ranmafan wrote:if u want u can write up a script for it?
I'm extremely busy with my own hypnosis projects. If I get time, maybe I can work on a script. It should be easy enough. The file should be very straightforward.
First I need to think of what triggers you would need. I would think you would only need two. "I am sexual again" would make you aroused until you untrigger it or until you orgasm. "I am asexual" would make you asexual again.
The reason for the orgasm acting as an automatic untrigger is because you expressed an interest in asexuality being your default state. I figured that if you did orgasm you would probably want to transform to your default state post-orgasm. So if you engaged in sexual activity with someone else, you would stop thinking of them sexually after orgasm and you would just view them as a person.
The file body should be easy to write as I have a fair amount of experience both with what it means to be sexual and what it feels like to be asexual.
If you want, I could try to text hypnotize you. After all, hypnosis is very similar to the state of mind people engage when reading books or watching movies. It is just more in-depth, is all. If you have a strong desire to be asexual, you should be able to trance just from reading about what you want. I'm a really good writer, so all I have to do is write suggestions which are engaging (which is easy) and use language which will allow those suggestions to easily enter your subconscious (this shouldn't be too hard, either)
So, here's what I have planned so far:
1) Use hypnotic suggestions to make asexuality your default state.
2) Plant triggers to make yourself sexual or asexual.
3) Use particular language and suggestions to help remove any potential mental blocks to being sexual or asexual.
4) Use suggestions to reinforce the idea that asexuality feels perfectly natural to you (and also sexuality when you choose to engage it)
Now that I've planned out the backbone of the file, I have to admit that it is a very intriguing idea. If I weren't working on hypnotic suggestions to make myself constantly horny, I could seriously see myself experimenting with something like this. But... I think I'll stick with making myself constantly aroused :twisted: