by transformerdreamer » August 12th, 2012, 9:26 pm
Yea, its hard for me to grasp how this affects people, because I am so hard to hypnotize, perhaps its like drinking .. drinking doesn't affect me very much either, however some people forget what they did and some peoples antisocial behavior becomes unleashed while impaired.
While we are on that topic, I think that I too have a busy mind and I notice that when I drink a little it helps, however this is not recommended by most because you need to be able to focus on the files to an extent. I focus to much and need something to help me along. One time I got drunk and won 200 dollars at a poker game, I had to because I knew that the guy across the table could read my poker face. But I knew that while drunk I could still focus on the poker game. If you a computer head like me I suggest you try something first, then try added a little alcohol while going under to see if there's a stronger response.
I am currently using files like catgirls - gogo girl and Genderwipe 3 and Jessica 1 and many of sabrinaselentras files but nothing major, just good fantasy files for me I guess. These are intended however to be very intense permanent files. But they don't affect me much.
You may be interested in the tentacle files on this site. For some reason they work much better for me. I can't see them and if I move after I trigger them they stop. But I can trigger them and I know this may sound odd but they feel good. Many of these files are pretty good but the esuccubus file works best.
I just wish I could make this stuff work better. I have used many of the different files on this site, mainly because they don't work (for me) and I am in search of something, anything that will. But here's something else to consider. Very few people from my understanding can get the tentacle files to work, while I can, on the flip side of things they may be able to visualize themselves as a women or a fox or cat, whatever, while I can't so any do any of that...... sometimes I feel a tail.
I dunno hope this helps a little, I will continue to follow this post if you have any more questions.