Hey guys I know fetishes are more of this websites style but has anyone heard of a hypnofile that would help you connect to the
*spooky voice* collective unconsious *end spooky voice*
I think it would be neat to try and tap into the vast collection of past human experiences passed down throughout the generations... for... buaahahahaha sexual purposes :D
Imagine if you would that the file would let you connect to the collective unconscious, retrieve information from it and use it to help fuel your future hypnosis session.
maybe you want to experience being a girl? your mind connects to the unconscious and retrieves information of what thats like and wires it straight too you, maybe you just want more insight into a problem in your life, someones bound to have had it before.
I dont fully understand the concept but I know that our subconsious communicates in a very specific way which is usually the same across many people (which is why good dream dictionarys work scarily well) would it be difficult to believe that this knowledge all developed from a central part of our unconsious that we have previously been unable to tap into?
thoughts? or files?