Marijuana and Hypnosis: Has anyone experimented?

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Marijuana and Hypnosis: Has anyone experimented?

Postby WME3 » November 9th, 2012, 6:48 pm

I understand its still a very tongue and cheek topic, but in lieu of EMG's file sale, I thought it may be worth asking if anyone has had the opportunity to try Cannabis and Hypnotism to see the effects.

Does it hinder or enhance the trance? Do you even stay awake? Should this get moved?
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Postby ProfessorPig » November 10th, 2012, 11:08 am

i have gone into some really deep trances while listening to files while stoned. i have also had some weird trance experiences from getting stoned without files. the biggest problem i have had while listening to files while stoned is that pot tends to thicken my mucus and has obstructed my breathing enough to pull me out of trance

its a nice mix every once and awhile, i would not recommend doing it every time you trance.
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Postby joecomp2000 » November 15th, 2012, 7:42 pm

wow can't picture weed helping a trance.. I would think that would push you to sleep
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Postby gregi696 » November 16th, 2012, 2:05 pm

I did this a good bit a long time ago, but not any longer. Interestingly, after listening to files, I would have much more pronounced effects from files while under the influence. I mean I wouldn't have much affect at all while normal, I'd partake and then the effects would come to the surface very strongly. Also, be careful because I also had a problem with the addictive parts of the file also affecting my desire to partake.
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Postby KIY » November 16th, 2012, 9:40 pm

This topic, or similar, comes up quite regularly. It will be interesting to see if it comes up even more often due to Colorado's (and, to a lesser extent, Washington's) attempt to legalize pot.

I am also wondering if junk food sales will go up in Colorado... :twisted:
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Postby homerj1620 » November 26th, 2012, 12:22 am

I've had my best trances while high.
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Postby KIY » November 26th, 2012, 2:07 am

Let's all go over to homerj1620's and verify his claims, and see if we get the same results! :wink:
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Postby ProfessorPig » November 26th, 2012, 9:13 am

he is in savannah, unless he is a scad kid they have shit weed in that town. its a port city and 1/2 the population of savannah is below the poverty line so it is flooded with the worst weed imaginable.

KIY wrote:Let's all go over to homerj1620's and verify his claims, and see if we get the same results! :wink:
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Postby Tangy » December 3rd, 2012, 2:24 pm

somehopper wrote:he is in savannah, unless he is a scad kid they have shit weed in that town. its a port city and 1/2 the population of savannah is below the poverty line so it is flooded with the worst weed imaginable.

KIY wrote:Let's all go over to homerj1620's and verify his claims, and see if we get the same results! :wink:

Pot and hypnosis? Humm listen to my magic mushroom File instead same effects no Real Drug I Also have a video but can not upload here do not know why.

Hypnotic Magic Mushrooms
Description: Entire new Approach To Warp My Mind magic mushrooms This File will Give you what you Really want Learn How to Trance First time Every-time Head Phones Please you have a Computer Invest in headphones If you do not Already Got them it will work with them or without But please do not be disturb everybody can use this file everybody. get the trip without the Drug.
Author: Tangy ?
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Postby hypotoad » December 5th, 2012, 5:06 pm

ill try it out see what happens
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Postby KIY » December 5th, 2012, 7:57 pm

Hm. How many WMM members are in Colorado...? Just wondering. :)
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Postby homerj1620 » December 8th, 2012, 12:30 pm

somehopper wrote:he is in savannah, unless he is a scad kid they have shit weed in that town. its a port city and 1/2 the population of savannah is below the poverty line so it is flooded with the worst weed imaginable.


Savannah doesn't have very good weed overall. I'm not there any more, but you can get good stuff.

Anyway, for me, weed helps with hypnosis because I'm very analytical and my mind is always overactive and is over analyzing everything. Weed slows that down a bit and I can focus and just relax. When I trance sober I'm thinking about the sound quality of the voice, any background noises (recorded or near me), the words used, my breathing, temperature of the room, the breeze from the fan, how the pillow feels, how the bed feels, etc. While high I can let go and actually get into a decent trance, sometimes even blacking out.
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Postby ragnar1337 » January 31st, 2013, 5:03 pm

Going into trance is possible for me because of marijuana. When I am sober and not under the influence, I have a very real problem of not being able to relax my mind enough to slip into trance. With marijuana, I can effectively cool my brain down and enter trance.

As with all substances, even legal medicines, each person's reaction will be different to THC exposure.
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