by WatDo » December 29th, 2012, 2:42 am
I find that hypnosis works better at night time prior to bed. Since my mind is already tired it won't be darting around from subject to subject like it normally does. On top of that, while sleeping my brain will just reiterate what I recently heard. Not to mention it's a great way to avoid the random chance of a nightmare.
Also, try to listen to other files like Train Susceptible or something similar to that. You need to prime your brain to shut down, especially if you're someone who has a hard time sitting still or focusing. Again, that's another reason why it's good to do this at night. Just watch out for some files with bad sound quality as a loud noise can jar you awake, get adrenaline flowing, and make sleep more difficult to achieve. That's why you should always listen to the file fully before deciding to dedicate all your focus on it.
Another thing is audacity and the lame encoder (bad name, but that's what it's called!) You can create your very own files by editing or even copy/pasting words. For instanced, I took the EMG's classic Muscle Bound file and removed all parts about the sex drive increasing so I could listen to it prior to bed. You can put different inductions and tack on a hypnosis file's body on to the end. Don't forget the awaken command if you plan on NOT going to sleep though! Audacity is a great way to make a top quality mp3 file.
Find what works for you! Reiteration? Simplicity? Heavy induction? No induction? Just try it all and modify files as you see fit to come up with what works best for you. Then you can modify all future files (or find them that way) to suit your own personal way of being hypnotized.
Lastly is the voice of the speaker. The gender you are attracted to the most would provide an easier form of a hypnosis simply because your brain is going "SHUT UP, A FEMALE/MALE IS TALKING!" It's also better for some more of the risque files. Getting used to the voice of the same hypnotist is a good idea. My mind is well adjusted to EMG's tone and files, so hearing his voice helps put an extra layer of trance on things.
Sorry for the text wall.