by cubes » February 5th, 2012, 4:49 pm
I've had some success with the keyboard curse, but not really for any of the things that EMG suggests in the file. Instead, I think it's best for reinforcement and vague suggestions, until you get the hang of it.
* Use to reinforce trance effects that you get from other files, or make your self go listen to a file. I think it's very effective to push yourself over the edge of a decision or hypnotic compulsion. For instance, if a file tells you to do something when you wake up, and then you wake up and find yourself consciously deciding whether or not to do it, then instead just consciously decide to write down a keyboard curse note ordering yourself to do it. Works wondrously.
* Use it to play tricks on yourself for later, i.e. "Later tonight I will find myself obeying one of my files, and I won't see it coming. I won't remember writing this note."
* Use the keyboard curse to reinforce itself.
This can also work if you write a keyboard curse note that you want to keep reinforcing, save it somewhere, then write:
"Reading my keyboard curse notes to myself is just as effective as writing them."
This way you can save a file of notes you've written, and occasionally read it to keep reinforcing the effects.
* Encouragement to assuage any doubts you have about hypnosis, or whether or not it's working. Also, this one:
"When I obey a keyboard curse note, I will obey the spirit of the note, not necessarily the letter."
This can help keep you out of the dilemma where you accidentally write two conflicting notes, or realize afterwards that you made a typo that drastically changes the meaning, etc.
* To reiterate MuxMG, it can definitely be fun for pleasurable hypnotic effects, but it's also useful for totally day-to-day things.
"When I'm at work (or school) I will be diligent and focus on my work"
As a bonus if you use it for day to day things and then actually obey, it will actually get more effective when you use it for fun things. The more you use it the better it works.
Definitely start small (and vague) and work your way up to complex and explicit.
(edit: fix typo)