CFG on Bi dudes

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CFG on Bi dudes

Postby rigsby » July 31st, 2013, 3:16 pm

I couldn't find any discussion on this in any of the CFG-related threads, but would this file do anything to shrink a bisexual's scope of interest?

As an example, I've been aware of the gay part of my sexuality for years now, and I ultimately came to accept it. The only issue is that it's not very strong; it never has been. It's very rare that I'll meet another man who does anything for me. (My hetero side is definitely stronger, but still probably no more than average, if that.)

Be all that as it may, CFG doesn't seem nearly as powerful to me as a good hypno file on some other topic. Your thoughts?
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Postby sfhole2stretch » July 31st, 2013, 6:21 pm

I'm gay. Have been since childhood. I believe I was born this way.

I have an issue with CFG. It is widely held as a truth that hypno cannot compel one to do anything they deeply object to doing. Therefore I have contended and continue to believe those claiming success with CFG are merely bringing forward a part of themselves which had been suppressed. Given that you admit to some bi-sexuality, it is possible CFG could bring that part of you forward and perhaps even make it dominant. I doubt though it will happen if you are truly more straight than gay.
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Re: CFG on Bi dudes

Postby Alien4420 » August 1st, 2013, 8:31 pm

rigsby wrote:I couldn't find any discussion on this in any of the CFG-related threads, but would this file do anything to shrink a bisexual's scope of interest?

As an example, I've been aware of the gay part of my sexuality for years now, and I ultimately came to accept it. The only issue is that it's not very strong; it never has been. It's very rare that I'll meet another man who does anything for me. (My hetero side is definitely stronger, but still probably no more than average, if that.)

Be all that as it may, CFG doesn't seem nearly as powerful to me as a good hypno file on some other topic. Your thoughts?

Several guys have done what you're considering, listened to CFG because they were bi and wanted to be exclusively gay.

Do note though that the file is exclusive. Do you really want to give up the possibility of heterosexual relationships? If not, there are files that might strengthen your gay side without repressing the straight one.

Some of us have found that it is harder to be truly bi than gay or straight. there is a fair amount of evidence that this is inborn -- male sexuality tends to be exclusive, while female sexuality is more versatile, and we are all some combination of the two. In this I distinguish between having an equal sexual response to both sexes and merely feeling some occasional attraction and being able to have and enjoy sex with either, which in people is pretty close to universal.

But the only way to find out which is true of you is to e.g., listen to a bi file, and see what happens.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 1st, 2013, 8:47 pm

sfhole2stretch wrote:I'm gay. Have been since childhood. I believe I was born this way.

I have an issue with CFG. It is widely held as a truth that hypno cannot compel one to do anything they deeply object to doing. Therefore I have contended and continue to believe those claiming success with CFG are merely bringing forward a part of themselves which had been suppressed. Given that you admit to some bi-sexuality, it is possible CFG could bring that part of you forward and perhaps even make it dominant. I doubt though it will happen if you are truly more straight than gay.

Thre points:

1. It isn't strictly true that hypnosis can't compel one to do something one has a deep objection to doing. A direct suggestion won't work in that case, but it is possible to use indirect means to achieve the same ends, e.g., implant false beliefs in the subject. An example of this would be that if you give someone a suggestion that they kill their wife, they won't (unless, of course, they have no objection to killing their wife). But if you use hypnosis to convince the subject that his wife plans to murder him and will do so unless he kills her first, he may. Curse Forced Gay and the other curse files use these and other techniques to circumvent this kind of resistance.

2. You seem to be assuming that every straight guy has a deep objection to being turned gay. This is not true. People would not listen to this file unless they were willing to be turned gay, for whatever reason -- if nothing more than that they have a hypnofetish and are turned on by being forced to do something, a common reason for being here. at leas one guy who did have a deep objection reported popping right out of trance. Again, not the same thing as being gay.

3. People are innately bisexual. Societies exist and have existed in which gay sex was normative. If you were introduced to a celtic warrior, he offered to have sex with you and was terribly insulted if you refused. Celtic warriors didn't have different genes then than their descendants do now. If straight guys didn't have some repressed gay feelings, they wouldn't get anxious and angry when confronted by homosexuality. That is the reaction formation.

In practice, I've found that some of the gay stuff took very quickly. Other things I was resistant to, like male faces and sucking cock, but that gradually changed. (Others have reported the same things.) Yet other things I was highly resistant to, in particular, the suggestion that I wouldn't be able to get hard for women, which I never wanted and thought I could ignore. That took much longer and is still I'd say only about 75% but it did eventually happen. I find that the better I get at trance, the less resistance I experience.

Finally, CFG uses a wide variety of suggestions to trap you. Even if not all take hold, given a couple months of listening, enough will to make the outcome inevitable, barring intervention by a skilled hypnotist. It becomes in your interest to allow the process to complete, and this increases motivation and in my experience eventually erodes resistance. And I really did try to escape it, listening to Deprogram All, Curse Forced Straight, Curse Forced Bi, files that I wrote myself, and simply not listening for long periods. The most I was able to achieve was a day or two of heterosexuality.
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Re: CFG on Bi dudes

Postby rigsby » August 2nd, 2013, 11:31 am

Alien4420 wrote:Several guys have done what you're considering, listened to CFG because they were bi and wanted to be exclusively gay.

Do note though that the file is exclusive. Do you really want to give up the possibility of heterosexual relationships? If not, there are files that might strengthen your gay side without repressing the straight one.

That's a question that hits the core of my dilemma.

I'm sure you're aware that bisexuality can be the best of both worlds, AND that it can be the worst of both worlds. Yes, you increase the dating pool when you're after casual relationships, and that's great. Unfortunately, looking for a long-term, committed relationship becomes much, much more difficult. Women back off because they know that they can never compete with a man, should I ever become interested in one. And gay men back off because they know that they can never compete with a woman.

So, at the end of the day, I have to conclude that my relationship goals would be far easier to reach if I were either very predominantly straight OR very predominantly gay. I'd be interested in your $0.02 on these thoughts, Alien. (And SFH2S; I'm certainly not leaving you out!)
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Postby Alien4420 » August 8th, 2013, 7:53 pm

I think those are common complaints and a good reason to want to be one or the other.

Of course, you could always achieve the same thing just by identifying yourself as gay or straight. No reason it has to be more than a fib, as long as you feel confident that you can stick to your resolution. I think more than a few bi guys do that, again for the reasons you mentioned.

Another possibility would be to use a "softer" file like Train Sex Men. This transfers over your affection from women to men, but it doesn't have suggestions that you won't be able to perform with women, and it doesn't have the curse file stuff, e.g., the suggestion which makes you listen to CFG if you try to undo it (which is freakily effective, both in my experience and that of some others). So I suspect it would be a lot easier to change back to bi or go to exclusively straight if you ever decided to reverse the process.
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Postby rigsby » August 13th, 2013, 12:44 pm

sfhole2stretch wrote:Given that you admit to some bi-sexuality, it is possible CFG could bring that part of you forward and perhaps even make it dominant.

Well, it turns out you were spot on with this one! I just didn't expect so many of the changes to hit me all at once. It's going to take a bit of time to find my new center of gravity, but I definitely play for your team now.

I can't wait to meet the guy I end up falling in love with.
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