What Do You Think..?

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What Do You Think..?

Postby Imperiator » October 27th, 2013, 3:00 am

So I met this sub on WMM a while back. We started and we really hit it off. What I didn't know was that he had another master at the time... Well that master found out and started to make thing on my sub rather difficult. I said that Id like to talk to this other master and maybe we can work things out and if need be I would have left (I didn't want to but whatever's best for my subs). Well the other master didn't want that and kept making this hard on my sub. I was spending most of our time getting my sub (lets call him SG) to relax and not be so stressed. All this time together I am pretty sure imprinted me as SG's primary master (not what I intended but I was happy, more then I had been in years), I guess the healer side of me was taking a hold of my actions.

At some point SG wanted this battle over him to stop and thought the only way to do so was to trance his other master and make him forget about me and then the three of us, I guess, could start anew. But that's not what happened. The other master must not have tranced as deep as SG would have liked and then proceeded boot SG from the group.
It was at this time I took more of a guardianship of SG.

You see SG was part of a line of subs to masters. I told SG to talk to his master (lets call him EM from now on) master. I said I would tell his man my side of the story in an effort to set things right, like I said my healer side was influencing my actions. Well EM's master told me he would talk to EM and for me to look after SG; I agreed and my time was spent again relaxation and comforting SG. I thought this would have been a quick reset of EM and SG and I would be banned from talking to SG again and I would be sent on my way. But after a month I still had no clue what was going on. Over that time SG really imprinted on me, and I have to admit SG grew on me, he had grew so attached to me he began to say 'I love you master.' at the end of each day and end of session we did. At first I was taken aback (you see the last person I loved and who loved me back things didn't end well for us). But soon I found I was saying to SG too... And we formed a much closer relationship, Ok we started dating. :p
And things were going good. That's when I started to learn how weird the whole situation was. As it turns out EM's master was SGs adopted father (likes call him AF) and that he himself was a sub to a master at one point, if not currently. Learning this I wanted a civil relationship with AF there were about 4 emails between us then he just up and stopped... I believe he doesn't like me all too much seeing as I can be viewed as the one that ruined his happy little family he had going. It wasn't till after AFs return from some business trip that we tried to talk via email.

Not too long after, SG seemed to me to start acting erratically I tried to do what I did so many times before only to get about a hour of trance time if that with SG.
Things seem to stabilize after a few nice long sessions we had. SG seemed happy again we were talking like we use to, we started to make plans on living together and all that sappy romantic stuff.
Till about 2 days ago when SG had a physical by someone who too is under AFs influence. After that SG became distant and negative some of our plans were thrown away. I was hurt, which isn't always the best I we had a fight. But with the help of another master from here I was able to talk SG back down and we have since settled again.
After talking SG told me that he saw AF on Friday around the time things seemed to go downhill. I have a bad feeling AF is doing things to SG to drive him away from me. SG doesn't think so I do but I cant really argue with SG as I have no proof outside the time line, and that's not much.
I have abandoned some of our plans as to make SG happy and I have told him I love him and he can talk to me about anything anytime. But I cant shake these feelings that AF is manipulating SG to make SG an example to the rest of AFs subs or to hurt me as I can be seen as the problem.

I wanted to go see SG one of these times in the very near future but... The town in which he lives has set off ever survival instinct I have and as best as I can describe it its a creepy stepford vibe. SG has tried to reassure me but I cant turn off these voices in my head screaming at me to run; take SG and anyone else I can get your hands on and run.

I love SG with every fibber of my being, I don't want to let him go but at the same time I fear I have to get ready for a fight that I may not win and I wonder if it would be easier or better the submit and let AF win as to spare SG anymore pain he may encounter from this.

I write this to see what others think, to perhaps see the scenario from a different perspective, or see something I may have missed. I have written as much as I can remember at this time; I feel like I have forgotten part of the story, if I have I will add it, it is a long story. If you have any thoughts or suggestions or just want to know more feel free to PM me, email me, or leave a replay here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you want to just hit me in the head and tell me Im being paranoid or over things this go right ahead too.

I also write this as a means to leave a record to history, and to SG to let him know I love him and no matter what happens I always will.
I love you, Sweetie; never forget that. I am always there for you. -^_^-
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Postby Imperiator » October 27th, 2013, 3:06 am

As I write this I am reminded of a saying.
'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.'

I don't want to become like those who see as the problem, but I want to protect what I have and if that mean I have to fight I will fight tooth and nail for it.
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Postby Endo » October 27th, 2013, 8:59 am

So, erm, was this "forget me" session consensual? If it wasn't I could see why "EM" would reject the suggestion to forget "SG".

This whole scenario is why I don't think there should be this master/slave system in this online community. People are trusting complete strangers with personal information, and lots of power. My relationship with Nate80 is as such: I tell him what I want to achieve, and he gives me the tools and processes to do so. There is nothing more between us, just 'tist/client.

That being said, this is just like "real life" romantic relationships. Someone meets someone, someone else gets jealous/possessive, and in this situation, you are the someone that someone met. You came between two people in this relationship, and starting hanging out with someone's significant other. There shouldn't be any big surprise that there is a large fallout from this occurrence. Personally, I think the whole lot of you are not handling this maturely. "EM" and "AF" (whoever they actually are) are supremely pissed over this loss of a slave, but it sounds like they have a bazillion of them already. You definitely tried to make something work with that encounter between you and "AF, but he wouldn't have any of it. However, you are letting the setting of "SG"'s house worry you with it's creepy vibe. /end angry rant

What needs to happen here is for "SG" to make a choice without you or anyone else pressuring him. He needs to be able to choose either his old "family" or you on his own terms. "SG", whoever you are, I'm speaking directly to you here. You need to disregard all the conflict in the past, disregard any training you've been given to bind to any master, and disregard whoever you think is right in this disagreement. Now ask yourself, who would you rather be with?

This is all that I can say on the subject. Yes, I am a stranger to the master/slave relationship stuff. I don't really understand it, and I'm not really into it. And stuff like this happens within it's communities.
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Postby shadowguy » October 27th, 2013, 10:45 am

I want him over anyone else, I want him to be happy, but I can't just disregard my family, sure my old master and I hate each other and as far as I care can just go away from me, but my step dad is something else I care for him, yeah he pisses me off so much at times but I can make my own decisions without him, and Imperiator I love more than anything else and I would give everything up for him, but how do I chose between, love and family? Between the person I would do anything for and the person who saved me from living in an orphanage for years?

That is things I can't chose I want them both and I wish they could get along, maybe I just need to slap my dad on the face and tell him that I want him and if he can't accept it then I leave and never look back

If it's one thing I learned is life is hard and people who actually care are rare, how do I cast away the people I care for?
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Postby Endo » October 27th, 2013, 11:48 am

Well, would staying with Imp mean that your stepfather will disown you? Because if not, then it sounds like we have a natural progression of life. You are deciding on being with someone for a long-term kind of thing, and your parents may or may not like that person. In this case, they aren't exactly happy with Imp, maybe because they feel as if you are being stolen away.

Tell you what. Take a listen to Stefan Molyneaux's podcasts on Youtube, under the channel name "Free Domain Radio". He's a philosopher who's done a lot of work regarding families. You probably won't find something directly related to your question, but next Sunday, you could call in with a question. Just ask him about this if you feel comfortable doing so, and he'll probably ask a bit about your family background. He may be able to help you get some of this sorted out much more than most people here would be able to. I've listened to a lot of his stuff, and he's very rational and understanding.
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Postby shadowguy » October 27th, 2013, 11:52 am

My step dad just has a thing against him and I can't talk to him about it because he just gets mad at me for bringing it up

I could try that, thank you endo
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Postby Endo » October 27th, 2013, 1:10 pm

You're welcome. I genuinely sympathize with this problem. Good luck getting everything sorted.
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Postby shadowguy » October 27th, 2013, 2:59 pm

I'll do my best and once things calm down I'll let you know
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Postby Frap » October 30th, 2013, 5:23 pm

Hey all, I've had similar issues with things similar (from a Master's perspective).

So here is my $0.02:

1) First of all, shadowguy you should have told Imperiator about your old Master. One of the keys to a successful relationship is honesty. Without it, a relationship might spontaneously explode when/if the other person learns the truth.

2) shadowguy, you are concerned with choosing love over family. I feel for you, I really do, no one should have to make this kind of decision. My advice to you is this: choose love.

Here's why. When people grow up they're supposed to fall in love and separate from their family's. That's how society works. Any parent, step or otherwise, who is making you leave your current love is not worth even speaking to. I assume that you're over the age of 18, so take this with that in mind: you're a grown man, what you choose is your business. Your life is yours, your decisions are yours, your emotions are yours. To be honest you shouldn't even be considering choosing family. Sure, you still have a connection with them and that will never go away and it'll hurt like hell if he does "disown you." However, if your father has an issue with it then he is clearly choosing his pride or his suspicions of Imperiator over your happiness. He is has already chosen something over family before you, if you have to make an ultimate decision between Imperiator or your continued relationship with your step-father then take comfort in the fact that he has already chosen something else.

3) Imperiator, if you are concerned shadowguy's step-father is doing something, less than ethical to his head, hypnotically or otherwise, then you need to install strong, lasting safeties. And you need to do it ASAP. I made the mistake of not installing safeties and had a sub who I was falling in love with get stolen hypnotically by his roommate in college. Safeties should be your new number one priority, and should continue to be until they're set deeply and strongly enough where getting around them would be a long ordeal. I know this isn't want most Masters or subs want to hear when they're still having fun, but if he really is manipulating shadowguy hypnotically then there is no way shadowguy can make a calm, rational decision.

I cannot stress the importance of strong safeties.

4) shadowguy, Imperiator said that you don't think he has been manipulating you with hypno. While I trust your judgement and I bet Imperiator does too. And I don't know the susceptibility of shadowguy nor the skill of your step-father. However, just to be sure, try to avoid being alone with your step-father and secretly recording your conversations with him. If it turns out he's not then it's no problem but if he is then you and Imperiator NEED TO KNOW FOR SURE.

Edit: after I posted that I realized I was really focused on the possibility that shadowguy's step-father was manipulating him. This likely not the case, for reasons I'll explain when I'm home and not on my phone.

Edit2: So here is why I don't think shadowguy's step-father is manipulating him. If he was and it took only a few days to work him out of it then it couldn't have been built well enough for amnesia to have worked. Amnesia doesn't work on everyone even for skilled tists, so the fact that it faded after a little bit means to me that either there wasn't any hypno-shenanigans.
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