Can't seem to go into trance. Need suggestions!

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Can't seem to go into trance. Need suggestions!

Postby Octavius_XXX » May 6th, 2013, 5:22 am

I'm new to Hypnosis, so I expected that I might have a little trouble going into deep trance in the beginning. But I find that I can't even go into a shallow trance. I find this incredibly odd, because I've always thought myself to be really suggestible.

For example, I've got no problem whatsoever losing myself in a daydream. I can be daydreaming about something and be totally in that world until something snaps me back to reality. My co-workers even called the look "Steve Eyes", because I was there, but wasn't. lol

Yet, every time I try any of the Hypnosis MP3s, I NEVER enter into trance. I'm super relaxed and comfortable, but I'm always consciously alert and aware of my surroundings. I can open my eyes, move around, get up, what have you at any time. There's no Hypnotic Amnesia or any kind of snap back to reality feeling, even when command triggers are placed or fingers snapped. :evil:

I've listed to 4 different inductions now, some just vocal, some with binaural and subliminal. I've even been listening to a couple purely subliminal hypnotic aid tracks throughout the day to help, but nothing. I really want to know the feeling of complete surrender and trance state, yet the most I ever get to is a feeling akin to daydreaming.

Does any of the veterans here have suggestions that could help me in this matter? Other than just relaxing, is there any physical or mental exercise I could do to support my attempts? Or do I need visual aids, like a spiral? Thanks.
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Postby Endo » May 6th, 2013, 1:30 pm

Hmm. You could try a visual spiral, and see if it does anything for you, but perhaps not. How long have you been trancing? Sometimes it can be difficult at first, just getting used to doing the whole thing. Here's what I'd do. Take a listen to Bubble, if you haven't already. It has a very long and slow induction, so even if you're a bit unresponsive, it should get you eventually. And if you do get it, there's a nice trigger to get you under again. I used to use it extensively, but I didn't keep at it long enough to get strong results. You could also try Isochronic tones. You're looking for alpha tones, I believe. You could also try some meditation stuff, but I don't have any experience with it.

As for physical and mental exercises, some professional 'tists have their clients do some stretches and controlled breathing things to relax their bodies. Mentally, well, ^meditation^.

Try this: Next time you go to listen to a file, tell yourself this: "I will surrender my will to the hypnotist. I trust the hypnotist, and I have heard this file before, so I know that the effects of the file are what I want." Just make sure that you actually did listen to the body of the file, and all the effects ARE what you want. If you're forcing yourself to listen to a file you don't want, then it won't work.
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Postby Octavius_XXX » May 7th, 2013, 12:31 am

Thanks for the reply, Endo. Recently had some small success last night with Goddess Spiral's Erotic Dreams hypnosis. While I didn't participate in any sexual acts in my dreams that followed, they were markedly more sexual than usual. 3 things stand out in particular:

1) I remember my first dream had a busty older woman in it, and I immediately recognized in the dream that her breasts were large and plump and I was very turned on.

2) Next dream I was talking to a younger MILF about something when all of a sudden the image of her completely naked with nothing but black stockings on flashed through my mind and again, very turned on.

3) Third and final incident happened at the end of my sleep cycle. I'm still not entirely sure if I was sleeping or awake and fantasizing, but it felt like I was in that in-between state. I remember fantasizing about having rough sex with some random girl, but it was only imagination.

All in all, I think I'm starting to get there, but it's gonna take more time with me than some of the others. You mentioned Isochronic waves. How do they differ from Alpha/Beta/Delta/Theta and how do you figure they might be able to help? Again, I appreciate the assitance :D
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Postby Endo » May 7th, 2013, 2:55 pm

I'm glad that you're seeing some success, that's always a good sign.

Isos are are this annoying beeping sound that's played at a set frequency. The Greek letters are levels of brain activity that are associated with different states of mind. Alpha is what's associated with sleep. So, if you play alpha isos, you'll feel sleepy/meditative.
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Postby Mutazoa » May 7th, 2013, 7:10 pm

try reading this post from a while back:
Sex is like Tennis: It should leave you sore, sweaty and breathless, and is almost always better enjoyed with more than one person.

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