How does it feel to be controlled?

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How does it feel to be controlled?

Postby Foxfuz » August 5th, 2012, 11:38 pm

I have been wondering if anyone can tell me what it's like to be mind controlled through hypnosis and have a master order them to do things? I want to try it some time in the future but still not sure. I want to hear peoples experiences with being a hypnotized slave or whatnot?
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Postby Jeshi » August 8th, 2012, 2:41 am

I remember back before I got into hypnosis proper I was very very curious about this, so I wrote a very long response, hope you don't mind:

Well, when you first start, you probably won't be very controlled at all really. Usually files will go on and on and on about how much you will obey but rarely give any actual commands to obey. It's more like how much you would obey.

It's a lot more subtle than you expect. It's less like being brainwashed and mind controlled and more like being slowly convinced of things over time of ideas which will allow you to be controlled in the hypothetical future.

Once you're at that point though, it hardly feels like being controlled at all. It feels pretty much the same as doing things of your own want and desire. It feels like you could totally just not obey if you wanted to, but you want to. It feels like you aren't being compelled, even though you're still doing everything that's asked.

I'll see a command and just think "Yeah, sounds good, okay" and no matter what it is, it still seems like someone just asked me to remind them how to spell a word or to throw out a wrapper for them. Like tiny favors you never object to doing for people anyway (in fact, it would be rude not to.) Except what you're doing is another realm and if you hadn't been listening to hypnosis probably wouldn't think of as being on the same level as throwing out a wrapper. (But it feels like you would have anyway, even if you hadn't listened to hypnosis.)

And while I'm following the command, I just feel really good and pleasure runs through my body and it's kind of arousing and after I do it I feel so accomplished and great. That was planted through hypnosis, it's kind of obvious, but it still feels like I would have felt that way anyway just for being a good Samaritan. Like I'd helped an old lady cross the street or something, that if anyone asked I would have reacted that way (even though really if someone besides the hypnotist had asked I probably would not have reacted that way at all.)

Every once in a while I'll think of something and go "Oh, yeah, that's probably because of the hypnosis" but it still barely feels like being controlled.

Every once and a while I'll get a command that I really object to, through EmailSlave or in a file, and then I'll just not do it. But I'll feel this tinge of guilt, like I really should be obeying that command, even though I have really good reasons not to. Sometimes that guilt will get to me and I'll end up obeying the command after all and feel great about it, but if a command is really bad then I'll just ignore it and get over it after a while. Usually those kinds of commands only come from inexperienced or insane hypnotists (or if it's EmailSlave, they aren't even really hypnotists) who I've never had any prolonged interactions with leading up to that command. (Like, a command coming from a stranger using a trigger that I really strongly object to I might be able to not obey, but the same command coming from SlutInMyHead I would obey without even thinking about objections. Probably because after I interact with a hypnotist long enough I get a feel for what kinds of things they like and feel like I can trust them not to command me to do things that would even be objectionable. While someone giving an objectionable command early on, I get the sense that that's the kind of thing they'd command regularly and can easily just cut off ties. I'll feel a little guilty but I'll get over it.)

There's this feeling I get sometimes, like some kind of physical reaction in my chest, it's hard to describe. Like, sometimes I'll feel it when a suggestion is made in hypnosis, or when I get a suggestion in the form of a command, and it's hard to describe. It's like excitement with a little bit on anxiety. I get excited about the suggestion, and accepting it, but slightly nervous about accepting it, and then relax and let it go in. And that feeling kind of gets associated with reacting to suggestions, so sometimes I'll feel it when a trigger is used, or when I happen to do something on my own that's a reaction to a suggestion. Like a chain link between the suggestion and the action. It's very hard to describe and it isn't even entirely physical.

tl;dr: It doesn't feel like anything.
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Postby Foxfuz » August 9th, 2012, 12:51 am

Ok makes sence. is it fun though?
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Postby zapnosis » August 9th, 2012, 3:41 am

Yes, it's lots and lots of fun.

Thank You, Master, for making me post that!
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Postby akakoom » August 9th, 2012, 7:49 am


how long did it take to reach the level of obedience you experience now?

do you need to be in a hypnotic state to obey, or do you obey in your day to day life?
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Postby Tangy » August 9th, 2012, 10:59 am

akakoom wrote:@Jeshi

how long did it take to reach the level of obedience you experience now?

do you need to be in a hypnotic state to obey, or do you obey in your day to day life?

Obey? Controlled? Hypnosis is actually self hypnosis and all we do is push you off the Cliff Like a Mother Bird Do their Baby's They throw them out the nest for their own Good We teach you how to Fly. :o :!: :?: :idea: :arrow:
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Postby Jeshi » August 9th, 2012, 10:51 pm

akakoom wrote:@Jeshi

how long did it take to reach the level of obedience you experience now?

do you need to be in a hypnotic state to obey, or do you obey in your day to day life?

Like, it wasn't really a goal for me? I've just been listening to files in general for years and a lot of them just generally have those "and you'll obey hypnosis" suggestions but it wasn't until this year that I've ever even been given a command. It's what I mean by how most of the files are about potentially obeying rather than actually doing so.

It's not really like weight loss or something where you can "expect results" after a certain amount of time. It's literally just all in your head. Hypnosis has become a habit for me, but for others it is not. it doesn't need to be such a habit for it to work because it's just all in your head. Hypnosis is a way of getting in your head, but it's still all in your head.
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