language troubles

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language troubles

Postby junko » August 25th, 2005, 3:31 am

I don´t know if someone already asked this...

I think NLP works with language (the L is for linguistic, right?). All files here are in English but I guess that many members are from non-english-speaking countries. Does anybody know to which extent the files work if you don´t hear them in your mother language? I believe that if your English is quite good it might work but in any case the best results should come if you hear them in your mother language.

So my next question is: Would self made files work? You could translate the files in your language and speak the text on tape/pc to by-pass the earlier problem. But would it still work? Maybe you need THAT special voice which leads you into trance. Maybe you wouldn´t obey your own voice.

Anybody got an idea? Thanks!
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Postby MikeWulf » August 25th, 2005, 8:20 am

If you understand the language and all the words that are said then I would say the difference is negligible. Though, as for the self made files, there is no reason not to, expecially if you have to take time to translate the files.
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Postby cardigan » August 25th, 2005, 9:29 am

I strongly recommend making your own files. If English is not your native tongue and your use of the language is limited, then you would probably get much better results if you were to translate them. The reason for this is, that your mind is too busy trying to understand what is being said to be able to relax fully. Also you might misunderstand something that was said, and that would be bad too.

Even though I am Danish, I have lived 3 years as a child in the U.S., and I speak the language fluently. I often think in English and on occasion dream in English too, so for me it is not necessary to translate anything from here. But I have done it anyway, because I wanted to change certain parts of the otherwise great scripts here. For example make a curse milder than EMG had made it originally! :P

I have been making my own scripts and speaking them by myself for myself for several months now, and have had excellent results. If you can make a file for another person, and it works fine for them, then there is no reason at all, why it shouldn't also work fine for you.

Good luck!
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Postby sandy82 » August 25th, 2005, 12:30 pm


I agree entirely with Cardigan. I would add two additional thoughts.

First, the recorded voice has at least two aspects. Repetition and reassurance. A recording of your own voice could easily meet the repetition test: how many times can you listen. Files also tend to work best when the voice is reassuring and authoritative, rather like a parent figure. Most people, I think, would find it difficult to consider their own voices as authoritative and themselves.

Your English is quite good. You will understand the following description. I suspect that the ideal recorded voice is reassuring, supportive, and disarmingly authoritative. The iron fist in the velvet glove, so to speak.

Second, even a very good speaker of a second language may misconstrue connotations and intonations. Words like "dude" can sound friendly, hostile, uneducated, or silly--depending on context. As for intonation, questions in spoken American English have two tone patterns. When the answer is yes-no, the last word in the question is at a higher pitch. When the question begins with what, who, where, when, why, how, etc., the pitch of the last word is usually much lower. I really notice the difference when watching DW-TV in English. The German announcers speak English very well, but some of them use a rising tone at the end of a what, who, where, etc., question. In fact, the whole question goes uphill and, when it's long, I wonder whether the announcer will strangle himself before the end of it. :)

My feeling is that you may want to balance your knowledge of English against the desirability, for you, of the parent-type voice.
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Postby nicosali » September 22nd, 2005, 11:21 am

My native lenguage is not english and at first I had some trouble but now I dont even need to translate what the voice is saying . I prefer that voice over my own because I dont like how sound my voice when is recorded. I never been in a country of speaking english but sometimes I found my self thinking in english like it was the most normal thing to do. I think is because of the files of this site. The voice I am talking about is of EMG of course.
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