Any need for mystery?

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Any need for mystery?

Postby desty » February 27th, 2012, 11:39 am

My wife and I have just started. She has been in exactly three trances, and they were all deep ones. She can talk openly with me during trance, and responds well to directed experiences that she accepts and would normally do. There are some over the line things that I know not to directly touch; she has expressed an off hand interest in "loosening up" but when I try to in directly head that direction, her face gets a frown and has actually told me no in a trance. Last night I tried an indirect trance, doing an induction as she lay down to sleep. I used a different induction than normal to try and make it deeper. I was at the 38computer minute mark when something to loosen up on when she told me that she couldn't sleep with me talking.

I'm wondering, should the script be a mystery or going over the entire written script with her trust the trance more?
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Joined: February 23rd, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby Jeshi » February 28th, 2012, 1:57 am

Only fetishists (like me) enjoy mystery out of trances. Knowing exactly what is coming is going to make everything work better. She will be able to relax because she'll know whats comic and trust you.

Trying to trick your wife in trance is manipulative, immoral, and not a good marriage. No matter what you do there will always be a line that she won't cross. She is going to be aware the whole time, just more willing and open to new ideas.

"Loosen up" is a vague idea, you should probably talk with her about what that means some more and be more gradual about the loosening process.
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Postby desty » February 28th, 2012, 8:46 am

That's not it at all.

I've been reading Pillow Talk and in it the author talks about how he helped this young lady with chronic migraine headaches. He asked if she would rather than experiencing those headaches to experience the sesnation of being aroused, to experience pleasure instead. She agreed. He had her get a notecard and write "on July 15 [that year] I will be unmixed". She told him that her headaches started at age 12. She also told him that, through out her life, from being a young girl to present day, she likes to sing along with the radio or just to sing by herself. So he put her into trance and had her remember back to being age 11, and started to talk to her 11 year old self. He explained to her 11 year old self that he was her older self's friend and was there to ask for her help. He explained that her older self was going to get things mixed up, and because of this mixup she would have headaches, but he was there to stop that from happening. He needed her to find a note card and a black ink pen (the color she wrote the note in), and then he had her write out the note and that she needed to remember writing that note with a goal to be unmixed when she got older. He then started to explain how she was getting tension and arousal mixed up, and that instead of having headaches, she should be feeling really good. He used a rather vanilla sex ed description of arousal, seeming appropriate for her 11 year old self. He then wanted her to think about not being mixed up, to remember how she should be feeling aroused instead of being mixed up and having headaches, and that she should remember this and think about it everytime she sang along with the radio, everytime she would sing. He would then call upon a little bit older version of herself, ages 16, 18, 21, 23, and 25, each time reminding her of the note she wrote when she was age 11, how everytime she sang she would remember how not to be mixed up, and to associate whatever was causing her headaches to arouse her instead. As her age progressed, he would get into more and more detail as to her arousal, until around age 18 he would be using frank terms and explanations. So he finally brought her back to her present self and told her how once she woke up she would look at the note in her hand, she would remember writing it back before she had headaches, how she should be associating her tensions for arousal instead of pain, and she would never have another migraine.

That's an over simplified version of the story, and I'm sure I got some specific details wrong, but supposedly 5 years going on she is still migraine free, and is a rather sexually liberated young woman. I told my wife about this and she expressed interest in using that do help her with her stress and caffieene addiction. He supplied the script he used.

My question is, in order to help increase the trust for the entire process, should I just simply describe what I'm going to do, leaving out the note part and say that I'm going to talk to versions of her earlier self, or should I give her the entire script? Would knowing exactly what was going to happen, and how I was going to add to her memories, would that lessen the experience because she would now know about it ahead of time and know subconsciously it wasn't real, that it was a manipulation.
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Postby desty » February 28th, 2012, 8:52 am

Jeshi wrote:"Loosen up" is a vague idea, you should probably talk with her about what that means some more and be more gradual about the loosening process.

Yeah, we've tried that with little success. We actually spend all Saturday night playing naughty truth or dare, focusing more on the truths. Supposedly she didn't think about or knew of any fantasies beyond the standard vanilla fantasies. Either she's lieing, unconsciously holding back, or simply hasn't thought about it. We've talked about some files on here, and she's expressed interest in a few of them, but I'm wondering if that's just her wanting to humor me. I want to take part in her fantasies and help her express and experience them.

I've thought about putting her under a trance, explaining to her ahead of time that we're going to go on a trip of discovery for her needs and desires, and then probe her under trance about her fantasies.
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Joined: February 23rd, 2012, 1:00 am

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