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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » September 28th, 2005, 7:05 pm

I have listened to a few beginner .mp3's because I want to be a part of this awesome website (plus my hypnosis fetish). You know, the ones that are supposed to take you in, make you more submissive to the other files, and bring you out. Well, the induction part rocks 'cause I get really relaxed like I'm going to go under real DEEP. Then, the part where I'm supposed to go under starts, and it doesn't seem to work at all! I play along with it and pretend it's real. But I know it wasn't because when I am supposed to slowly come out, I jump the gun and open my eyes half way through the wake-up phase. It just seems like I can't actually go under. Like maybe the inductions are too short or something? Or could there be a part of me that says this is impossible?
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Postby missypuss » September 29th, 2005, 12:00 am

You just gotta keep trying...... And you gotta let it happen. Try some deepeners.Try suggestible.Try to relax a little more.
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » September 29th, 2005, 8:23 am

I will do that. Oh, by the way, I did manage to get hypnotized. My hypnotist was... me! I managed to hypnotize myself. I tweaked SG's induction so I could address each thing keeping me from trance perfectly myself. I used her voice to create a 'mistress' to obey. I brought myself under really deep. I also did something SG didn't: I reinforced the trance itself. I have minor ADD, and my mind started to wander at times. I brought attention back to my 'mistress' several times, because when my mind wandered, I started to come out. Not so that I was close to waking, but enough that I noticed.

It's an odd feeling being both master and subject. I enjjoyed the subject part thouroughly. During trance:

-I had much less inhibition

-I liked calling myself 'good boy' when right now I am insulted by the phrase.

-I did things I'd hate to have the Dean of my college walk in on.

-A few other things

I am 22 and finishing my last year in College. I always wanted to solve my inability to concentrate, and I've planted a few suggestions to fix that. Anyway, I got to go. My instructor would kill me if I was late.

I must get to my classes on time...

That's Suggestion #1. Tonight I'll make myself more vulnerable to the .mp3's here. There's a few thing I'd like to change. I have never seen a self-hypnosis site before, it's really cool. Being in trance rocks.
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Postby missypuss » September 29th, 2005, 11:00 am

Yes I know it truly does..!! :twisted:
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » September 29th, 2005, 4:28 pm

Well, I am mostly done with what could have been a normal day at college. As you may have guessed, it certainly wasn't. But, I had a few things to learn as a first-time hypnotist.

You see, I gave myself what can be summarized as three things. First, not to masturbate as much. I don't want to get into the curses where you can't do it at all, just to curb myself. The second was to pay special attention in my classes. The third was to be extra horny throughout the day when I see/think about my female classmates. (Can't -- er -- don't WANT to -- help the fact that I am straight.) Simple tests to see if I am doing this correctly.

Well, the same night, I started thinking about my classmates. I reinforced the horniness about 6 times, but never truly reinforced the not masturbating thing. My instructions clashed, and which won? The one I reinforced. So I didn't even last the night on that one. But to ease the guilt, I hypnotized myself again and switched the suggestion to where I could reach climax but not go over. Then I released myself from that one, and went to the stars. That's the only way to describe it.

Today, I paid very close attention during lectures, because I reinforced that one in detail. But there were too many cute girls in the class. Another clash, and the hornines was just a bit stronger, so I would lose focus on the instructor for small peroids of time.

I have no question this works. I just need to learn what every hypnotist did, which is to go into greater detail. I also thought about hypnosis in general during the day. I came to believe the following, correct me if I am wrong:

1. I don't think I can hypnotize myself and make myself forget about what happened during hypnosis. For one, I come out feeling fuzzy anyway, and for another, even if the 'hypnotized' me does not remember, the 'hypnotist' me will. Since they are both me, I remember.

2. I don't think I can bring about physical changes in my own body. If I can, great, especially because I have no evidence here. It just seems impossible.

I put myself under hypnosis before typing this so I wouldn't get embarrased talking about this. And it seems that I can disobey, but why bother? I'm not hurting myself by doing it, in fact I am helping myself.

Sorry for the long post, I am sure all newbies get this emotional after their first time. I'm gonna try out some more .mp3's.

EDIT - Oh, and when I say that I tweaked SG's induction, I used her voice and just changed what she said. Works like a dream... :)

EDIT 2 - Just tries SG's Induction again. I did go under, but only very lightly. I think I actually did go into trance the first time, just it was light enough that I was aware, just slightly, of the world around me. Nothing like the tales you hear, where the subject is basically a rag-doll. I still have the shivers I get when I know I am vulnerable to hypnosis. I could do anything. I think I will.
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Postby loony28 » September 30th, 2005, 12:59 pm

Hyp-know-fetish wrote:2. I don't think I can bring about physical changes in my own body. If I can, great, especially because I have no evidence here. It just seems impossible.

EDIT - Oh, and when I say that I tweaked SG's induction, I used her voice and just changed what she said. Works like a dream... :)

:twisted: Why don't you try creating a file to produce a physical change. Make sure it's one that people will notice and has no other explanation as to how it was produced. Now I have a question. When you say you used SG's voice and just changed what she said, how did you do that? Who is SG anyway? :twisted:
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Postby cardigan » September 30th, 2005, 3:11 pm

It is possible to be your own hypnotist and plant a suggestion to yourself, that you forget everything that happened. I've done that myself. But it will no doubt work best, if you use a recording of yourself and listen to that. The other scenario where you are consciously in control of yourself while also in trance has several disadvantages. For starters you are only able to manage a light trance, because the deeper you go, the more distant you get, so your conscious half either goes away, and you end up falling asleep, or you prevent yourself from going too deep for that to happen! Another disadvantage would be the difficulty in planting amnesia.

Try a recording. It will work like a charm. You will go twice as deep as with the other method, and you will be able to suggest amnesia and have it work. Oh - and it's not like you don't know deep down what's been said - but only the general outlines. You simply cannot think of the details! They get completely blocked off. And as time passes, you probably won't be able to remember the wording of what you recorded either, and then the amnesia will be total.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » September 30th, 2005, 6:39 pm

SG is the female voice in some of the files. She has an excellent sexy voice. Puts me under quick. I remembered what her voice sounded like and used that voice as my 'mistress'. As for recordings, I could try that sometime. But I am noticing that I can go deep.

Just an hour ago, I went back under, and I went VERY deep. I mean, so deep that my limbs felt stifled, and an unseen force of air pushed me down so I couldn't move. I felt very weak, and I still do as an aftereffect. My eyes were sealed shut. I couldn't open them if I tried, without going up slowly like the hypnotists here do (counting from 1 to 10). It was total obedience, and it fely great. 8)

And forgetfulness did work, by the way. At least, it could have. I hypnotized myself last night and made my memory of the trance very fuzzy throughout the entire thing, so when I woke up, I went right to a real sleep. I woke up, and couldn't remember anything except I knew vaguely that I was hypnotized. Then, I remembered that I was supposed to take a mechanical part back to my dorm room for minor work. I had forgotten for two days, and induced myself to remember to bring it back. I got deep, and commanded my self to remember. It went like:

Remember. Remember to- CRASH!

I was startled awake. An idiot near my dorm knocked over a lamp next room over. Sadly, the 'remember' part I got in caused me to remember the commands. I wanted to be anxious all day, wondering what would happen and when. But, I knew it all was coming. How irritating. :evil: I'll make a recording on cassette, when I get the time. That may not be till tomorrow or Sunday. Or, I can always wait, save up loose change, and buy a microphone. Maybe I'll submit a few recordings someday...
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