What makes you guys & girls like this stuff?

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What makes you guys & girls like this stuff?

Postby lesc » March 7th, 2013, 7:33 pm

I guess I personally thought that I liked this website a bit weaker than everybody else.
To me by now, it juts seems like this website ruins people lives& the people like it! Not saying it's a bad thing to you guys, I mean I know that you guys love some of the stuff on here... I guess I'm just sharing that even know I find hypno really hot, it just makes me feel really bad to myself whenever I get into it...
Thank you warpmymind, for showing me that hypno wasn't my answer. I tried a slave trigger once & got so excited from it that I just pretended to have it work LOL, andyways, bubie! No one knows me here I don't think anyways XD.
I've been into quite the spiritual growth not to mention, so yeah, I wanna improve myself to slowly become a part of my higher self again...
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Good on You!

Postby Calimore » March 8th, 2013, 12:32 pm

It seems to me that you have made up your mind. If you have, the opinions of others should not be that important to you. Thank you for gracing us with your opinion. This being your third post in the forums in the whole time you have been here, please don't bother asking other questions or seeing if anybody else wants to work with you.

Just go on about your daily life, Knowing that you are right and we are all so very, very wrong. Please do judge hypnosis on the negative reviews of others, haters who lacked the patience and resolve to make hypnosis work for them and ignore the fact that the thousands of people who have a neutral or even positive experience are not very inclined to break anonymity and say so.

Go back to your PS3 or Wii and enjoy the quick fix it supplies. You are already conditioned to trance for your television anyway, why not just rely upon It? Television has already programmed literally hundreds of millions of people. Of course, They can't be wrong, can they?

Thank you for taking a moment to say goodbye. Best of luck to you in the future!
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Postby PeeMind » March 15th, 2013, 2:39 pm

Yes I too was sceptical when I found this site and downloaded files to my MP3 to listen to during the day and not even trancing to them. They were just fun to listen to and certainly would have no effect on me.
Well something sneaked under the radar because, as a lover of pee incontinence, within a month or so I found that for the first time I was wetting spontaneously and while the tank was near empty!
But better proof I found recently when a Master on this site took me under his wing and has begun training me to be his slave,- ye I know; the slave bends and the Master whips, or at least that's what I thought. Almost casually I gave him control of my prick thinking that I would carry on wanking as usual and tell him a story. Wrong, very wrong: after a few WMM files, he told me to wank but not cum. I wanked but, believe it or not, I could not cum. Just as I reached boiling I lost the ability to wank. The feeling I had the next day, and continue to have have been nothing less than sensational.
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Exactly my Point

Postby Calimore » March 16th, 2013, 11:47 am

See? We get back in Proportion to what we Put In. Even in Skepticism, one can Get Good Results from Hypnosis.

Hypnotism is a Scientifically Proven Craft. I'm not Talking about the Thousands and Thousands of pieces of Anectdotal Evidence - I Speak of the numerous MRIs that Prove Hypnosis produces Suggestibilty and States of Trance.

Dentists use Hypnosis along with Laughing Gas to produce PROFOUND Anaesthesia and Amnesia of their Procedures. Midwives use Hypnosis to enhance the Quality of the Birthing Experience. Numerous People use Hypnosis to Lise Weight, Quit Smoking and Beat Phobias Every Single Day.

Okay, Try to Give me a Good Reason why it Shouldn't Work for You.
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Re: What makes you guys & girls like this stuff?

Postby Mutazoa » March 18th, 2013, 7:44 am

lesc wrote: I tried a slave trigger once & got so excited from it that I just pretended to have it work LOL,

...hate to break it to you, but people in a light hypnotic state often think they are "just playing along"...

But reguardless...opinions are like assholes...everybody's got one, and they should all refrain from sharing them with others unless asked.
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