Am I being Hypnotised or not?

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Am I being Hypnotised or not?

Postby controled » October 6th, 2005, 8:59 am

I have been trying to be hypnotised for the last 2 days with limited success. Trainsusceptable seems to be the best one I've tried so far but even with that I'm not going completely under.

I shall explain what I'm feeling and then maybe someone can tell me whether I'm on the right track or not.

1. I feel relaxed.
2. I get a sensation of feeling very heavy.
3. My body feels numb (especially my head).
4. I feel a sensation of sinking (some of the time)
5. My mind begins to empty and I feel like I'm going under.

Unfortunately, the affects go no further than that and although i feel in a rather 'trippy' state I don't believe I'm really under (for instance, I could move if I wanted to and I don't feel a strong urge to listen to the suggestions when they start). I'm also, even at my most relaxed and 'empty headed', still concious of my breathing.

Any help would be appreciated :roll:
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Postby loony28 » October 6th, 2005, 1:22 pm

:twisted: You are going into trance. Try focusing on the words, if some other thought enters your mind just gently push it aside and bring your mind back to the file. Don't analyze the words, just listen to them and visualize what they tell you. This should take you deeper into trance. Hope this helps. :twisted:
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Postby Jerm » October 6th, 2005, 5:06 pm

I agree with loony28. Sometimes expecting too much (or 'thinking' too much) can ruin your chances of entering trance. Simply take a few deep breaths and tell yourself 'I am going to go into trance', don't spend too much time analyzing how you feel when you are in trance. Trance is different for everyone, sometimes you'll feel like all of your attention is focused on the file. Other times you might just feel relaxed and still have concious awareness of your breathing etc.. Keep with it. only a small percentage of the population experience instant results with hypnosis their first time. Keep in mind that it's not so much how you feel when in trance, but how deep you let yourself go. Hope this helps.

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Postby Jack » October 6th, 2005, 7:33 pm

Want it to happen. Let it happen.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
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Postby tercota » October 6th, 2005, 10:42 pm

I was just about to start a thread on the same topic. I've been trying to go into trance since I joined this site, and I haven't gotten any farther than Controlled says (s)he has. I have tried at least once a day. I have listened to almost every induction file, as well as a few from other sites. I get a sinking/spining sensation, but is as far as I can get. I just can't seem to get any farther. Any other ideas?

Someone mentioned something caled Neuro Programmer; is it something you have to pay for, and is it any good?
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Postby controled » October 7th, 2005, 1:11 am

thanks everyone for the advise - looking forward to 'going under' again. Believing seems to be the name of the game with this so I shall attempt that later today. 8O
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really strange

Postby controled » October 7th, 2005, 6:33 am

ok, just had to post a reply a reply. need to talk to someone about this (haven't even told my girlfriend about this adventure into hypnosis - she wouldn't approve).

Loony28, Jerm and jack thanks for your advise, it really helped to know I was heading in the right direction.

I've just spent the last three hours going in and out of trance with different degrees of success. I should first say I was trying out LRfemaleorgasm as someone said it was really good and also I find it easier to accept a female voice (no offence to EMG intended, I think he's very good and has really helped me eg. trainsusceptable, I just think a womens voice is easier to accept, purely because I'm hetrosexual).

This is what happened on my last attempt:

1. Felt now familiar feelings of being heavy and relaxed.
2. Breathing got shallow (almost started to snore which proved to be a bit of a problem).
3. Felt increadably numb
4. Found her voice amazing to listern to.
5. Then she began to take me through a female orgasm. I didn't feel like I really believed I was in a womens body but it felt nice anyway so I went along with it.
6. Started feeling really horny! Still wasn't convinced by the hypnosis started roughly going through the motions as she was speaking.
Ok this is the embarrassing bit. :oops:
7. felt so horny I started rubbing myself through my trousers as if my dick was a clit and breathing very fast to the point i was practically hyperventilating (my whole body began to tingle with this). Then without ever getting a 'hard on' I came. :oops:

This experience was really quite intense and I will definately try it again. I will also be more careful what I listern to now. I don't want to accidently turn myself into something I don't want to be eg. a women (not for more than an hour or so anyway!)

Anyway to conclude I'm still not entirely sure I was in a 'proper' trance but the experience is definitely getting more intense and I will be trying it again. Thanks EMG!
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Postby Jack » October 8th, 2005, 8:24 am

You bring up the word 'proper'. What is proper? To me proper only means that you go as far into a trance as is needed for you to be able to manifest/accept the suggestions given while in said trance. In which case you were in a 'proper' enough trance. You don't always need to go into a somnambulistic trance state to get effects. Some people can accept suggestions in the waking state that other people would need to be in a somnambulistic trance state to manifest, and vice versa.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
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