hypnosis file to make a woman be under my control

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hypnosis file to make a woman be under my control

Postby gazuntaboobs » August 23rd, 2005, 3:31 pm

Is there such a file around? I want a friend of mine to watch the screen and want her to become my lover and do whatever I want. Then wake her when I'm finished and she will not know what happened.
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Postby aeroue » August 23rd, 2005, 4:21 pm

That really isn't very nice....

besides wrong forum thats not a sucess :evil:
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Postby BobbyS » August 23rd, 2005, 5:10 pm

I'm guessing she hasn't agreed to this - in which case, get out more; a) that stuff's trashy sci-fi and hypnosis doesn't work that way and b) if you're resorting to this you either have a twisted fetish, or you're really desperate. In either case get a hobby, take up something interesting - you're much more likely to get a girl that way.
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Postby Jerm » August 23rd, 2005, 6:36 pm

Wow a member for 5 minutes and you just jump right to the least ethical use of hypnosis. Not a good start. Consider this... Giving a girl a roofie, then fucking her is RAPE. So do you honestly think that attempting to manipulate your 'friend' through hypnosis is any different. Even if you did succeed, how long do you think it would take for her to figure out what's happening to her. Keep in mind that consistent hypnotic sessions are necessary for any permanent change. Would you be able to keep her in a lulled acceptance of what you were doing? My guess is that your 'friend' (who needs enemies?) would suffer some sort of psychological breakdown as the events you put her through became more clear in her memory. In the end, at the very least you would no longer be a trusted, valued friend in her eyes. At the worst she would find a cop or lawyer with some knowledge/belief in hypnosis and they would prosecute you just like a date rapist.

No, there are no existing files like that on this site. Each file (with exception to the subliminals) starts out with EMG saying what the file is intended to do. EMG, may be evil, but he isn't completely devoid of ethics.

My advice, same as above, Get Out More. Or better yet, if hypnosis is your kink find a girl that is interested in erotic hypnosis to test such ideas on. Anyone that knows a damn thing about hypnosis will tell you that a willing subject is more likely to have success, then a forced/unknowing subject.

On another note, consider the fact that companies spend millions of dollars trying to anchor emotions and desires to their products. Why? To make you feel some connection that will prompt you to purchase that company's products. Is this ethical? Hell no. Do you like the idea of Fanta cashing in on the fact that you can't get their stupid jingle out of your head? I don't. Personally, I avoid such advertising like the plague.
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Postby gazuntaboobs » August 23rd, 2005, 8:51 pm

You all are right. I just wasnt thinking.
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Postby sandy82 » August 23rd, 2005, 10:06 pm

Very interesting and constructive thread.

First, I want to assure Gaz that I'm not picking on him. (I have come to realize that a few people use that allegation when they can't defend what they've written.) Second, I agree with all the other posts, above. I am glad to be in such good company.

Two things I mention in passing. Hypnosis does work more quickly and effectively if the subject is willing. But repetition, sensory deprivation, etc., can achieve the same results on an unwilling victim. It's also known as brainwashing, and it's illegal. But, unfortunately, it does work.

There's a third category, which I think is as bad as brainwashing. It requires some technical and interpersonal skill. First, the 'tist/launderer convinces the impressionable victim (let's make the victim a female to keep the pronouns straight) that he is really her friend. He ingratiates himself. He finds some area in which he is more skillful than she is, and he attempts--often successfully--to induce a dependency. Then he withdraws his attention, which she has grown accustomed to. She seeks his return, and in return implicitly agrees to his wishes on this or that. Gradually, he extends his psychological control--all the while smiling a supposedly warm and friendly smile. If he has chosen astutely, before long he has a "willing" subject who will do practically anything for his attention. It's the old sadist theme song: the guy gives love to get sex; the girl gives sex to get love. The girl will sometimes give something other than sex to keep what she mistakenly believes is love. She'll give up her mind and her independence--and won't realize it until it's too late.

Was she voluntarily hypnotized? Was she then voluntarily beaten? FWIW, I don't think so. I think that in most cases, the victim represents an investment of time, planning, and expertise on the part of the "brain launderer." He doesn't realize that he is becoming more and more addicted to the feeling of power and control. As his cravings increase, his judgment slips; and his victims can be in serious danger.

Second point, which Jerm touched on. ---"At the worst she would find a cop or lawyer with some knowledge/belief in hypnosis and they would prosecute you just like a date rapist."---

This site now has over 15,000 registered users. Doesn't the law of averages suggest that there are at least a couple of cops in that number? If any of them has a solid belief that a felony has been committed or is being seriously planned, they have an obligation to report it. That obligation is not like the Boy Scout Motto. The police are savvy people. They know about the Internal Affairs division in their own departments. One reason they have to file a report is that they can't be sure that what they're witnessing is not a set-up by Internal Affairs to test them.

That notion will come as a surprise only to those who have never thought about how a large organization polices its own people. It is also one of the principal reasons why one should not brag in open Forums about illegal drug use, hacking into other people's computers, date rape, buying controlled medications overseas without a valid prescription issued by one's own doctor. And on and on.

These are unforgiving times we live in. Gaz, you and I are lucky to have three thoughtful colleagues who had the time and interest to warn you away from the precipice.
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Postby missypuss » August 24th, 2005, 12:30 am

Once again Sandy my friend your plain old "telling it like it is" shines through and wins my vote... :wink:
Speaking from the point of view of "willing subject" I have to agree with Jerm and say Im afraid that what you are thinking of doing to your so called "friend" is a little like rape.
Go find yourself a girl who wants to be Hypnotised... Or at least give your friend the chance to decide for herself.....??
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Postby BobbyS » August 24th, 2005, 6:27 am

Wow...15,000 members, wouldn't it be cool to know where they live and what they do for a living - wonder if there are any priests, rabbis etc... :wink:
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Postby loadedkaos » August 24th, 2005, 2:41 pm

If you just want to fuck this person, then an alternative could be trigsexpartner that may get it out of your system, if it's a slave thing then I would use trigsexpartner with someone willing to be your foot stool otherwise I would move on to a new project all together. Maybe some fantasies should stay fantasies.
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Postby sandy82 » August 24th, 2005, 2:51 pm

BobbyS wrote:Wow...15,000 members, wouldn't it be cool to know where they live and what they do for a living - wonder if there are any priests, rabbis etc... :wink:

Shalom, my son.


"... qui es in cælis, sanctificetur nomen tuum, adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum cottidianum..."

These days, if one had to bet, the odds would favor the priests. :P

Don't forget that J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI for over 40 years, is reputed to have been a person of broad tastes--a tolerance he did not extend to others.
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Postby aeroue » August 24th, 2005, 3:01 pm

Scary thing is as im sure Sandy is aware, someone probably does know where all those 15000 people live, each one, so long as they use their home pc, has an individual IP adress which can be followed to your home. If you have the home you have who lives there and from there on far more information can be gathered. Like job etc.

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"Your call may be monitored for 'quality control' purpo

Postby sandy82 » August 24th, 2005, 9:43 pm

aeroue wrote:Scary thing is as im sure Sandy is aware, someone probably does know where all those 15000 people live, each one, so long as they use their home pc, has an individual IP adress which can be followed to your home. If you have the home you have who lives there and from there on far more information can be gathered. Like job etc.


Absolutely right, aeroue. And that's one of the wisest posts I've seen in a long time. The situation actually is that bad. In some ways, it's worse. For instance, there is a company named ChoicePoint in Atlanta. There are several companies of this type in the U.S. They comb the records looking for individuals, addresses, phone numbers. A telephone book would be an easy place to start. Disk space is so cheap now that there's no longer a need to erase...as there was even five years ago.

ChoicePoint then gets charge information from Visa and MasterCard and various large chains with their own credit cards. It has access to hospital and insurance records. None of these companies admit to selling info to ChoicePoint and similar companies, but the information is passed--and I don't believe it's done in every case for free. (It's widely said that much of the spam deluge was caused by AOL. When it was in deep financial trouble several years ago, AOL reportedly sold the information about its own subscribers to raise cash.)

What does ChoicePoint do with this information? It combines it, places it under the proper name and/or Social Security Number/ID Number--and then sells it to many of the companies that provided their own piece of the puzzle in the first place. Even the government buys information from ChoicePoint and others, or so the newspapers say. I forgot the discount cards at the large grocery chains. You get 20 cents off a six-pack of Coke, and the record of everything you bought goes into the corporation's computer. They sell it to ChoicePoint and others.

In the end, what happens? Your health insurance company knows that you eat food that's high in cholesterol, and they raise your insurance rate. Your homeowner's insurance company knows that you buy a 1.75-liter bottle of vodka each week, conclude that you drink too much, and might start a fire. They cancel your policy. I was in line in the drug store recently when a pregnant woman started to buy a carton of cigarettes with her MasterCard. I interrupted her chat with the checkout person and urged her to pay cash for the cigarettes. Why, she asked. Because, I said, that information will go from MasterCard to your health insurance company and possibly to your obstetrician; then if your obstetrician makes a mistake later, and you sue him, his lawyer will make a big deal in front of the jury about your smoking while pregnant. She was then very happy to pay cash.

If this comes as news to some readers, then you don't read a good metropolitan newspaper every day. All the details about ChoicePoint came out when it "lost" the names and Social Security numbers of several hundred thousand people. California is the only state with a law that requires companies to notify people when such info is compromised. ChoicePoint had no option but to notify everyone who had been compromised: who would believe that only Californians had a problem? That was when the details on these info gatherers came out in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, etc. The US Government has no law requiring a company to notify individuals of lost/stolen ID information.

This selling of information has been going on for some time. It's just that, as everything becomes more computerized, more information is recorded and stored. The columnist William Safire commented on the trend several years ago. He said that the only anonymity comes through paying cash.

Along these same lines, there is a law pending approval in Ottawa right now. If passed, it will require ISPs to save surfing details, email addressees, even contents of some communications, on every customer of the ISP for at least three months...just in case the police want to look at the info, without a judge-issued warrant. Nice, eh?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled several years ago that nobody is entitled to privacy on a cell phone call (at either end of the conversation) because, along the way, the conversation is broadcast through the open air like a radio station. The only phone calls that still require a warrant-authorized tap are landline to landline calls.

Aeroue, you're right. It's even worse than most people think.

I'll end this post with an example that all the youngest members of this site should be aware of. It's been on the network news programs. The US military now has authorization to make and maintain a database containing the names, identifiers, addresses, phone numbers, ages, and grade point averages of all high school and college students in the country...in order to make recruiting for the military easier. I saw an interview with a sergeant whose job is recruitment. Things are a little difficult at the moment (I wonder why?), and the sergeant says he uses the list to call high school seniors at home and suggest they sign up for the army. He said he usually calls around supper time when people are likely to be at home.

I bet many of our colleagues here on the site thought that their own GPAs were their own business.

Big Bubba has different ideas.
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