Triggers and drinking

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Triggers and drinking

Postby willingpaul » July 17th, 2011, 7:56 pm

So will a Trigger work when you have been drinking? Or will listening to a file work and will the triggers work when you have been drinking?
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Postby kitsukat » July 19th, 2011, 6:18 pm

Well, triggers are supposed to happen naturally, like answering your phone when it rings, so I would assume that they would work even after a few drinks.

In terms of listening: A little alcohol can make trancing way more intense, but too much will cause you to lose focus and not work at all. If you want to try listening after drinking, 1 shot should do the trick.
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Postby Jeshi » July 26th, 2011, 9:09 pm

It depends on the person and how deeply routed the trigger is. I know for me sometimes even when I'm sober I might hear or see a trigger and not realize it's supposed to be the trigger and so it doesn't work. That's usually when I know I have to listen to the file again but still, being drunk might have the same affect.

If every single day you practice with a trigger that makes you squawk when someone says "chicken" and then 5 months later you're drunk and someone says chicken, it would probably work.

If once a week you listen to a file that makes you get aroused and then after a month you're drunk and someone says the trigger, I'm not sure, it might not work.
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Postby angel123 » July 27th, 2011, 3:16 pm

Jeshi wrote:

If every single day you practice with a trigger that makes you squawk when someone says "chicken" and then 5 months later you're drunk and someone says chicken, it would probably work.


:lol: :lol: :D :lol: :lol:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby PoolFrenzy87 » September 23rd, 2011, 8:44 pm

Do other drugs enhance trance at all? Like xanax or pot, or anything for that matter.
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Postby Jeshi » September 23rd, 2011, 11:23 pm

PoolFrenzy87 wrote:Do other drugs enhance trance at all? Like xanax or pot, or anything for that matter.

No. It's a psychology trick, nothing to do with neurology or biology. They are separate things. Maybe the effects a drug has on the mind might have psychological effects I'm unaware of that would help, but hallucinogens nor tranquilizers would do very much good for hypnosis.
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Postby Jeshi » September 25th, 2011, 12:09 am

tanyaslave wrote:
Jeshi wrote:

No. It's a psychology trick, nothing to do with neurology or biology. They are separate things. Maybe the effects a drug has on the mind might have psychological effects I'm unaware of that would help, but hallucinogens nor tranquilizers would do very much good for hypnosis.

...Drugs are a psychological trick? They have nothing to do with neurology or biology? Are you kidding me? Hypnosis is a 'psychological trick'- At Best. Drugs are rooted in effecting your neurobiology- that's why people take them.
Also- where do you get off saying that they wouldn't do good for hypnosis? Do you have sources, or just opinions?

I was saying that hypnosis is a psychological trick, and that drugs are neurology and biology, which makes them separate. You've misread my post because I misused pronouns because I assumed that everyone would think "it" is referring to the singular "hypnosis" rather than the plural "drugs" since "it" is a singular pronoun and if I was referring to drugs that I would have used "they are"
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Postby qv » September 26th, 2011, 2:00 am

Well, I'll weigh in, though I can't claim to have had any personal experience in the subject...
Wait, never mind, I could totally claim that, this is the internet, no one would ever know the truth...
So yeah, I TOTALLY tried this, but, uh... I was too stoned and drunk and roofied to remember how it went... yeah...
But it seems to me that drugs can probably only help with very particular aspects; if constant self-evaluation gets in the way of trance, a bit of alcohol might loosen you up a bit, if you can't relax because your energy levels are through the roof, tranqs might be of some use, and hallucinogens obviously would help with hallucination. The thing is, though, that it's damn hard to find that perfect balance; too much hurts way more than not enough does. In fact, that's why hallucinogens are largely illegal; people lose control, see things they never intended to see... maybe in small enough quantities, it could help, but all we can know for sure is that in large enough quantities, it really doesn't.
And since everyone not only trances differently, but also processes drugs differently, it's a crapshoot as to what actually would happen to a given individual on a given dose.
So I guess I'm mildly opposed... if you really want to, go ahead and try to figure it out for yourself, but keep in mind the drawbacks are much greater than the rewards.
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