Well, as you can probably tell, I'm pretty new here. I have a thread under "help with files" but I seem to be out of that "stage" but at a point that posting under "success stories" would feel like misplaced conceit.
Anyway, I recently was listening to a file, and at some point, my memory went blank. Obviously (because of the strategically placed question mark in the thread's subject) I can't really tell if I was under, or if I was just asleep -.- Part of the confusion lies in that I don't think I dreamt of anything, but I also can't tell if I was actually under or not, because I haven't ever really felt it before.
Guess I probably won't be able to tell the difference unless I've experienced both definitively on separate occasions. I honestly don't remember what time I began; I just thought that it would give me enough time before bed to try it a few times... Lessons learned from this (mis)adventure: Try to remember what time you began, in case the file loops and you lose all sense of time, and Don't attempt to get hypnotized within a few hours of your bedtime, or when you're relatively fatigued -.-
Anyway, feedback on whether or not I was in a trance/hypnotized would be nice. I'd say that I'd be happy to give more details, but honestly I don't have any more to give. :/