Help accepting hypnosis

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Help accepting hypnosis

Postby Altanzar » December 25th, 2011, 7:39 pm

I have been hypnotizing my wife once or twice a week for the past month or two. While she has always been willing to be hypnotized she’s has recently confessed to me, while hypnotized, that she don’t like the loss of control.

Currently we are using the hypnosis just for sex; my wife is kind of frigid, esp. after our third child and a hysterectomy. I have been trying to instill a greater desire for oral, increased sexual desire, lower her inhibitions and a few other basic stuff.

Most of the time when I put her under, with a return command, I will give her a few suggestions then put her to sleep for the night. I have not seen a lot of success with the longer term suggestions. However occasionally, usually only once a week, I will put her under, give her some short term, day long, prep for sex, stuff that she has been pretty receptive too. This includes stuff like orgasming on command, hallucinated feeling, etc. These seem to work fairly well over the course of the day, none remaining past the day, by design.

With the success of the shorter term suggestions and the apparent lack of success with the longer term suggestions I decided to kind of start over. This time work on one thing at a time, get a set script and read it to her at least every other day. I am hoping that with the exact same thing read to her repeatedly she will be more receptive to the changes.

From what I am thinking the first thing I should try to tackle is the kind of reluctance, but willingness, to be hypnotized. I don’t want a slave; I just want back the woman I married. We turned to hypnosis after she told me to go fulfill my “needs” somewhere else, I am really wanting hypnosis to work.
So my questions:

My thoughts on her loss of control issues, I figured that I would include that it is ok to release control to me, and me alone, that it’s perfectly natural, she is safe and I would never do anything to hurt her. Is this the correct way to accomplish this, or is there a better way to do it?

If I am giving her these suggestions, 3-4 times per week, usually every other day, what’s the general time frame before I should move on to different or rather incorporate some other suggestions?

I have been playing with Audacity, and have recorded one script that I made, but there is a bit of static in it which I’m working on. If I put her under by command, would it be better if I let her listen to something that I recorded/found, or just say it a few times myself.

I would be open to any other advice that anyone has on this, I am afraid I am a bit of a novice at this.

Few last notes, she seems to go down very deep, I am able to inprint full body and enviroment hallucinations while under. I have changed my eye color, minor I know, once which stuck for 45min to hour after she woke up. Also when I test with "a arm like stone/steel" she seems very protective? of her arm after I return it to normal. And last time I did the "stuck eyelids" test she actually reached up and tried to open them with her hands. I tend to avoid those tests now.
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Postby ocntrl » December 26th, 2011, 10:26 am

Why should she give up control in order to have you guys enjoy your sex life again?

It sounds to me that by increasing her desire for sex, different kinds, and giving her some triggers to arouse her, she should be open to sex in no time.

What I am missing is what she would get out of it.

She clearly want you to have a good time, especially since she mentioned you to go look for it somewhere else, but what does she want out of it?

So I would suggest the tell her that there is no need whatsoever to give up control in order to enjoy sex again.

Make her feel better about herself, make her feel a sexy woman, shower her with attention, and you'd be surprised how quickly she'll be a hrony teenager again :-)

It should be fun for the two of you!
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Postby Altanzar » December 26th, 2011, 10:44 am

I wish that mearly attention was all she needs. We never have sex while she is hypnotized, always after. And her control issues is when I put her under to give those suggestions for arousal, sesitivity and desire but she is still willing to go under.

I dont know what she wants out of it, her sex drive is gone. I have tried giving her more attention and I always compliment her, always express my love, but she has no desire. For the past few years when we have had sex it was me giving and givng emotion putting so much into it, but very rarely have I felt like I was getting anyof that emotion back. I have found that with all of the posibilities of hypnosis, I enjoy the feeling that she wants me, that she wants to be in bed with me the most and it seems like I only get that after I put her under and make her horny.

Maybe something like an arousal trigger would work better
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Postby ocntrl » December 26th, 2011, 11:00 am

I like your answer.

So break it down into little pieces.

First I would focus on her arousal/sex drive in such a way that you connect it to how she feels about herself. Don't put the stress on the actual sex.

So what about this approach.

1. Be very specific about the fact that loss of control has nothing to do with hypnosis.
2. Check with her if she is willing to allow you to guide her (not change) to feel better about herself and feel better about sex and arousal and such in general.

Once you established that you are not about taking control and that you are going for her well being, create enough innocent triggers that are outside your control to make her feel good about herself and feel sexual.

Why outside your control? Because if you trigger them she may feel you are controlling her to change.

So tie a feeling of well being, a feeling of being a secy person, being a worthy person... (you get it) to a color, a picture, an action... anything that will trigger the feelings a couple of times a day.

And make the triggers innocent and about feeling good.

In parallel with that, give her some extraordinary sexual experiences through hypnosis without expecting anything in return.

A classic one that is extremely powerful is the following protocol:

- get her in hypnosis
- have her look for the place where she feels arousal start when she gets horny (don;t have her tell you, that's her secret, unless she wants to share)
- have her describe the color of that spot and the color of the rest of her body
- now have her realize that every time she breathes in, the oxygen is fueling that little tiny spot of arousal, deepening the color
- have the color spread through the entire body, changing the entire body from the non-aroused color to the aroused color
- have the color deepen (e.g. from red to deep dark red...)
- hold of on the orgasm
- while you do this, anchor any increase in arousal you see with a contact (e.g. always touch her left shoulder at that time or so)
- then allow her an amazing mind (body) orgasm
- make sure to instill a sense of feeling amazing (not spent) and interested in trying this many more times, while and after she orgasms

It may leave you hot and horny to see your wife like that, but heck, that's part of the fun.

After a while you can use the innocent gesture (that she is unaware of) to fire the arousal.

And after awhile you can start working on her desire to make you feel as good as you make her feel.

You may be surprised what happens ;-)

All the best. Let me know if I can help in any way.
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Postby Altanzar » December 26th, 2011, 12:20 pm

Thanks, appreciate your help, I have read about tieing a feeling with an event or series of events but never done anything with it. It is something that I will try to do. As for outside triggers, we live close to a church with a bell tower, I have thought about tieing the church bells into some sort of trigger, but if we are use to them and we tend to ignore them will the trigger still work?
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Postby ocntrl » December 26th, 2011, 1:03 pm

The bell will work because her subconscious will still be aware of it.

I would suggest something more generic though, because when you travel or so the bell may not be around.

So why don't you use her favorite color? She likes the color already and tying other good feelings into it would help.

It would possibly also be more random and you can play with the color by playing it at specific locations to trigger it.

Unless you have a good relationship with your pastor and can have him ring the bell when you'd like to :-)
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