What are some good files to train you to go deeper

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What are some good files to train you to go deeper

Postby hypotoad » April 28th, 2014, 8:06 am

(skip to the bottom if you dont want to read about me rambling about my hypnotic experiences)

Hahaha I seems to always pop up once every few months. I really like the idea of being hypnotised. Being controlled in a safeway to experience new things and create changes.

But I always find myself drift away after a few weeks. I feel its because I never go deep enough into trance. Often times when the hypnotist is talking about the outside world fading away and the feeling of floating it instead of helping me drift off into trance makes me suddenly become more aware of my body, where moments ago I may have been to distracted to think about it.

But thats just one of my issues, generally I feel even the deepest I have gone has been just beneath the surface. I want to go deeper, I want to be consumed by the hypnotism, completely under the control. when I hear a command I want to be able to fully obey it.

at the moment most of my actions done under hypnotism are very conscious actions, if they they say "you feel your hand raise in the air" after a moment of feeling nothing I slowly raise it myself just to prevent myself from disturbing the whole event. because I feel like if my hand didnt raise the whole thing would be cheapened in my mind. (this is just one example but it gives you an idea about how I feel during most hypnotic commands)

but I know what the hand thing feels like when it works. Ive had it happen once and Ive never gotten it to work again but it felt like when you have had your arms pressed against a door way and then you stepped out and they floated up.


anyways I digress, those are my symptoms, im problem overly analytical. I was just wondering if there were any really good files to train you to go deeper. What would the best ones be
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Postby Endo » April 28th, 2014, 8:16 am


There's also some methods of self-hypnosis (one that I'm using extensively) that may be applicable. I really should do a thread on the method.
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Postby hypotoad » April 28th, 2014, 8:46 am

Im sure alot of people would be interested, I just saw the thread in help with files about analytical minds XD. Its seems like alot of people might be interested in trying a slightly different method
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Postby ProfessorPig » April 28th, 2014, 9:13 am

chewtoy's files are fantastic trance training tools. he has built up a modular system of files that gradually work on various elements of trance that help you become a better subject. they also have the bonus of being incredibly short because he establishes a rapid trance trigger in the first file.

hypnosis is weird, you may listen to a file and think you did not go into a very deep trance at all, or you did not respond to suggestions, but then months later certain ideas that they touched on in a file are still lingering in your head. whatever changes you desire will come at their own pace. many people have reported that its helpful to play along until the responses become automatic. i just imagining myself raising my hand, because my arms are usually obstructed and i am more interested in mental changes and minds eye hallucinations.
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Postby hypotoad » April 28th, 2014, 9:17 am

oh talking about imagining lift the arm bring up another really good question I am confused about

alot of time the hypnotists will tell you to imagine things or do things

sometimes it might be (sit in this chair) being that there is no actual chair I would sit using my mind imagining the whole thing

But in other parts of the same file they might tell you to get on your hands and knees, and then I would be completely confused as to whether I should actually get on my hands and knees or just imagine it. most of the file had been imagining doing things but that part seemed alot like I should just be doing it.
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Postby CyrilMtl » April 28th, 2014, 9:36 am

I am like you, very analythical in real life and when going under too.
If the wording for the phrase are weird, sometime imagining, sometime doing stuff ... It make my mind react 'there is a problem here, what does he want ...' And that break the concentration I think.

I play some file with light result, I never went deep I think.

One of my deepest trance was with TrainNotShy from EMG (hypno-files)
I was on my chair and was like feeling I was in weird position like all my muscles were relax (like Steven Hawkins) but when I open my eyes at the end I was just normaly seated.

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Postby Alien4420 » April 28th, 2014, 10:49 am

I've had the same problems and I also found I went into a deeper trance with Train Not Shy. I think the reason for that is that I wasn't resistant to the file because it was something that was good for me. Resistance will tend to pull you out of trance and if you're listening to some of the files here there's bound to be significant resistance.

Anyway, agree with the Bubble Induction suggestion, it's one of the best files here for putting you into deep trance and as your trancing skills improve they should be transferable to other inductions and other files.

I'd add that at least one hypnosis book I've read, The Power of Conversational Hypnosis, recommend just what you've done -- playing along consciously with the suggestions if your trance isn't deep enough. It's available online:


I think you'll find Chapter 10 of special interest:

"Let me now explain a technique which has worked admirably for many who have been frustrated because of their inability to achieve
self-hypnosis. It involves _pretending you are hypnotized_ and going
through the motions of the various tests _as though you were a perfect

That such a technique could work is in keeping with what we have learned about cognitive psychology, and what we know about trance states.

Finally, remember that deep trance isn't necessary to most of what we do -- a light trance will suffice or even, sometimes, no trance at all. And that it's very common to fall into a light trance without knowing it, indeed, we do so whenever we watch a movie or read a novel. I've often found myself distracted and thinking I'm not really in trance while listening to a file only to discover that I can't stop listening, or notice some other sign that I'm actually in trance. And as someone else mentioned I've often found myself doing something that I heard in a file only once months before. Since hypnosis affects the subconscious, the conscious mind can be completely unaware of changes and become aware only when one does something and thinks about it and realizes that it's the consequence of a suggestion one has received.
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Postby Reboot2099 » May 21st, 2014, 1:28 am

Ok, this sounds like you are exactly like me lol I do come here once a year or so, when I want to try hypnosis again because I do have the exact same problems you have. Everytime the hypnotist talk about not hearing any outside sounds, it snaps me out of it. Because up to that point, I was beginning to not hear them and she just reminded me there was noise.

I am very analytical and I can't stop thinking about what the person says I should be doing and how I could do it. This part is exactly the problem I have:

hypotoad wrote:oh talking about imagining lift the arm bring up another really good question I am confused about

alot of time the hypnotists will tell you to imagine things or do things

sometimes it might be (sit in this chair) being that there is no actual chair I would sit using my mind imagining the whole thing

But in other parts of the same file they might tell you to get on your hands and knees, and then I would be completely confused as to whether I should actually get on my hands and knees or just imagine it. most of the file had been imagining doing things but that part seemed alot like I should just be doing it.

Also, I know transformation files are advanced and I shouldn't use them yet, but even if I was good enough at hynosis, it wouldn't work because I keep thinking about logistics. If I transform into a woman but they say I must masturbate. I'm sorry, even if I didn't feel my penis anymore, it would wake me up because a man and a woman don't masturbate the same way at all.

I am getting better at trance though. Not getting very deep like not feeling my body at all, but I do trance. The best induction for me so far that I tried is the long induction by MistE (Elena from esuccubus). The problem is, it is 20 minutes long and if the file that follows is more than 10 minutes, I get out of trance because it's too long.

And another problem I have is that while I don't have an attention deficit of any kind, I do have a problem when the results aren't immediate. And that is in all spheres of my life, I am working on it. So, after a week or so, if the file doesn't work and if I don't get deep enough in trance, I either try another file or stop entirely. And yes, I know it takes at least 2 weeks, probably more to see results.

If I was going deep and I didn't remember I tranced, it would help me a lot, I think. It would show me that this is working and I should keep at it. Because if I just trance lightly after a week, I just tell myself (wrongly, I know) that this won't work.
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Postby lew897 » May 22nd, 2014, 11:09 pm

I generally think for any type of experience that has an expected outcome there has to be an effort to figure out where they need to put their efforts. I think the main effort first should be to learn how to relax the body, which is different for everyone. Mostly because of what they believe and how your brain works. Your beliefs will or will not let you experience trance and your physical brain might not be able to. It takes a mixture of both to achieve trance. My belief is that once you realize that you've been tranced, your subconscious will feel like it was tricked and will shut everything out. then its your duty so to speak to re open the pathway to your subconscious. After enough experience you will realize what will open your pathway to the sub, and it will open when you want it to. How long this takes is entirely up to you since the brain is a muscle and if you only work it once a year it probably wont be up to any standards that require you to enjoy yourself. I also think it depends on what you want to have happen. Since I think I am analytical, in a way, the best way for myself is going over board on the physical brain side doing the work. Ive used subliminals, multiple voices, tones, listening while under and while awake, and repeated listening. Once I sorta figured out what works for myself it generally takes about a month for anything to stick. But its very easy to become addicted to just about anything. A large part of the time I just end up asking myself where I should be spending my time. I personally don't think this is difficult since Ive basically am doing the same thing when I started its just that I adapted my future experiences on what was happening as I was learning about hypnosis personally and from other hypnotist. I don't want to brag but Ive read all of the success stories from 2005 til now, a lot of hypnosis forums Ive stalked at a distance, watched a ton of hypnosis videos on youtube, and have made a few for myself and for this site. Mostly asking where I should be spending my time has often times just pointed me in the right direction and not given all the answers immediately or later or at all since it was like a bolt from the sky where I would say to myself, consistently in many areas that Ive pursued besides hypnosis, why didn't I see that before? I know Ive rambled on a bit but I thought it was general enough without giving specific directions.
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