Any hypnotists recommendations?

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Any hypnotists recommendations?

Postby Reboot2099 » June 9th, 2014, 11:04 pm

All I want is if you can recommend great hypnotists (either from here or elsewhere on the net, free or not as long as quality is there) who are either trained or have great success with files that actually worked for lots of people. It is very hard to sort the pros from the wannabe (especially here).

The only criteria I have are: they must be pro or really experienced and know what they're doing, and not focus on making the listener a slave for themselves

The last criteria is especially hard to find in "professional" femdom circles, as all they want is money and loyal slaves, so there are only a few that focus on several fetishes without including enslavement.

I won't go into the kind of files I like, it would be too long and I'll sort through them myself. Feel free to suggest files you like that worked for you too. And yes, I checked the Success Stories forum, but there are only a couple files that come back again and again.
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Postby Endo » June 10th, 2014, 7:17 am

Personally, (being a rather analytical, detail-medium kind of person) I can't recommend files unless you at least give me an idea in broad strokes of what you're into.

I will say this: Vive and MistE are both very good, very talented 'tists on this site with free and pay files on this site and on their own sites (which can be found in their file descriptions, both of those 'tists always include a URL). Vive has a bit more variety, and MistE focuses a bit on slavery-area stuff. Also, don't be afraid to check out some of the ads that float around these sites, but I really can't vouch for their quality.

If there's a specific FILE you might want that DOESN'T exist at the moment, or might be interested in trying some self-hypno, I can help with both of those. My tastes are certainly more porn/hentai inspired than most authors on this site, so if it's one of those "I don't know if anyone else is into pink, cat-faced tentacle monsters that ejaculate cranberry jello." sorts of things, I'll probably be willing to write a file up for that, or even teach you how to get there yourself with self-hypno.
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Re: Any hypnotists recommendations?

Postby Alien4420 » June 10th, 2014, 10:23 am

Reboot2099 wrote:All I want is if you can recommend great hypnotists (either from here or elsewhere on the net, free or not as long as quality is there) who are either trained or have great success with files that actually worked for lots of people. It is very hard to sort the pros from the wannabe (especially here).

The only criteria I have are: they must be pro or really experienced and know what they're doing, and not focus on making the listener a slave for themselves

The last criteria is especially hard to find in "professional" femdom circles, as all they want is money and loyal slaves, so there are only a few that focus on several fetishes without including enslavement.

I won't go into the kind of files I like, it would be too long and I'll sort through them myself. Feel free to suggest files you like that worked for you too. And yes, I checked the Success Stories forum, but there are only a couple files that come back again and again.

Reboot, I'm not quite sure what you're asking for. Do you want live hypnosis, or file recommendations? In the latter case, I really think that as Endo pointed out you have to say something about your interests. I've found that most of the files I've used here work so that leaves a vast number of files and the reviews will usually tell you whether a file is something special (or an amateurish waste of time, as some of them are).

As to hypnotists, I think that they have different styles and what works for one person won't work as well for another, and vice-versa. But more than that, they tend to be interested in differing things and have different goals. So Major Pixel for example is one of the most intense hypnotists I've ever listened to, but most of his files are too extreme for me. Someone who's into feminization say is likely going to end up with a different list of favorite hypnotists than someone who wants to be a furry.
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Postby Reboot2099 » June 10th, 2014, 2:03 pm

Thanks for the answer, Alien. I am sorry I wasn't clear. That's kind of a problem of mine, not being too clear and concise, that's why I don't make my own files :P

All I want is for people to tell me which hypnotists they think make great files (not live sessions, although I might try later IF I like their files) that works for them.

I don't want specific files, but if someone has a suggestion, go for it! I didn't want to list my interests because the message was getting kinda long and I know lots of people on the internet have a hard time reading long messages, especially if it's not that concise :P I am into triggers especially, files making you feel getting fucked or something like that on triggers or during the file and behavioral changes, especially if it's triggered for a short time (like masturbation, acting like a woman but not dressing up, etc).

Even though I've been trying hypnosis for years, I am still a novice so even if harder files like hallucinated body changes and such interests me, I am not yet ready for that, unfortunately.

I've been here on this site for a lot of years, although I am more of a lurker and I take very long breaks in-between tries. One of the reason for the breaks I take is that I am kinda hard to hypnotize, I am very analytical.

Another reason, is that a lot of hypnotists I tried here (usually the ones with the best concepts) don't really work because they are clearly amateur and don't know what they're doing.

As for pros n other sites, especially femdoms, some seems to know what they're doing, but every good file that might interest me are mixed with slavery. As an example, some files make you masturbate for a very long time and very often, which I like. But they stress the importance of doing it for them, being obedient to them only and asking permission to cum. Which is a big no-no for me. I am looking to be controlled by a file because I want it, not being a slave to anybody, especially someone I will never meet.

I like Elena (MistE) from and Cardigan (where is he? I miss his files :) ) and I just discovered ViVe yesterday which seem ok too but haven't tried yet. But aside from that, I didn't find good, not power-obsessed file makers.

As for my tastes, aside from what I already said, I am open to lots of things aside from slavery. If the only thing I have to do is sort through recommended hypnotists to find the one suited for me instead of sorting through hundreds of amateurs to find one that is good at what he does, it'll be a plus for me.

In closing, I just have another question related to that. In the old days, only EMG and a couple of other file makers, approved by him were able to upload pay files. That way, I knew there was a bigger chance the files were well-made. Now, there are a lot of pay files. Are they still being screened by EMG or a competent file-maker or we have to sort through a lot of crap like the free files?

I do not want to say most people uploading files are ignorant on the subject and are bad at making files. Everybody must learn by doing and must start somewhere. I just want to know the best of the best, that have proven themselves, since I am more difficult to go under than some.
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Postby Reboot2099 » June 10th, 2014, 2:21 pm

Thanks a lot Endo for answering too. Please forgive my double posting, as my other message was very long, so i decided to answer your post seperatly. Some of the questions you asked are answered in my response to Alien.

I too am into weird hentai things, as long as it is not permanent, but this requires a set of skills I do not have yet. I do get into trance, but not very deep and I can't really hallucinate. That's why I would like files to be more hallucinated feelings than seeing things.

A few years ago, I was really into tentacle stuff and thought about it almost everyday, trying to find files about it (that's how I found this site, actually). One night, without even trying a file on the subject, when I went to sleep, I got into a trance without even trying and got raped by tentacles. It wasn't a dream, it was hypnosis. I really don't know how I did it, as I wasn't trying but just thinking about it made it happen. Since then, I tried to make it happen again, no success. That was the experience that makes me still try even though I don't have lots of success so far. I know it can happen.

And I tried hypnosis without files since that night, but I only read a few things on the subject, I am not well-versed enough. If you have tips, that would be great.

Thanks for the suggestions. I found MistE a few years ago and she's the second one after Cardigan to take me under. But at that time, the quality of her files audio-wise was pretty bad. I haven't tried it in a while, but I will soon, since the quality seems to be much better. But the problem is that her most fun files I want to try are hallucinated stories/body changes and it's too advanced for me.

I found ViVe literally yesterday by looking at the files here after my first post on this thread. Some of those files seem to be in my wheel-house, so I will give it a try.

Thanks for the suggestions :)
Last edited by Reboot2099 on June 10th, 2014, 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 10th, 2014, 2:23 pm

Well, in addition to the hypnotists who have already been mentioned and EMG, I can recommend Sarnoga and Slutinmyhead. Very different styles but thoroughly professional. I'm not sure that I'm a very good source though since I respond to almost everything reasonably competent and tend to focus on a relatively few permanent change files so don't get around as much as I imagine some others do.

Regarding the pay files, I think Endo said some time ago that only hypnotists who have a track record can charge, but it would be best to ask him or EMG.
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Postby Reboot2099 » June 10th, 2014, 2:28 pm

I will try those. I've seen slutinmyhead and sarnoga's files a lot in the past but haven't tried them yet, not knowing if they were good or not. And that's what I wanted. Just to know who has proven themselves and then I'll check them out. Thanks a lot again :)
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Postby Alien4420 » June 10th, 2014, 2:48 pm

Sluttinmyhead is an amazing hypnotist. The most innovative files I've ever heard.
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Postby Endo » June 10th, 2014, 3:24 pm

I don't see a lot of pay-file artists, and I'm not sure how the monetization process actually works, but I know that there is some vetting procedure to ensure that each author has earned the privilege to place a price on their files.
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Postby ProfessorPig » June 11th, 2014, 3:59 pm

i agree with all of the suggestions in this thread. the only other hypnotist that sticks out to me as being left out is chewtoy. he does some fantastic work on themes of helplessness and memory loss of what was said in files that really makes any other files you listen to more effective.
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