Can't get over a hypnotist that abandoned me

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Postby Si1verange1 » September 16th, 2013, 9:30 pm

I have imagined, if there is an afterlife--some sort of Hell or purgatory to which souls go, what sort of torment could await hypnotists who plant suggestions that compel many thousands of lonely souls to them.

Still. Verdict is clearly for Elena. Evidently someone needs a lot more training.
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Postby Jadit » September 21st, 2013, 12:15 am

Limbolux wrote:Wut? No please, it can't be over, not yet, not like this! Jadit, do something to win her back! Confess your everlasting love to her, and let another rejection fuel your obession. Let us be the witnesses of the rising of a superhuman stalker, created by the most childish behavior ever seen by 2 actors, who are secretly in love with each other.
Maybe another pm will do? Or you could try to find out her real identity. I wonder what would happen.. Maybe a restraining order or even prison. How exciting! But you must hurry before the temperature is dropping. Time is of the essence!

Thanks for even a bit of humor in the thread :lol: (Oh, i always new her real identity, but i have never and most likely will never contact her facebook.)

I'm still trying to forget about her, and i don't get notifies to changes in this thread. But i'm good of making "comparisons" so i had 1 thought one day:

I bet many of you have played turn based strategy games like Civilization? I was just thinking how similar this case is to game diplomacy. We have 2 "countries" where:
1) I am the peace loving nation that wants to ally with everybody. Sometimes using spies to be on top of information.
2) Then there is "Elena-nation" that declares war on me, and kills all diplomats sent to her territory :D

In a game, what do you call war-mongering nations? It is quite simple definition of evil. Even neutral nations can accept some diplomatic contacts, but this one doesn't tolerate any at all. It is absolute evil that i need to just forget about. I just want to warn you, that it's not kind of person you may want to be dealing with. She doesn't see what she did to me, and until she comes up with some kind of apology, i think it might be over. I know better hypnotist than her, i just didn't want it to end with hard feelings, and that's all i wanted to talk about with her.
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Postby Si1verange1 » September 21st, 2013, 11:53 am

Elena is a dominant Mistress. She is the Queen of her own profitable website.

So the analogy of an "evil" queen is an acceptable subjective opinion, but when you show up in her lands you're a guest, a peasant. The Queen selects her own society, then shuts the door. Game over.
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Postby Jadit » September 21st, 2013, 2:36 pm

Sure, but you just described what i've said long ago about her acting like a dictator on her site. She using all rights for her own selfish reasons, disgarding feelings of others, doesn't make it right from the perspective of other people. If hypnotist cannot take responsibility, he/she is as good as nobody in my books. Sites like that don't belong to present day, the behavior was common in medieval times.
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » September 21st, 2013, 4:03 pm

This illustrates a few of the many reasons I do not suggest ever getting attached to a dominant who is more statue-eque than an actual person you can have true one-to-ones with, ESPECIALLY if you've gotten attached simply from listening to files. Don't ever do that, dude. Seriously. I've been around long enough to see these types though, they linger all around professional domme sites, and it doesn't even have to involve hypnosis.

As someone else said, it's the "lonely hearts" type that typically falls in this hole. I'm sorry for you guys.

In terms of having trouble washing away those hard feelings, you're not alone. When I first saw the topic of this thread, I had been reminded of my own straggled emotions for a particular dom in the past who I was working personally with who abruptly let me go (I'm not looking, by the way). It took forever to get away from those hurt, bitter feelings because his move was entirely irrational and he had already sucked me in by being emotionally intimate during hypnosis. Dropping the L word in trance is a terrible thing to do if you don't live up to it.

Anyway, this isn't about that.

Move on, buddy. It's not even worth it getting close to someone from afar like you have. Go find someone real. Establish some solid trust with a person and some sincerity before you get trapped in their web.

I'm sure Elena has those she keeps close, but I'm also certain many of the ones who fuel her site and wallet are generally not those types.

Go find something real, go find something that isn't abusive. More importantly, make yourself strong as an individual. As a submissive, do not become entirely dependent on a single person. You can allow yourself to feel vulnerable and helpless; controlled, if you want to, but don't actually let your sanity to become aligned with whether or not something works out with a dominant. Bad juju, man.

Fortify your mind before letting yourself go so when shit hits the fan, you'll be okay.

Good luck.
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Postby trudes » September 22nd, 2013, 7:46 pm

Jadit looks like the good guy to me. :/ This Elena chick looks like the embodiment of everything wrong with the whole dom/sub thing. Namely, immature children who call themselves "doms" when they really mean "I'm irrational, I don't give a fuck, obey my every command please!" Sad part is, because the internet exists these terrible, terrible people have access to legions of willing admirers. And when they get bored, these "doms" just sweep their submissives away like dust. Kinda fucked up. :P
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Postby Endo » September 22nd, 2013, 7:53 pm

5 months. Everyone shut the fuck up about this already.
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » September 24th, 2013, 6:56 pm

trudes wrote:Jadit looks like the good guy to me. :/ This Elena chick looks like the embodiment of everything wrong with the whole dom/sub thing. Namely, immature children who call themselves "doms" when they really mean "I'm irrational, I don't give a fuck, obey my every command please!" Sad part is, because the internet exists these terrible, terrible people have access to legions of willing admirers. And when they get bored, these "doms" just sweep their submissives away like dust. Kinda fucked up. :P


Also, if people aren't gonna shut the fuck up over things like a bubble trigger making them comment, might as well not shut the fuck up over things like this, bro.

Oh wait. Counterproductive.

No, no, he's right, Jadit.
Posts: 42
Joined: June 23rd, 2011, 12:00 am


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