth partially open and very dry (sometimes I notice a "last snore").
Guess I'll need to put some order to make me close it if I can breath through my nose without a problem

Well, just felt like sharing that with everyone :D
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Postby Jeshi » August 20th, 2011, 11:06 pm

What you described makes sense. It makes sense for your mind to wander and bring itself back. And it makes sense to wake up at the end of a file without a wakener because you probably noticed the lack of noise or the fact that whatever background noise was behind the voice cut out suddenly.
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Postby rgn » August 27th, 2011, 10:02 am

I had similar experiences with the mind wandering when I started practicing hypnosis. I now seem to be able to consciously focus on entering trance without as much noticeable mind wandering.

I love the feeling of being deeply in trance. The heaviness of my body, the emptiness of my mind. I have managed to go deep enough a few times where I was not aware of my body, just mindlessly floating. Many times I trance deep enough to be mindlessly aware of my body but unable to move. Feels almost like floating in nothing. Usually I am fully aware of my body with either an empty mind or my mind filled with whatever the hypnotist suggests (I often do not consciously remember the suggestions).

I have managed to remain in deep trance more than 30 minutes after a file ended. But only with a few files that were scripted to encourage remaining in trance after the file ends. Either by direct suggestion to remain in trance as long as I desire after the file ends or remain in trance until I have accepted the suggestions given. Most of these are recorded so the hypnotist's voice fades out slowly at the end so there is not a sudden change in volume to catch your conscious attention.

And there are times I trance deep enough to take longer to come out of trance than the recorded file awaken suggestion allows. Some files have "fully awaken at the count of 3... 1... 2... 3... " and the file ends before I am able to fully come out of trance. This can actually be quite nice when I am in the mood to listen to several files by different hypnotists on a playlist - the next induction starts while I am coming out of the last trance so I never fully come out of trance, I just drop back down again.

I too usually trance lying on my back on my bed. I get the deepest trance that way because it is the most comfortable position for me to be able to fully relax my entire body. Works best if it is not dark in the room so if it is early evening, I turn on a bright light. Snoring and open mouth usually happens when you become very relaxed while sleeping. Trance is very similar relaxed state. I have sleep apnea which interferes with a deep trance so I actually use my cpap machine when lying down to trance. Sleep apnea does not cause as much of a problem when I sit to trance. But I cannot trance as deeply when sitting. I just cannot relax my body as much. Of course the hypnosis works without being so deeply in trance. Its just a preference really. I guess what I am leading into is you may want to try to elevate your head/upper body to be in a reclining position instead of lying flat on your bed to see if that makes a difference for you.
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Postby coreseventy » August 30th, 2011, 7:15 pm

I did some research on hypnosis from actual therapists, and what your experiencing is more like sleep. With hypnosis you are able to come in and out of a "trance" quite easily. You can hear sounds around you, and obviously the voice of the hypnotist. So, your not supposed to fall asleep and snore, your supposed to be in a relaxed state of consciousness that allows you to easily absorb suggestions. In other words, you want to give head but are afraid, so the file is making it easy on you.
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Postby mistermano » August 30th, 2011, 9:54 pm

That might explain why, lately, the awakeners haven't been working on me.

If all this time I've been sleeping instead of trancing, then I really have to ask 2 things:
1- Will files still have effect on me?
2- Will I know I'm in this relaxed conciousness state if I enter it?

The first will probably depend a lot on what files I'm using, but I'd like to know more on a general note, if files in general tend to work during sleep
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Postby rgn » August 31st, 2011, 3:53 am

I cannot say whether mistermano is experiencing a deep trance or falling asleep. I do know from my experience, even when I trance deep enough to completely clear my mind of all thoughts or do not remember what is being said by the hypnotist, I still have a sense of awareness. I do not have this sense of awareness when sleeping.

I do believe while in hypnotic trance, especially while lying down, it is possible to relax enough to allow the mouth to open and even to allow a blockage in the airway, which is usually what causes snoring when sleeping.

It is certainly possible to trance deep enough to respond very slowly to suggestions, including awaken suggestions. Or not desire to respond at all to any suggestions. Often referred to as the hypnotic state of euphoria or coma state.

In regards to your questions, "Will files still have an effect on me?" Some claim success when listening to hypnosis files while sleeping. Others say it will not work. I do not have a strong opinion on this.

"Will I know I'm in this relaxed conscious state if I enter it?" I believe you will know when it happens. Trance takes practice. Some people learn faster than others. I remember it took a while (months) before I was able to always go into trance with every listen to a file. I think relaxing inductions are best to start with.

My questions would be, what files are you using?

Have you noticed anything at all from any of the files you are using?

Are you trying to trance when you are tired?

I remember reading some comments on a hypnosis video on youtube. It was a basic induction to relax the subject. People would comment that it did not work for them but they felt really relaxed after. Sometimes the result of a file is subtle.
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Postby mistermano » August 31st, 2011, 7:59 am

rgn wrote:My questions would be, what files are you using?

Have you noticed anything at all from any of the files you are using?

Are you trying to trance when you are tired?

I remember reading some comments on a hypnosis video on youtube. It was a basic induction to relax the subject. People would comment that it did not work for them but they felt really relaxed after. Sometimes the result of a file is subtle.

Mostly the Accelerator followed by Cardigan Lucid Dreams and Cardigan Super Human Mind.
Once in a while I also listen to EMG's 4 hour sleep. I wake up exactly 4 hours after, but since I'm not using it everyday, I don't feel that refreshed.
I've started the Accelerator+Cardigan ones recently (3rd day now), and I'm aware these may take weeks or months to show effects. Still, when I wake up after listening to them, I feel kinda like "Hell yeah! One step closer!"

I mostly listen to files before taking my shower and going to bed, so yes, I'm already somewhat tired most of the time. Other times I put the files on loop and go to sleep, though I always wake up sometime later, mostly at the beginning of the second loop
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Postby rgn » September 2nd, 2011, 12:58 am

Sounds to me like you are well on your way.

And you have the right attitude "Hell yeah! One step closer!"

It is much easier to fall asleep when tired and going into trance. Especially when lying down. But its still possible to stay in trance. Have you tried or are you able to try to trance first thing in the morning after you wake up? It may be interesting for you to compare morning and night hypnosis to see if you feel or react differently.

I was once reminded by a hypnotist, practice makes perfect! And its true. Just keep at it and you will start to notice a difference in your feeling of trance. Even if you do not notice an effect from the file, your level of trance will improve. At least that was my experience. I started become much better at going into deeper trance and started feeling really relaxed and great after trance long before I started really experiencing strong results from suggestions.
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