Repairing damage

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Repairing damage

Postby WavyGravy » February 5th, 2013, 3:16 am

Edit: You're right, what I wrote was altogether too much.

Instead, how about this... anyone care to suggest how best to repair the damage done to someone who's been force induced and used against their will? Is there any way to reverse engineer hidden triggers and conditioned behaviors that may have been implemented using chemical induction and inhumane authoritarian objective-based conditioning mixed with trickster false friend conditioning?
Last edited by WavyGravy on February 5th, 2013, 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: February 4th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby swmnkdinthervr » February 5th, 2013, 5:45 am "think" too much!

I suggest an "out of body experience" so that you can read your post from an objective perspective!

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Postby Endo » February 5th, 2013, 8:13 pm

Oof. I'd never want to have to deal with this sort of thing.

I'd suggest starting with"DeProgram All", and see where that goes. You might also be able to find a script for that file, and should be able to modify it to fit a broader sense of hypnosis. As a site, I don't think "we're" equipped to deal with this sort of thing, so DPA might not be very effective. I'd suggest you do some research on habit/training extinction, and try to find all of his/her triggers and try to specifically deprogram each one through hypnotherapy. I'd suggest a file that mentions the trigger, then says, "in the past, after someone said "___", you would ________. Now, whenever anyone says "same", nothing will happen. You will no longer need to ______ whenever ____ is said." Something like that, but a lot more of it. You could also modify it for trained behaviors, mindsets, etc. You could also try having him/her break his/her training by saying the trigger, having them try to resist, rewarding them when they are successful. This would be the "natural" way, but if those are hard-ingrained behaviors, it will be hard to get them out that way.

Basically, you need to associate (in his/her mind) following through on old commands with pain, and resisting old commands with pleasure. And if you're really good, you can manipulate this sort of thing so that he/she would ONLY follow training/hypnosis triggers if he/she absolutely trusted you and wanted the new behaviors. Trust is essential in any relationship. Describe everything that you want to try in order to extinguish the old training, and then carry it out exactly as you said.
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