Hypnosis just before bed: What do you think?

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Hypnosis just before bed: What do you think?

Postby maskedanonymity » August 9th, 2013, 4:54 pm

After awhile of experimenting with various files, a lot of which concern behavior/thought alteration, I got to thinking about something I wanted to ask the folks here.

Since it's believed that things we learn during the day are sort of assimilated in our minds while we sleep and dream, would it also stand to reason that if you were to trance to a long-term behaviour/thought altering file just before bed, that it's effects would 'sink in' while sleeping?
Just wanted to get some opinions on this. It might also apply even if you trance early in the day, since we often dream about things that happened a day/two days before but, I'm not sure in this case.

Thoughts? Thanks :)
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Postby joecomp2000 » August 9th, 2013, 7:18 pm

put very simply ....tracing is not sleeping .. i don't recommend looping or anything like that .. you will wake exhausted and left with 1/2 memories...

if you plan on doing right before bed .. go for it , but make sure it is not going all night ..
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Postby ProfessorPig » August 9th, 2013, 10:07 pm

i enjoy listening to files before bed. occasionally i have fallen asleep for a couple hours while the files were playing or just been stuck in a loop that i have no recollection of.

i find when i accidentally listen to it for several hours i end up rejecting the file and sometimes even the hypnotist for a couple days. i find that my subconscious actively resists any progress i have made through the file, and when i try and listen to files by the same author unable to enter trance for them, it is as if i have lost report with that hypnotist. i can still listen to other files by other authors though.
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Postby HuntingWolf30 » August 10th, 2013, 8:55 pm

I usually have my best results when I'm in that zone where I'm tired enough to sleep but still awake or have enough energy to remain awake for a while longer. My mind tends to let its guard down and accept the files better.
The problem I have with it is that I tend to come out of the trance rested enough that I can't sleep, or the file's effects have my mind working too actively to fall asleep and I hallucinate as I start to slip into rest, making sleep difficult.
Mainly I save any late night hypnosis for nights that I don't have to be up early.
I think repetition is probably the more important part of hypnosis files. Conditioning the mind to remember, believe, and perceive something it has long been taught to avoid doing so (altered reality, in effect) required constant reinforcement. Physical muscle memory is much the same. Repetition reinforces the desire to do the action and the mind learns to do it automatically in the right conditions.
Repetition is how politicians can spout lies that everyone knows are lies and get people to believe it. Tell yourself something long enough and you'll eventually begin to believe it.
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Postby jtn2010 » August 11th, 2013, 9:57 pm

For me being tired helps some. It can help relax the mind so it isn't getting bored and thinking about things unrelated. BUT if I'm too tired and fall asleep during the file I just wake up usually an hour or two later (either listening to the file or not depending on if my ear buds stay in, if I'm using them, or still hearing the file on a loop)
The end result is I'm groggy and, for my knowledge, never gain anything from listening (while it would be nice if hypnosis worked while sleeping like on TV it doesn't seem to work at least for me).
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Postby WME3 » August 12th, 2013, 11:39 pm

Getting into loops during sleep, or a subliminal for that matter has been difficult. Simply speaking;

Sleep is intended for our minds to decipher all of the information that we pick up during the day, into dreams. It is no surprise that when the sleep cycle is interrupted, via trance or otherwise, it leaves the mind without an outlet, and unnecessary stress is experienced. I recommend you avoid looping files.

Just before going to bed though, I have listened to induction files set for one play, and have blacked out during induction twice. Past a certain point, not even sound was heard. Rest was very deep, and I had not moved a muscle since I started. So peaceful.
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