What makes a good file?

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What makes a good file?

Postby Sativa » June 11th, 2014, 2:01 am

Not sure if this belongs here--I saw that there's a subforum for help with files but they were more about where to find them etc.

So, I'm a new user although I've been aware of the website for a while. I've tried some of the files, but I'm really more interested in trancing others. I'd like to post a hypno-file myself, as practice and to see the effects--but I'm a bit nervous. I've seen some pretty harsh judgement for amateur files but we've all got to start somewhere... Even so I'd like to put something decent online.

My question is, what do you pay attention to when it comes to judging a files quality? What do you like, and what bothers you? If you know how to achieve a certain quality of files, I'd be ever so grateful for any tips & hints.
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Postby zapnosis » June 11th, 2014, 3:39 am

Hi Sativa,
Great question! Try not to let the feedback get to you... in my experience people on here tend to be very honest and it usually works out for the best. Also don't forget that some people, if you gave them a car they'd moan that it doesn't have leather seats. In the end the best feedback will give you some information to work with to improve what you're doing, and you can always ask for advice. :D

Anyway, to answer your question: A lot of it comes down to attention to detail.

When you are writing a script, don't just throw words at it. Think about what you want to communicate and what the listener will be hearing. Remember that some of your listeners will be from other cultures so slang etc is not good. Check your grammar, we all make mistakes there sometimes. When you write a suggestion, ask yourself how it meshes with the other suggestions in the file, does it contradict or clash at all? Be very clear about the effects you want.

When it comes to recording / speaking, I'm sure other users will be able to give you better advice than I can since I make TTS files. But I will say this... Don't rush, speak slowly.

Good luck
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby Endo » June 11th, 2014, 9:16 am

As an "amateur hypnotist" myself, I am aware of the same sorts of fears and problems that you have and are experiencing. At first, I was only here for the files, but now I've drifted over to "the other side" after finding that so many of the fetishes I had weren't exactly catered to on this site.

My first file was a combination of several free files on this site, and I cited them all in the description. There was nothing that was explicitly mine in the file, and that's fine. I just needed to figure out the basics in Audacity.

The first part of the answer is easy: Have a good microphone and good editing software. Audacity is free and easy, and offers tons of online documentation to help you out.

The second part is in your voice: Your natural speaking voice, some people may like it, some may not. It may grow on some, it may grow grating on others. With that, there's your tone, pacing, emphasis, and "emotions". I've listened to files where it's a woman speaking, and she's trying to sound sultry or something, and it sounds like she wants to fuck me right then and there. That can distract from the file, or it can add to it. It's all about context.

TTS is a very easy way to bypass the first two things I've mentioned, but most TTS programs and renderings are AWFUL on both accounts. I don't know anyone who enjoys listening to TTS over human speech.

The last part is, of course, your script. Here's an example of what NOT to do, take a listen to it, then read my critique. http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/7800/Male-Triggers-1-Blowjob.php
This file suffers from a bad script and even worse TTS. Specifically HOW this file failed is that it was too rushed, and the listener is unable to absorb and visualize what's going on. Also notice how the language is pretty bland and glosses over descriptions and details very quickly. Doing such a thing will inhibit the listener's ability to visualize, as descriptions and visualization go hand in hand in hypnosis.

Aside from that, you will notice (eventually, or even immediately) that authors use different language and different patterns. One way you can see this is to read a bunch of say, EMG's work, then read some works from another notable author. It's perfectly fine to try to emulate their styles and even blend multiple styles together. I did not go down this route, I decided to make my own style based on whatever flows during the creative process, sort of like mental and verbal diarrhea. Those were my "V1" files, which are/were intended to throw out into the public to gauge reactions to the content as well as my scripting. Right now, I'm in the process of converting those files to "V2" by updating them to be inline with what I've learned about language, flow and other little things. I'm also inserting some suggestions to improve visualization and immersion, as well as longevity in the changes.

It's a constant learning situation, and I've had to do most of the learning on my own. I've gotten precious little feedback despite having individual download counts near 2 thousand on some of my most popular attempts. I've also gotten next to nothing in terms of ratings on my files. My advice for this is to find someone who's active and more experienced than you in scripting, have them look over your work and suggest edits and techniques to try.
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Postby Ardea » September 30th, 2014, 3:48 pm

Positive speech. No negative words...

As if I am the tyst and I am telling you to always think positive think:

-Now you will always have postivie thoughts in your mind


-Now I want you to never think about negativity.

....do you see the difference?

Oh and not a diss or anything but don't deep-throat the microphone... as in theirs some gargling when you speak.
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Postby JackDrago » September 30th, 2014, 5:34 pm

My suggestion is to listen to the rhythm of the induction you are emulating and try to write the suggestions in a similar rhythm. My mind is most receptive when the whole thing is like a poem: one idea per line, roughly the same number of syllables for each line, with breaths between lines only. If you can't talk long enough without breathing, then your lines are too long.

You find yourself relaxing,
getting more and more relaxed,
Relaxed and receptive...

When you get to the suggestions write them in the same rhythm as the induction. - we tend to edit out repetition when we write for the conscious mind. Do the opposite for the subconscious. It likes ideas to flow through multiple repetions.

Don't try to put too much into your first script. Have maybe 3-5 ideas and find 3 different ways to say each one. No such thing as overkill when talking to the subconscious. You can always make another suggestion file later with more in it if the first one was not enough.
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