Don'y think I can be hypnotised to any real affect

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Don'y think I can be hypnotised to any real affect

Postby subchub » April 19th, 2014, 3:18 pm


Just wondering how real any of this actually is, I have tried mp3 and even had one guy who said he was a hypnotist try in person and nothing seems to actually have any affect on me.

Is there anyone out there that thinks they can hypnotize me?

I got interested in this out of a desire for some self help, but I am also very sub and like the idea of being in the control of others.

Please let me know if you think you can help.

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Postby Endo » April 19th, 2014, 4:36 pm

It's very real. It's very scientific and thoroughly researched.

But the first thing is this: It takes time. A lot of time, in some cases. One listening session to a single MP3 isn't going to do a whole lot of anything for most people. Nor will a single live session. That's for EXPERIENCED hypnosis users.

As a new user, what you need to focus on is the techniques. If you aren't relaxing fully, or don't trust the 'tist, you won't get any results. So here's what I recommend: Practice. Find an induction (just the induction, OR a beginner's training file) and listen to it once a day. As you get used to that specific induction, and you get used to going into trance, there'll be some nice conditioning going on. You will associate that induction with going down, which will make using that specific induction much more effective. You may want to try "Bubble" or "Blank", both of which take you down, and associate going down with a certain phrase. When that phrase is said, either by you or someone else or a recording, you will go down. It makes stuff pretty easy.

I will caution you on this now: Don't offer yourself to someone without doing some research on them. Don't choose someone who's new to the "scene" or someone who just pops up randomly. At this point, you are a novice on multiple levels. First, as I said above, your skills are weak. Second, your mental defenses and resistances are "stock". You may be susceptible to submission training/suggestions, which may help on some levels with getting you to continue with this path with a certain 'tist, but can also be dangerous if the person you choose is abusive. In the same vein, you also have no mental defenses. Almost anyone could come along and hijack your mind, should you have an induction trigger, like "Bubble" or "Blank".

So, here's what I'd do: Learn how to do all this stuff on your own. There are a lot of people who would be interested in teaching you self-hypnosis (myself included), and we would love for you to be self-sufficient, and keeping yourself safe from abusive people. If you do crave a submission aspect, there are ways to get that with self-hypnosis, some ways that require a partner, some that don't.

If you'd like, we can take this to PMs or emails.
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Postby Mandrache » July 11th, 2014, 11:15 pm

There's a lot of non-hypnotic sexual files that's good, at least mine are.
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Postby ProfessorPig » July 11th, 2014, 11:29 pm

from what i understand the numbers break down as such;

%20 of the population receives little or no effects from hypnosis
%20 of the population are incredibly suggestable
the rest are somewhere in between.

so 80% of the population is hypnotisable to some degree. different people respond better to different styles of hypnosis.

it could be with you that you have not found the right style that you respond to. some people on here have reported stories indicating that even though they consciously wanted to be hypnotised there was a subconscious block that prevented them from really letting go and trusting the hypnotist enough to accept suggestions.
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Postby VeryGnawty » July 16th, 2014, 11:11 pm

Some people are really hard to hypnotize, for various reasons. Some people are almost impossible to hypnotize.
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Postby wohermiston » July 17th, 2014, 7:52 am

"I got interested in this out of a desire for some self help, but I am also very sub and like the idea of being in the control of others. "

This is not unlike many conscious desires, but your subconscious will always protect you from losing control.

Ibeleive that ideas involving words like control, submit, obey, all those sort of things are triggers on the subconscious to beware.

you need to choose something specific that you know you really want and can be safe with, then find a hypnotic script that pushes that goal in a good comforting way. So that your subconscious can find it easy to accept.

Good luck
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